Divergent Evolution Game
An evo game meant to be played multiple times. Each time it start with the same five organism in the ocean of an earth-like unnamed planet; the scavenging Bzol, the omnivorous Mulu, the carnivorous Braf and opportunistic Cerar. Algae are the fifth organism and the only plants. Ideally, supposed to be a short game that last a few threads so new scenarios can be seen.

Divergent Evolution Game/Game 1:[edit | edit source]
The first game of Divergent Evolution had a rocky but overall good start but unfortunately it went to strange places. The mulu were heavily focused on, for some reason, and ended up evolving into unkillable underwater cavemen possibly gifted with psychic powers. Life barely every left the oceans. Devolved into (sometimes hilarious) shitposting as multiple Braf species and the Cavemen-esque Mulu competed for dominance in increasingly more outlandish posts, which culminated in an all out war between entrenched Mulu and hordes of massive Braftids, vicious PackBrafs and sneaky LurkBraf.
The whole evolve system came to an end for the Mulu and Braf as the toxic sea cleared up and a rather primitive species evolved due to better conditions, the LurkBraf. Which evolved rapidly to be amphibic and seek the best food source, the Mulu and Braf. Sneaking and lurking on both species, they reduced them to a handfull of individums which barely hold their population through reproduction. Because of the dwindling numbers their evolve stopped and never played a strong role anymore.
Essari Evolution Game[edit | edit source]
Another game with the divergent starters hosted on /qst/, taking place on the planed called Essari.