
Durzagons are a race of Duergar Half-Fiends with Devilish ancestry in the setting of Dungeons & Dragons. Introduced in 3rd edition's Monster Manual 2 (under the "half-fiend" section), Durzagons are most remembered for having a Beard Attack, where they can grab hold of somebody and stab them with their poisonous spiky beard-hair (holy shit, I just checked, this is a real thing), and the fact they became the nucleus of the revamp of duergar for the Nentir Vale setting in 4th edition.
Origin[edit | edit source]
A durzagon is the result of secret crossbreeding between a devil and an unsuspecting duergar. From time to time, powerful devils (with discerning taste) disguised as gray dwarves infiltrate duergar society, seeking out the best mates to bear durzagon children because Shortstack is a good fetish to indulge in. Most duergar are unaware that they have attracted the attention of diabolical forces. The birth of a half-fiend durzagon is cause for much celebration in the infernal realms.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
A durzagon is slightly taller and leaner than a gray dwarf, usually reaching a height of about 5 feet. The half-fiend is bald but sports a wiry, gray beard tinged with red streaks. Its rust-colored skin radiates a palpable heat, and its fingers end in wickedly sharp claws.
Durzagons speak Dwarf and Undercommon. Those who learn of their diabolic ancestry also speak Infernal.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Mechanically, durzagons are duergar whose type has changed to Outsider (Lawful, Evil) and who have gained 2 claw attacks, a bite attack, and a beard attack (which hits automatically if the durzagon's two claw attacks both hit first, and does 1d3+1 damage plus 1d4 Str/1d2 Str poison). Their spell-like abilities also expand to include Unholy Blight and Desecrate 1/day and Darkness 3/day. Their Level Adjustment has increased from +1 to +7.