Flenching of Skythykos
Trectos Defensive Campaign | |
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Date | 864.M30 |
Scale | Two Sectors |
Theatre | Trectos and Skythykos |
Status | Decisive Imperial Victory |
Belligerents | |
Freeboota Realm of Rennugg | Trectoi Imperial Forces, 14th Expeditionary Fleet |
Commanders and Leaders | |
Rennugg the Fat | Inferox |
Strength | |
Over 200,000 Orks across two sectors. | 10,000 Astartes of the Fourth Legion, minor Imperial Army fleet assets |
Losses | |
Total loss of nearly every Ork committed. Survivors scattered out of Imperial space. | Loss of 1,289 Marines. Two Battlecruisers heavily damaged, seven frigate vessels lost with all hands. |
Outcome | |
Trector Sector defended, Skythykos Cluster conquered and cleansed |
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The Trectos Sector in 864.M30 was swarmed by Greenskins coming from the nearby Skythykos cluster. The neighboring sector of Nibur was home to Crematoria, which held the newly formed Sons of Fire Legion. With their scarred Primarch Inferox leading them, they saved Trectos before lasting damage could be dealt to the region. It served as the ultimate test of the newly discovered Primarch's abilities, and cemented the capabilities of his Legion.
Background[edit | edit source]
Upon arrival, we sat down at base figuring this assignment wouldn't last two months. We were on that shitheap for five years.
-Captain Serman Williams, 10th Carlisian Shock Troops
The Trectos Sector had no rising powers, or dangerous Xenos civilizations growing to compete with the Imperium. The worlds were a handful of nameless Agri-worlds and a Mining-world ignorant of one another. The Expedition Fleets brought in the planets without any difficulty. As they passed them by, a minor garrison of Carlisian regiments deployed intent on holding the newly Compliant worlds. The modest complement added to the Imperium a small boon of raw goods and even managed to raise up a number regiments for the Imperial Army. Though they marshaled for deployment, and the Carlisians ached to be sent to the front, the ships promised never came. The burgeoning Crusade struggled to keep up with logistical demands made of them, and Trectos simply fell by the wayside. It was fortunate for the Trectoi this error occurred, for their troops would face their greatest trial only five years later.
All the Imperial movement had drawn the attention of Rennugg the Fat, a Warboss of overindulgent size. Rennugg understood keenly - for an Ork - that if they struck at the Imperium's supply planets, right away reinforcements would respond with bigger and stronger warriors. With this knowledge, he began to ready his domain for a war unlike anything his Orks had seen. Several asteroids were hollowed out under Rennugg's supervision, with the Mekboyz being forcibly overworked by cruel overseers on the Warboss's instruction. Great stockpiles of bits and dakka were amassed in preparation for the war, grossly outweighing what would be necessary. A primitive, Orkish form of training was conducted by allowing thousands of Orks to butcher each other to get harder and bigger.
Finally Rennugg grew bored with the endless build-up, attacking some time in late 864.M30.
Rennugg's Offensive[edit | edit source]
I am proud to declare my place in the liberation of those worlds. We stood side by side with living firestorms, and held our own.
-Aluf Lletram Quinten, 75th Gethsemane Noble Guard

Trecton, the lone mining world became the capital of the Sector. The stellar territory was organized hastily, possessing only a meager defense fleet of six frigate-class vessels of various type. The number of Imperial Army Regiments here were inadequate for the coming defense. The might of Rennugg's early strike took them completely by surprise. All the gunboats intended to protect Trecton were easily swept aside. The Orks landed down onto the planet expecting little resistance to come from the locals. After all, the Warboss's plan was to draw out better fighters. Each Ork came to be pleasantly surprised by the abilities of the 10th and 15th Carlisian Shock Troops Regiments stationed there. Captain Serman Williams became notable during the defense, his decisive actions being what the Imperials needed. On the other worlds of the Trectos Sector, the Orks did not face the same success. It would take them much longer to overcome local Imperial fleet assets.
Trecton's major cities fell within two months of the campaign. The 15th's entire officer corps was encircled and butchered. Captain Serman was given temporary command of the 15th in their absence, guiding the few lieutenants not slain by Ork choppas. The 10th decided to ignore civilian evacuation measures, engaging head on with the Orks with the assistance of local fighters. These elements were not the 1st Trecton Hammerers, who chose to focus on withdrawing citizens. These were militia drawn up from the many urban centers overtaken by the Orks. Untrained but zealous, combined with the rapid action of the Carlisians, Rennugg was not able to penetrate their defense. A stalemate began to develop where the Orks would launch a strike, be blunted, and wait until doing the same again a week later. The Warboss did not want to waste his best troops fighting regular humies, wanting to face the mythical Space Marines so many Freebootas told him about.
Rennug would get his wish. Inferox was wasting no time in mustering up the full might of his Legion. Every Marine available was drawn into the 14th Expedition Fleet, as the Primarch hoped to show all the strength of his Sons. The 18th, 27th, and 29th Gethsemane Noble Guards had arrived with the ships of the fleet, quickly pulled into the reinforcement effort upon arrival. Though Inferox wished to immediately assist Trecton, but Adarhormazd spoke out against blind action. With the assistance of the Legionary Equerry Dilshad an attack plan was devised. The Gethsemane Regiments would land upon Trecton to bolster the defense, while the Sons attacked the Orks on the surrounding worlds.
The Gethsemane landed upon Trecton moving right away to the front line, cycling out with the Carlisians. Due to the rigors of the siege, the taxed defenders were relievedto see help at last. Rennugg was about to launch an all out attack, thinking the Astartes had arrived too. Immediately his Weirdboy exclaimed about the fates of other Orks in the sector, burned up to a crisp. Realizing his other bands were under attack, Rennugg hastily left Trecton to pursue. Due to the 10th's officers falling as well, Serman Williams was the most senior officer among the Trectoi forces. He urged assault against the Orks as they deployed, and Aluf Lletram Quentin of the 27th Noble Guards agreed. The Imperial Army led a massive counterattack on the surface of Trecton, retaking fallen cities while butchering the Orks left behind.
The 14th Expeditionary Fleet waited to engage Rennugg's ships right away. That battle never came. In between travelling to face Inferox, the Warboss heard of the many defeats he suffered across the sector. Fearing facing such an overwhelming foe, the Warboss fell back to the Skythykos cluster. As civilians celebrated, the Primarch did not feel their enthusiasm. His goal of breaking the Orks had not been completed, with the threat still lurking at the edge of Imperial space.
Imperial Reprisal[edit | edit source]
Time was key.
-Inferox, reflecting on the campaign

Because the majority of their foe had been allowed to escape, the Sons of Fire kept themselves keen on warfare. The Gethsemane were picked up by their transports, returned to the fleet along with Captain Serman and the now combined regiments of the Carlisian 10th and 15th. The 14th Expedition Fleet had not suffered any losses against the Ork "ships", being unable to engage them due to Rennugg's movements. Because of this, Inferox felt confident in continuing the campaign into Skythykos. Though Adarhormazd urged caution, Inferox knew within his heart this was the time to strike.
In the dense gravity well of the Skythykos cluster, many gas clouds and wandering bodies collided together. Rennugg adored the location, knowing you'd have to be absolutely mad to ever attempt to enter it. The conflicting gaseous lakes reeked hell upon a ship's ability to sense anything upon entering. This when combined with the roaming asteroids created an environment only navigable by the tether lines of waystations Rennugg had built. Inferox simply went through it, hoping for the best. His audacity caught the Orks completely by surprise.
It was not without sacrifice. One Battlecruiser was rendered combat ineffective. Two Sword Frigates had been lost in the clouds, never to be seen emerge again. The shock at being attacked within their protected realm meant everything for the Sons of Fire who descended upon Rennugg's ships maliciously. In the mayhem, Orks raced to activated their vessels unknowing others were doing the same. This lead to incidents were two ships would accidentally rub against one another, or outright collide. Some Kaptains believed this meant betrayal, and began randomly shooting any ship that "looked funny". Though enough forces would eventually take flight to cause catastrophic damage to another Battlecruiser, and bring the loss of another Sword Frigate.
Inferox's forces landed down upon Skythykos Prime, issuing challenge to Rennugg. Oddly craven for a Warboss, he waited until he outnumbered the Space Marines one to two hundred. This was expected by Inferox, who retreated into natural blockade. But the best Orks had been saved from destruction, pulled from the fronts in Trectos during the redeployment and then retreat. The Legion was hard pressed to hold the line, sending gusts of fire and bolter shells into the wading Orks. The plan devised the Primarch seemed about to buckle due to the sheer ferocity displayed by their enemy.
Aluf Quinten, being a youthful officer, was impatient for battle with the Orks. His intended position left him at the side of the engagement, guarding against possible flanking manoeuvres made by the Orks. Knowing his foe from Trectos, the Aluf did not believe that possible. Instead he disobeyed orders to rush into the side of the Orkish contingent driving a firm wedge with the tanks of the 28th Noble Guard. Serman Williams similarly decided to deploy his beleaguered Armymen to assist the brave attack with an aerial assault. While significant damage was not dealt to the Ork's numbers, Rennugg panicked. For he had sent a flanking force, and believed them already defeated if he was being attacked from the side.
As he ordered a retreat, Dilshad descended down from the sky. With him came the remainder of the Sacred Band, and other Unification Wars veterans. The pathway back to Rennugg's fortifications was cut off. The Orks began to fall into total disarray, the flames making them go into shock. The slaughter was great, with Rennugg himself being decapitated by Inferox.
The campaign did not end there, but it effectively had concluded. The last remnants of resistance throughout the cluster were systematically cleansed. The assistance of the Imperial Army was no longer necessary, but Inferox openly congratulated every single mortal who had taken part in the fighting. Serman Williams had gone above the requirements of his station to bring victory to the Imperium. In return, the Primarch made him Commander of a newly formed Compliance Group to augment his strength. Though he never asked for the position, Commander Williams returned to Carlisar bearing the honor of being a mortal Fleet commander. Carlisar had record high recruitment rates that year, filling out the necessary arms required to complement the Expedition Fleet. The 14th would continue to serve well with the addition of Serman's leadership.
Aftermath[edit | edit source]
What do you mean that jackass Williams outranks me?
-General Henri Stephon, upon hearing Serman Williams's promotion
The War Council had slated the assignment of the 14th Expedition Fleet as a defense campaign. Inferox had not only taken his Legion a year after assuming command to victory, but utterly wiped out the source of the Orks. The Skythykos cluster would never see the taint of Orks again, a rare occurrence when dealing with the Xenos menace. A few decades after the Trectos campaign, Imperial scholars began to refer to it as the Flenching. Because his Legion had never stepped upon Trecton, the world would face chronic Greenskin infestations that would necessitate being put down.
Aluf Lletram Quinten had not carried himself out of the campaign cleanly. The Orks had used firebombs against his tank, eating up his crew and scarring his skin. Inferox reprimanded him for his recklessness, and rewarded him for his service by placing the 28th Noble Guard alongside the First Conflagration's deployments for the remainder of th Great Crusade.