Demon (Pathfinder)
When splitting ways, you can't go without the classic grudge match between demons and devils. Given the concept of sinners was absent in the current design space and devils were the spartin lawers, demons got the overindulgence hedonist characteristic of evil which they had from the start but was not overly pronounced in D&D.
History[edit | edit source]
Like any evil hoard faction origin, at first, the abyss was only Pharasma's dumping ground for souls of chaotic evil, with petitioners larvae taking the form of and home to the qlippoth, an evil outsider civilization that predates the creation of mortals and kept thier ancient incomprehensible evils to themselves. Unfortunately, in relatively recent events in planar timescales (millions of years ago at minimum, ignoring possible time-traveling relic shenanigans), a now-forgotten DaemonHorsemen (guess why) decided to see what would happen if they combined sinful mortal souls with the abyssal qlippoth flesh. Apparently, this creation was something the abyss loved. The moment one was successfully made, the abyss immediately copied the blueprints and forced update every Larva petitioner across the Great Beyond into a demon. The spontaneous creation of the most numerous race destroyed the Qlippoth civilization, forcing them to hide deep into the abyss to plot thier mortal and demon genocide schemes and a fleshy tidal wave to crash over Abbadon and hell's walls before dieing down to less obscene numbers.
The Demons' Many Forms[edit | edit source]
Being reincarnated souls of sinners, a sin is any act of cruelty or destruction a mortal overly indulged in at the expense of others; you get a massive variety. Not only is a demon born from a Larva petitioner that survived for long enough, but also, if that demon doesn't get eaten alive long enough by other demons, most types can reproduce, letting a one-off sin become a stable demon strain, giving them thier most dangerous ability of breeding like rabbits.
In PF 1e, being a copy of D&D 3.5e, they had the typical demon resilience that made them hardy in any environment (Immunity to electricity and poison, Resistance to acid, cold, and fire, and a weakness to Cold Iron and Good damage). After review, 2e realized how giving demons that much damage negation coverage demons had, they were instead given a larger bag of hit points, but also, each demon was given an explorable weakness. Actions that run counter to the sin the demon embodies will vex them soo deeply they take mental from the brain aneurysm you caused.
Dretch (Sloth Demon)[edit | edit source]
The Short Man-pigs at the Bottom of the totem pole. Born of slothful souls and so lazy, they rarely make it further than wiping boys and food for other demons, but they are still vicious and cruel if the opportunity is presented. Apparently, slothful is so lazy that the average evil sloth soul will split into a hoard of dretchs. They are such week willed that they are pushovers for summoners, content to work under conditions few other outsiders would accept, as long as you don't give them an opening (they are still demons, after all).
Despite being the weakest, They still flail around with sharp claws and debuff magic to threaten 1st-2nd level adventures. This is balanced by thier sin, which will often reduce how many actions a Dretch can take in a turn.
Quasit[edit | edit source]
Rather than just a full-blood demonic counterpart to the imp, they are artificially created by spellcaster using part of their sinful soul, creating a familiar or companionship, like a homunculus but made of chaotic evil. While soul-bound-Loyal to their creator, in their death, quasits feel a longing to return to the abyss, willing to serve bigger demons (unwilling slave/emergency food) or stick around on the material plan doing imp things until they find a way "home" and regret there going there in the first place.
Imp-like, tiny wing bastards fulfill similar roles, minus the smooth subtlety, and are better at aiding their spellcasting masters. Being artificial, They are vulnerable to being presented with any shred of proof of goodness or innocence thier creator had ever once had. (Example given is death by beloved daughter's doll).
Vermlek (Worm Demon)[edit | edit source]
Macabre infiltrators. Made from the sin of defiling the dead, Vermlek does that giant Cockroach man suit act from MiB. Using their whole skin mech and raw improvisation skills to do undercover demon things.
They get migraines when they see perfectly good soon-to-be meals stop being at death's door and are weak to sonic damage for some reason.
Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon)[edit | edit source]
The lowest rank of the demonic brute archetype, Abrikandilus are made from defacers and vandals that destroy out of envy, the object was prettier than them, and now everything is prettier than them. They hate beauty, but hate their face the most, taking migraines, desire to destroy thier reflection, but also some fear, making them more susceptible to intimidation.
Brimorak (Arson Demon)[edit | edit source]
Baby Balors. These 3-foot tall fire-breathing goats with fire swords and boiling blood are obviously the souls of deceased arsonists. As expected, forcing them to take a bath couse them great mental anguish.
Babau (Blood Demon)[edit | edit source]
Reincarnates of serial killers, they continue to apply thier trade. The curved cone-heads look skinless and contently dripping bloody red acidic ooze and favor the longspear when teeth & claws are not practical. As thier sin is making each kill personal, they have a un-demonic patience for stealth and ambushes. Like any serial assassin, the big plan is to make a big sneak attack as gory and frightening as possible before leaving thier signature on the dead sod. Though called Mercy Vulnerability, Babaus are peeved when the bloody evidence of their unfinished handiwork is healed away.
Succubus (Lust Demon)[edit | edit source]
incubus[edit | edit source]
Invidiak (Shadow Demon)[edit | edit source]
Roru (Hunter Demon)[edit | edit source]
Nabasu (Gluttony Demon)[edit | edit source]
Vrock (Wrath Demon)[edit | edit source]
Kithangian (Beast Demon)[edit | edit source]
Kalavakus (Slaver Demon)[edit | edit source]
Hezrou (Toad Demon)[edit | edit source]
Omox (Slime Demon)[edit | edit source]
Glabrezu (Treachery Demon)[edit | edit source]
Nalfeshnee (Boar Demon)[edit | edit source]
Katpaskir (Nihilism Demon)[edit | edit source]
Shemhazian (Mutilation Demon)[edit | edit source]
Marilith (Pride Demon)[edit | edit source]
Vavakia (Destruction of souls Demon)[edit | edit source]
Ghalzarokh (Tyranny Demon)[edit | edit source]
Vrolikai (Death Demon)[edit | edit source]
Balor (Fire Demon)[edit | edit source]
The Fiends of Pathfinder | ||
Lawful: | Asuras - Devils - Rakshasas - Velstracs | |
Neutral: | Daemons - Divs - Sahkils | |
Chaotic: | Demodands - Demons - Lilus - Nindorus - Qlippoth | |
Any: | Oni | |
Lords: | Ahriman - Archdevils Demon Lords - Four Horsemen |