Gear Krieg

Gear Kreig is a weird war RPG and 28mm wargame made by Dream Pod 9 and unofficial prequel to the Ring of Red video game. It's ran by, you guessed it, the Silhouette system and is set in an era of SUPERSCIENCE and two fisted pulp run amok during the global boogaloo that was the second world war.
When it comes to Weird war settings, it's all about the "what ifs." What if Hitler hadn't lost in 45? What if Japan's Unit 731 made zombies and demons? What if scientists had access to tons of japanimation about transforming robots? All these and more are what Gear Krieg tries to tackle with DP9's staple love of Mecha taking front and center along with the other mandatory weird war tech like your Tesla coils, and your rocket troopers and your Italians with a functioning, competent military. You know, all the amazing out of this world kinda stuff.
When it comes to companies trying to take a bit out of Game Workshop (that's not proper historical game) it comes to what you offer to the players. Gear Kreig is offers interesting models and also sells the STL files for those models so if you have a 3d pritner you can make them at home at a discount and faster then shipping, and in theory can edit those files if you know what your doing to make custom print jobs.