Eisenhorn: Xenos (Video Game)

Eisenhorn: Xenos is one from the list of many video game adaptations of Warhammer that GeeDubs decided to whore out the license to any developer they can get. Anyway, the video game is an adaptation of Dan Abnett's "Eisenhorn Trilogy" and is being developed by Pixel Hero Games (a developer known to have created only one game for the iPad). Initially, it was slated to be for iOS only, but the game has also been released on Steam and Android. The game notably has MARK MOTHERFUCKING STRONG as the titular Gregor Eisenhorn. Mr. Strong has previously voiced the ever awesome Captain Titus from Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. The game was released in June 2016.
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
Gameplay, according to GDC info, is supposed to be a mixture of Sword, Gun and psychic play. There will also be a stealth system in the case that the player will want a more non-violent route, assuming they're a HERETIC. A true servant of the Emperor will always hack and slash their way to victory, rather than being a pussy and try to sneak towards the finish line (Of course, that's just the official line. Inquisitors have more leeway with how they can serve the Emperor. Plus you have to do a lot of sneaking if you don't want anyone to expect you). Players will also be able to pick two companions to aid them during missions. Though it is stated that missions will suggest which character from Eisenhorn's retinue the player should pick, likely in order to keep with the stories canon.
Now that the game is out, we can all enjoy the jankiest of animations, and bolters that sound like suppressed cartoon water pistols. It's shit. It does a decent job of visualising a lot of elements from 40k and the novels, as well as character design, but the voice acting is very hit and miss (except for Eisenhorn, of course), and the gameplay is split between completely linear corridor running and a rather unimaginative combat system. This is likely due to wanting to get out a simple iPhone game and failing to make a separate one for PC that pushes things much further than a phone can handle. Instead of, y'know, copy-paste and hope for the best.