
Glimmerfolk are a race of planetouched originating from the Plane of Radiance, an optional plane introduced in Dragon Magazine #321. That's... basically it. They're magical glowy human-kin from the plane of glowing lights and rainbow colors. They're not exactly the most interesting of races. Still, they are a playable race for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition.
Official Fluff[edit | edit source]
The glimmerfolk are a planetouched race, native to the Material plane where they live in eerie forests infused with radiant energies. They are fiercely isolationist and have little contact with other peoples.
Glimrrierfolk are taller but slighter than humans. They have deeply tan skin, ranging from brown to bronze. Their hair color can be of any of the fairer shades that occur in humans, while their eyes are night-black with tiny, flickering lights of many colors. Their lifespans are also similar to those of humans. Glimmerfolk garments, weapons, and other equipment are always of excellent quality and artistic design, and are extremely well cared for, frequently appearing new.
Glimmerfolk are a civilized, learned race, but their xenophobia can make them distrustful and dangerous. They follow a prince, a hereditary office passed down from father to eldest son. Glimmerfolk children do not have nimli. At puberty each child goes on a solo "walkabout" called the Bright Journey. A small number do not survive, but the rest return with their full complement of nimlis and are considered adults.
Glimmerfolk are usually encountered in their forests and are not hospitable to strangers. Rare glimmerfolk found in the outside world have usually been sent by the prince and his council, either for diplomatic purposes or on a quest to find items or information needed by the glimmerfolk. Even more rare are runaways, glimmerfolk who turn their backs on their people and their home to explore the world. These free spirits are considered outlaws and are shunned.
The glimmerfolk live in a wide variety of communities: large forest cities, smaller towns, family estates, and druidic enclaves. They love art and poetry, as well as the natural beauty of their forest, but see all other races (with the possible exception of elves and fey), as threats to that beauty.
Glimmerfolk strive for excellence in all they do, be it art, magic, or warfare. They are usually well organized and work well together, using both their martial talents and their spellcasting abilities to protect themselves and their forest.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength. Glimmerfolk have an otherworldly grace that stems from their planar heritage, but they possess a frailty that makes them ill suited to the harshness of the natural world.
- Medium size.
- A glimmerfolk's base land speed is 30 feet.
- Low-light vision.
- Immunity to pattern effects.
- +2 racial bonus on Perform checks.
- +4 racial bonus on saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool or with the darkness descriptor.
- Nimlis (Sp): All adult glimmerfolk have little globes of immaterial colored light; about 2 inches in diameter, which float within 1 foot of them at all times. These lights are called nimlis and are an extension of a glimmerfolk's life force. Nimlis' slowly orbit glimmerfolk in random paths, usually just above their shoulders. Nimlis are a natural part of the glimmerfolks' existence and are thought of in the same terms most races consider hair color.
- A nimli glows with a constant light equivalent to a candle. Since several lights usually surround them, glimmerfolk suffer a -2 penalty on Hide checks for each nimli they have active. Nimlis do not interfere with spells such as mirror image or invisibily.
- As a standard action, a glimmerfolk can use one or more of her nimlis to cast a spell. Doing so causes the nimli to "burn out," fading from existence until the glimmerfolk has a chance to rest for at least 8 hours. After that time, any used nimlis reappear. A glimmerfolk using one of her nimlis can reproduce the effects of the spells dancing lights, daze, or flare. By using two nimlis, a glimmerfolk can cast color spray or magic missile. By burning all three nimlis, a glimmerfolk can cast mirror image.
- Automatic Languages: Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Auran, Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.
- Favored Class: Ranger.