Deep Scion

Deep Scions are an aquatic monster added to the canon of Dungeons & Dragons in its 5th edition, attempting to reinvent the wheel yet again to create a monster to fit the archetype of "enslaved servitor of horrible things from the bottom of the ocean". Y'know, because we didn't already have Kuo-Toa, Skum and Sea Spawn, amongst others?
They are stated to be what happens when various undescribed "powerful evil" aquatic monsters (mostly kraken, but presumably also things like aboleths and sea hags) rescue drowning humans and warp them into their agents. Deep Scions are irresistibly brainwashed to serve their master, and imbued with the ability to shapeshift into two forms; their original form, and a grotesque amphibious version of themselves with assorted and often mismatched aquatic animal traits spliced onto their human frame, which is also better suited for combat.