Dragon kind

Dragon kind also know as Dragon Folk, appear to be the reptilian version of a catgirl. A little like dragonborn, although the only obvious dragonlike features happen to be; a pair of wings, tail and may or may not come with dragon horns, often described as having large eyes and sharp teeth, or sharp canines. Basically they have very humanlike features. If you don't get it, just imagine horo with scaley bitz instead of wolf ears/tail.
Dragonkind/Dragonfolk appear in DnD and fantasy settings every once in a while, with about as much frequency as the GM's girlfriend showing up to play a perfectly ordinary character. When asked for a backstory on how such a creature came to be, the unspoken answer is "hot dickings from a dragon, duh." If this happens to you, your group will slowly die from cancer. Our condolences.