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Dworgs are a playable race option in the third-party campaign setting of Midnight for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition.

As Midnight is essentially "Middle-Earth if Sauron won" in terms of ideology, naturally, it borrows the lore for its orcs of having been corrupted from one of the goodly races. However, it tweaks the formula in that Midnight's orcs are not fallen elves - but corrupted dwarves! As such, the two races can readily interbreed... moreover, as Midnight preserves the Tolkienish ideology that "the only half-dwarf is one bisected by an orc", the dworgs replace half-orcs as the "tainted by evil lineage" default PC option.

A dworg is traditionally born of rape of a female dwarf by a male orc, and as such they are usually killed at birth. Those who don't suffer this fate can look forward to a lifetime of abuse, unless they flee to the surface-dwelling dwarf clan of the Durgis, a sub-branch of the Kurgun: already made of up of outcasts, exiles and other alienated dwarves, the Durgis accept the dworgs with open arms, and as such dworgs tend to possess a loyalty to their clan that even many pureblooded dwarves can't admit.

For obvious reasons, dworgs hate orcs and relish the chance to kill those who condemned them to a life of misery and torment. The dwarven war ballards of the Last Battle of Izrador are the only non-Durgis dwarven media to ever say something something positive about dworgs, openly praising the valor and ferocity of the dworg infantry who fought in that bloody battle.

A dworg combines the strength of an orc with the fortitude of a dwarf, making them amongst the scariest fuckers in the land to pick a fight with. With human-like height and dwarven builds and proportions, their orcish ancestry is obvious with their wild eyes, heavy skulls, gray skin, mane-like hair and massive, fang-like canines, which means they look almost as scary as they actually are.

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Base land speed 30 feet
Weapon Familiarity: Choose either the Dwarven Waraxe, Dwarven Urgosh, or Urutuk Hatchet; the chosen weapon is a Martial weapon for this dworg
Favored Region: Kaladrun Mountains
Darkvision 60 feet
Minor Light Sensitivity: Upon exposure to bright sunlight or a daylight spell, make a DC (15 or spell save DC) Fortitude save; on a failure, suffer a -1 penalty on Attack Rolls whilst in the light
Kurgun or Clan: Choose either the Clan Dwarf's Stonecunning traits or the Kugun Dwarf's Natural Mountaineer Traits
Spell Resistant: +2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells and spell-like effects, -2 points to Spell Energy
+2 racial bonus on attack rolls vs. orcs and orc-kin
Dwarf & Orc Blood: Treat as both a Dwarf and an Orc for effects that key off of race
Favored Class: Barbarian