Grave Warden

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Making other Destroyer Squads look like eco-friendly hippies in comparison.

The Grave Wardens were the Death Guard's biological and alchemical warfare formations during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Yes, even in those days, the Grave Wardens stood out from the rest of the Death Guard for how obsessive they were about Chem Weapons. They are also famous for being the favored posse of that dick Typhus.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Originally used as an informal name for variously armed battalions of Death Guard Terminators in the service of Calas Typhon on the Terminus Est, they soon became synonymous with the Legion's chemical weapon-equipped Terminators.

The Grave Wardens were outfitted in specially modified Cataphractii Terminator Armour meant to keep them from being killed by their own weapons. This was necessary because where the XIV Legion's Destroyer Marines "just" used rad and phosphex, the Grave Wardens didn't limit themselves to only two kinds of war-crime weaponry and made frequent use of brutal alchemical and biological weapons such as Phosphex Bombs, the flesh-eating Vasgotox virus, and deadly Cullgene gas. Grave Wardens were specially equipped with Astartes Grenade Launchers to disperse these deadly weapons over the battlefield as well as continually emitting them with the exclusive Death Cloud Projectors built into their armour. They typically carried a Power Fist or Chainfist as their close-combat weapon, while the sergeants often carried a Power Scythe as well as a Combi-Plasma.

They were ultimately unleashed upon loyalist Imperial forces during the Horus Heresy and wreaked havoc on dozens of planets during the war.

It is unknown what happened to them post-Heresy, although some suggest that they became the modern Blightlord Terminators.

Crunch[edit | edit source]

Cataphractii Terminators that carry the big gross guns. Each one comes with a Power Fist (that can be swapped for a Chainfist), a Death Cloud Projector (Flamer AP4 Poisoned (3+)) and 18" Assault Grenade Launchers with Krak (Assault 2 S6 AP4) or Toxin (Assault 4 Poisoned (3+), Ignores Cover) grenades. They can fire both of them at the same time thanks to Firing Protocols (2). On top of that, the Chem-master can replace his Grenade Launcher with a Combi-Weapon and trade his fist for a power scythe. 1 in 5 can swap their GL for a heavy Alchem Flamer if you're very intent on melting crowds. Aside from all that, they're also pretty effective roadblocks. On top of the natural tankiness of Cataphractii armour, they also get a Shrouded (6+) save if an attack gets past everything else and a special rule that forces enemies to make disordered charges against them. Stacking this with their projectors and toxin bombs means that they're a pretty nasty unit when they get in the enemy's face, as they're so very annoying to deal with. Anyone charging them can feel as if they did both Assault Reactions against them at once. They may not be anything out of the ordinary in melee, but do remember "the ordinary" here means "4++ and Power Fists".

Forces of the Death Guard
Leaders: Lord of Nurgle - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer - Chaos Champion
Malignant Plaguecaster - Plague Surgeon - Tallymen - Lord of Virulence
Troops: Biologus Putrifier - Blightlord Terminator - Chaos Spawn - Deathshroud
Foul Blightspawn - Noxious Blightbringer - Plague Marines - Possessed
Great Crusade-era: Grave Warden - Mortus Poisoner
Structures: Miasmic Malignifier
Walkers: Helbrute
Vehicles: Chaos Land Raider - Plaguereaper - Predator - Rhino
Flyers: Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Dreadclaw Assault Pod - Kharybdis
Blight Drone - Contagion - Defiler - Foetid Bloat-Drone
Myphitic Blight-Hauler - Nurgle Plague Tower - Plague Hulk
Plagueburst Crawler
Daemons: Beast of Nurgle - Nurgling - Plaguebearer
Auxiliaries: Cultists - Cursemite - Eyestinger Swarm - Nightmare Hulk - Pestigors
Plague Zombie - Poxwalkers - Pox Hound - Sludge-Grub
Allies: Chaos Daemons - Chaos Space Marines