Emerald Enclave
"No major activity within the Reach goes on without at least the tacit approval of the Emerald Enclave. That group of green-thumbed peace keepers is the biggest threat to business and wellbeing that exists in the Reach. Not that I, personally, mind them, of course."
- – Erixal the Black, Wizard of Alaghôn

The Emerald Enclave are an organization of druids and other nature worshipers on the island of Ilighôn. The actions of the Enclave influenced the lives of the high and low, its members avoiding good and evil to focus on the needs of the natural world and resist the growing influence of humankind. Despite their primary goal of preserving nature, members were not direct opponents of progress; they preferr instead to work with civilized folk to promote the health of the natural world without resorting to acts of violence.
Then in 1385 DR the Spellplague hit, and their island became part of the Turmish mainland. Much of the order died or left for Gulthandor. The remaining druids, led by the increasingly mad female Eladrin Cindermoon (formerly Shadowmoon Crystalembers), were less capable and experienced, and harbored a deep hatred of the spellscarred. The organization became perverted and xenophobic, bent on destroying all forms and manifestations of the Spellplague.
Eventually the Enclave was revitalized in 1486 DR when the Chosen of Lathander, Stedd Whitehorn, cured Cindermoon of a Shar-induced madness, and Ilighôn once again became an island.
Important Involvements[edit | edit source]
- In the Hoard of the Dragonqueen and Rise of Tiamat adventure modules, the Enclave was one of the many factions who rose up to oppose the dragon goddess' attempt at freedom.
- The Enclave holds a... Well, an enclave in Waterdeep, which can get involved in the party's business in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist module. Notable for being led by an actual divine being; a former member ascended to quasi-divinity.
The Factions of Forgotten Realms |
Cult of the Dragon - Harpers - Order of the Gauntlet - Emerald Enclave - Lords’ Alliance - Zhentarim |