Frost Dwarf

Frost Dwarves are a minor planar race hailing from Dungeons & Dragons, and one of several such races included in the Planar Handbook for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition. They are the descendants of duergar who were kidnapped and forced into slavery by frost giants dedicated to Kostchtchie. Imprisoned on the Ice Wastes of the Abyss, those duergar who survived began to physically transform to resemble their frozen captors, and their offspring have since spread across the plane; the vast majority of them are still slaves, and secretly plot their liberation - and their revenge.
Like other dwarves, frost dwarves use their environment to its fullest, though they only rarely plan out their attacks in advance. Frost dwarves hurl themselves into every battle with reckless abandon, hacking away with their axes until no enemies are left. In close combat, frost dwarves sometimes cast aside their battleaxes and attempt to grapple their foes into submission, using their chill touch spell-like ability to help take the fight out of their enemies (and later ransoming their prisoners for a hefty profit). If outmatched - or if they simply wish to remain hidden - frost dwarves use their obscuring mist spell-like ability to confuse their enemies and cover their escape. (The frost dwarves may not be able to see through the mist themselves, but they know the layout of their mines and tunnels.)
Like the Fire Gnomes, frost dwarves are such a minor planar race that they were featured in the Monsters section of the book, and not the Races section.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- +4 Constitution, -4 Charisma.
- Humanoid (Dwarf, Extraplanar): Frost dwarves are native to the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not in the Abyss.
- Medium size.
- Darkvision out to 120 feet.
- Immunity to paralysis, phantasms, and poison.
- Resistance to cold 10.
- Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf has a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
- +2 racial bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and frost giants).
- Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day - chill touch and obscuring mist as a wizard of the frost dwarf's class level +2 (minimum caster level 3rd).
- Light sensitivity (dazzled in bright sunlight or with in the radius of a daylight spell).
- +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.
- +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to stone or metal.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant. Bonus languages: Draconic, Goblin, Orc, Terran, Undercommon.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level adjustment +1.