Grenades & Explosives
Grenades, bombs, mines and explosives comes in all shapes and colors of the gore-infested rainbow with almost every playable faction having a grenade or two equipped. All of them are usually hand-held devices meant to be thrown; however, certain weapons such as Grenade Launchers fire grenades at a much further and accurate distance. Nevertheless, this page is meant for the hand-held/thrown variety. 40k has a shit ton of grenade types, but we are only listing those that have a presence on tabletop or else have sufficient information and images.
For Imperial Grenade Launchers, you can read it here. For the Eldar equivalent, you can read it here.
Offensive Anti-Infantry[edit | edit source]
These are grenades specializing in killing a swath of light infantry. These grenades rely on shrapnel or any form of omnidirectional blast to maximize casualties. However, its omnidirectional blast makes it piss poor at armored targets.
Human/Genestealer[edit | edit source]
Gunk Bomb[edit | edit source]
A literal shit in a can, we are not JOKING. Gunk is a lethal substance, that is manufactured on the Imperial Hive World Necromunda and let's be frank, any Chem or Hive World to be honest.
In Necromunda, the chief manufacturer of Gunk is Gaen Gorvos from Hive Primus' Gorvos Clan who also outfits her Underhive gangers with Gunk Rounds and Gunk Bombs, and she even laces her throwing knives with it. These skills have not only allowed her to claim leadership of her Clan, but also has led Gaen to be known as the Gunk Queen.
The Gunk Bomb itself uses recycled tin cans and fill it with this toxic literal shit, before being sealed to prevent the odor from killing everyone else. To activate, one simply peels off the lid like opening up a normal tin can, hold one's breath and hurl; scattering its toxic shit everywhere. When splattered with Gunk, the literal shitstain is so thick it can theoretically clog any toilet. So viscous and sticky is this material that anyone is gonna get bogged down in faeces. Moreover, it is also flammable, like a Virus Bomb, so yeah. Possibly one of those weapons that may be classified as heresy due to indirectly feeding Papa Nurgle.
On the Necromundan tabletop, they are classified as defensive grenades and cost 40 credits each. The Gunk Bomb provides the Gunked condition when a target is hit, slowing down their movement and charges, making it ideal to defend against melee characters. It doesn’t last very long however, but is a pretty nice weapon in ruining anyone's charge. In addition, Gunked targets can be set on fire on a 2+ instead of a 4+ when hit by a Blaze weapon, creating an obvious and extremely fulfilling combo.
Incendiary Charge[edit | edit source]
Incendiary Charges are essentially, Molotov Cocktails. They are the most primitive, ubiqious and easy-to-make improvise explosives in the entire Galaxy. Everyone, from their dusty grandmothers to little billy could make these things. Just get a glass bottle, fill it up with flammable liquids (Alcohol, napalm, etc.) and plug the end with a wick doused in more flamable liquids. Light up, aim and hope you don't set youself on fire.
They are used by hive gangers and riots in rebelling Imperial Worlds. The Ork equivelent would be Burna Bottles, more can be read below.
On Necromunda tabletop, the Incendiary Charge has a 5” blast and can cause enemies to Blaze it, which is always a good time. They’re a little pricey, but having a few on your second-liners will give anyone pause.
Frag Grenade[edit | edit source]

The most ubiquitous, common and identifiable type of grenade not only in the 40k universe but the entirety of military fiction. Frag grenades (or fragmentation grenades) are small, anti-personnel grenades, exploding in a hail of thousands of tiny and deadly shards of metal, the effect being to deny an enemy the benefits of any cover as they are assaulted.
Frag grenades are very simple in design and effect, consisting of a central explosive core with a fuse inserted and secured by a pin, wrapped in a steel casing. Upon detonation, irregular shards of the casing are propelled at high velocity into the nearby surrounding area. The casing is typically grooved, both to create more shrapnel upon detonation and to provide a secure grip.
A single frag grenade weighs about 1 kilogram and has a blast radius between 3 meters and 5 meters.
Poison Globe Grenade[edit | edit source]
Posion Globe Grenades are the standard-issue ranged weapon of the Venenum Asssassins. In fact, it is the ONLY ranged weapons these guys have. Resembling more like a form of conventional frag grenades, these poison grenades is nothing more than a spherical housing of the most fucked up poisons the Imperium of Man has in its arsenal.
Whilst not on the level of the Dark Eldar, these grenades still get the job done in killing its target. Its mechanics most likely consists of a pressure valve, surrounded by pressurised poisoned materials. The poisoned materials would most likely be gaseous of nature to improve the efficiency of its spread. Given the various indentations at the top of the grenade, the trigger mechanisms would break the pressure valve as noxious gas would leak out from the indentations. In effect, it resembles more akin to a smoke grenade than a frag grenade.
Works wonderfully well against lightly armoured troops without any protective suits. Most likely useless for anyone wearing Power Armour or above.
Blasting Charges[edit | edit source]
Nothing more than a bundle of dynamites rented from the Loonytoons. Blasting Charges are a type of Imperium-derived explosive. Created from scavenged detonators and low-end demolition gear, the short-fused blasting charges used by Genestealer Cultists can be hurled into the enemy ranks to sow death and disruption ahead of a concerted assault. Like most 'weapons' from the Genestealer Cults, Blasting Charges originated from demolition charges meant to destroy large rocks and minerals in mining activities.
On tabletop, these things are Frag Grenades by any other name, booms just as sweet. Never forget to use them since it increases your shooting output from 1/2 S3 shots to D6 (and you also use the Grenadier like stratagem to shoot 10D6 of these!).
The Detonator.
Infernus Firebomb Cluster[edit | edit source]
The Infernus Firebomb Cluster is a type of incendiary bomb launcher used by Adeptus Custodes Ares Gunships. Similiar to the Burna Bomb in function, except you know, better. The Infernus Firebomb Cluster as its name suggests, is a trio of cluster munitions that splits apart mid-air into dozens of smaller incendiary bomblets to bathe an entire battlefield in promethium. The Ares carries one under each wing for a total of six Firebombs, now that's a whole lot of diddly.
In the Horus Heresy tabletop, the Infernus Firebomb Cluster is mainly used for its anti-infantry function (Bomb 3, heavy bolter strength large blasts with ignores cover). In 9th Edition, Firebomb Clusters are basically identical to the bombs dropped by the Thunderhawk (pick a unit you flew over, roll 1d6 for each model in the unit (3d6 for vehicles or monsters), a roll of 4+ = 1 Mortal Wound), the big difference being you can use them twice per game.
Squat[edit | edit source]
Gravitic Concussion Grenade[edit | edit source]
The standard-issue grenade used by Hearthkyn Warriors from the Leagues of Votann.
The Gravitic Concussion Grenade combines the traits from Grav-Weaponry and Concussion Weapons to create a potent ant-infantry killing force. Resembling somewhat like a human fragmentation grenade with an overly-enlarged trigger. The grenade releases a series of concussive gravitational waves that can crumple armour, shatter bone and liquefy organs. Unfortunate sods outside the kill-range would be knocked the fuck out or would be suffering the mother of all concussions (Pun not intended).
On the tabletop, these grenades are a Grenade D6, S5, AP-1, D1 Blast weapon. A much powerful version of the standard frag grenade, able to do a number against highly defended MEQs and making GEQs simply cease to exist; it even poses a good enough threat to light vehicles due to the application of a AP-1 and high strength. For all intense and purposes, it is just one AP away from being a proper Krak Grenade with the blast radius of a Frag Grenade.
Ork[edit | edit source]
Stikkbomb[edit | edit source]

An Orkified Stielhandgranate. These are the Ork's version of the Frag Grenade and functions almost identical save for maybe size and throwing range. Stikkbombs are Ork grenades in the form of a stick with the explosive part at the top and the pin at the bottom. The stick handle is very useful, allowing the grenade to be easily carried stuffed down a boot or through a belt. The main reason for the popularity of the design is its brutal appearance and appropriate sense of size and power. Although in reality, it could be for the fact that like the real life Stielhandgranate, the handle gives Stikkbombs a further and more accurate throwing range at the cost of being poor at 'rolling a grenade at short range.
Stikkbombs comes in even more variety and flavors than the grenades of the Imperium. However, they all bear the same shape, with only the fillings inside being different. Certain Orks are known to strap a couple of Stikkbombs together to create one super grenade called the Super Stikkbomb.
Stikkbombs can be found mounted on a Stikkbomb Launcha if the respective Ork proves to be lazy in throwing a grenade.
Tl;dr, it an overgrown Ork hand grenade, built in a similar manner to a German stick grenade.
Multiple types of Stikkbombs
Burna Bottle[edit | edit source]
Burna Bottles are a type of Ork weapon analogous to a Molotov Cocktail.
This weapon consists of a glass bottle (or in the case of Snakebites, a clay pot) filled with Squig oil, Promethium, or whatever other flammable substance Orks can think of. When lit and thrown, the Burna Bottle will shatter on the enemy and engulf them in flame. It is the favored weapon of Boomdakka Snazzwagon crews.
The weapon seems to be the more popular incendiary device than the 'Firey Stikkbombs' as they are cheaper to produce and easier to make in the truckload. Great for clearing a occupied manhole, poor at killing anything wearing Carapace armor and above.
The most infamous user of Burna Bottles is Big Pyro, who is a deranged Deathskull obsessed with fire.
Burna Bomb[edit | edit source]
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
The more fiery cousin of the regular Bomm. The Burna Bomb is a variant of a standard Bomm, that can be mounted on Ork Fighta-Bommers or more specifically, the Burna-Bommers. When these bombs explode they blanket vast swathes of the battlefield with burning promethium.
On tabletop, the Burna-Bommers gets two Burna Bombs, and can drop one per turn on a unit it flies over. Roll a D6 for every model in the unit they drop on (capped at 10), inflicting a mortal wound for every roll of 5+, or 4+ vs INFANTRY.
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Plasma Grenade[edit | edit source]
See main page here: Plasma Grenade
Plasma Grenades are grenades that utilize Plasma as its main form of detonation and explosive. Only two factions seem to use Plasma Grenades in bulk. The Imperium and Eldar.
Imperial Plasma Grenades make use of a deliberate plasma containment failure to unleash a highly lethal blast of heat and light similar to a miniature sun which can take out almost any target. However, they are rarely used due to the technological cost needed to make one.
The Eldar and Dark Eldar use plasma grenades in placement of the more crudely designed Frag Grenades used by the Imperium. They use a small amount of exploding plasma to blind the enemy and prevent them from properly using their terrain to defend their position against advancing enemy forces.
Torment Grenade[edit | edit source]
A more sophisticately advanced version of the Imperium's Poison Globe Grenade.
The Torment Grenade is a type of grenade exclusively used by the Disciple of Yaelindra. By technicality, it is the only Dark Eldar-exclusive grenade that we know off that we have a proper model of.
Torment Grenades are a type of poisonous/venomous/toxic grenades that act as a sort of debilitative and lethal smoke grenade that could produce immense pain. Judging from what it does with how little info we have, we can speculate that it chokes their targets to death. Given their smokey nature, it makes Torment Grenade pretty god damn effective against unprotected GEQs, although it would start to suffer in effectiveness towards opponents in power armour.
Strangely, these grenade seem to use the same casing as the Haywire Grenades. Just that, instead of a sophisticated EMP circuitry that fries electrical components, it is a tube housing the bluish-grey toxins with a igniting catalyst attached.
Chaos[edit | edit source]
Pox Bomb[edit | edit source]
Basically the poor man's version of a Blight Grenade or Virus Bomb.
Pox Bombs are canisters filled with all manners of odious and chemical brews that once the trigger mechanism is released, creates a reaction that releases a cloud of whitish-clear agents that can cause metal and flesh alike to decay rapidly.
The abovementioned reference of it being a poor man's Virus Bomb isn't an exaggeration. Judging from its name, it really does look like the Pox Bomb house some sort of hyper virulent pox that behaves similarly to that of a Virus Bomb, just on a lesser scale, suggesting a much shorter lifespan for the viral infection. It releasing a cloud of whitish-clear gas is probably one of the more realistic depiction of biological/chemical agents as most real-life weapons of that category are clear and invisible to the human eye rather than the Hollywood-esque sickly green colour scheme.
The main users of these things are Toxhorns who are protected via gas mask - although the Toxhorn being largely shirtless does beg the question on how toxic these weapons are per say.
Crunchwise, on Kill Team, Pox Bombs make anyone within 2"/circle of the bomb suffer -1 to APL and potentially even 3 mortal wounds. As this isn't considered a piece of wargear, you can use this as many times as you want to infuriate crowds. Overall, a pretty neat support weapon.
Blight Grenade[edit | edit source]

A specially icky type of grenade utilized extensively by the Death Guard.
A Blight Grenade, also known as a Death Head of Nurgle, is a highly effective improvised grenade and chemical weapon utilized by the Plague Marines, Chaos Sorcerers and other devoted followers of Nurgle. Each is made from a literal decapitated head of a conquered enemy and are filled with a metric shit ton of chemical and biological agents.
When they explode the resulting shrapnel carries deadly toxins and contagions that can penetrate cracks in armor, cause flesh to boil and slough away, and fill the air with blinding spores, all the while keeping the victim alive until the very end.
Sometimes, the Death Guard can be less disgusting and use a bleached skull instead. Of course, it would be one hell of a sight seeing Chaos Space Marines lobbing over exploding decapitated heads as grenades. Of all the possible ways to die, death by exploding head is definitely a notable way to go.
A more detailed description of these grenades.
Incendiary Bomb[edit | edit source]
Incendiary Bombs are carried by both Imperial and Chaos Aircraft and filled with highly-flammable material, such as promethium. However, not a lot of Imperial aircraft nowadays use these things as they are favoured less than the versatility of a Heavy Bomb. Chaos, on the other hand, loves the shit out of these things as it is capable of laying waste on entire towns and settlements. So these bombs are more of a Chaos-aligned weapon than an Imperial one due to this factor.
These bombs can set fire to a large area of terrain and are particularly useful against enemy troops dug-in behind cover. The biggest user of these things are Hell Talons
Other[edit | edit source]
Egerian Geode[edit | edit source]

Combine the wide ranging effect of a frag and the cutting power of a krak and you get the Egerian Geode.
Egerian Geodes are a form of Grenade recovered from xenos crystalline maze-cities. Despite their overall simplistic and minimalist design, these grenades are made of advance materials and lethal explosives. Inside them are compacted shards of Diamantine glass that upon detonation become deadly cutting projectiles capable of slicing through most armor.
As such, they cut through materials much higher than the standard frag grenades. Making them great in dealing with swathes of power armored enemies that would have shrugged shrapnel from more normal frags. Due to their nature, only Imperials with special access such as Rogue Traders and Deathwatch are allowed to use these weapons. If you get access to a renewable supply (that is to say, a sufficiently radical Tech Priest at your service), count yourself lucky as these things are nasty.
As you know, they are the only grenades that does not belong to one of any of the major races. If anything, they are only found in the Rogue Trader Rulebook, which makes these grenades old as fuck.
Offensive Anti-Vehicle[edit | edit source]
The opposite of anti-infantry grenades. These grenades are meant to disable to outright destroy vehicles ranging from scout bikes to tanks. As such, some of these devices has a explosive shaped charge meant to penetrate armor rather than the omnidirectional blast of normal frag grenades.
Human[edit | edit source]
Krak Grenade[edit | edit source]

The Yin to the Frag's Yang. Krak Grenades otherwise known as simply Kraks, are the quintessential anti-tank grenade used predominantly by the Imperium. Designed to "crack" open armored targets such as vehicles through a concentrated implosive blast. However, the krak grenade must be placed more carefully on the target than frag grenades, because their explosive radius is only half that of a frag grenade.
Typically Krak Grenades are attached directly onto vehicles or fortifications with magnetic, adhesive or physical clamps, maximizing their effect on the target. They can also be used against monstrous creatures (such as the larger Tyranid bioforms), when they are attached to the creature's carapace before detonation.
Krak grenades are commonly used by the Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, loyal Space Marines, and Chaos Space Marines. Kraks are often thrown underneath the vehicle so as to maximize the implosive radius and target the weak underbelly of most vehicles.
Arc Grenade[edit | edit source]
A new grenade for which the Adeptus Mechanicus could shit on their enemies to death like the Elfdar Swooping Hawks.
Resembling an Ork Stikk Bomb, the Arc Grenade is a weapon from the Arc Weaponry family. Like the Eldar Haywire Grenades or the Tau EMP Grenades, the Arc Grenade it explodes in a flurry of arcing lightning and energy. Unlike the Eldar or Tau equivalents however, the Imperium is manly enough to actually make their Arc Grenades kill infantry.
The Pteraxii Skystalkers use these as their primary anti-tank weapon. They often carry a bundle, or clusters of these grenades before dropping them all at once for maximum damage.
On tabletop, these weapons are some nasty work. If the grenades hits, roll one D6 for each model on the targeted unit, adding 2 of each result if that unit is a vehicle. For each 5+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Demolition Charge[edit | edit source]
Blasting Charges on steroids. The Demolition Charge is a short range explosive carried primarily by the Imperial Guard. It is effective simply because of its strength but has a dangerously short range (as far as a person can throw it). This short range makes it just as dangerous for the attacker as it is for the defender.
"Demo Charges" are primarily used to damage or destroy tanks, fortifications and buildings. However, it can also act as anti-personnel weapons, although the power of the typical explosive charge would be a tad overkill and a waste of explosives.
A standard-type charge looks similar to a flattened cylinder and weighs around two kilos and detonates upon impact after being activated and thrown. Its lethality-sphere is supposed to be around twenty meters. Demolition charges are not always standardized, however, and often are actually improvised in the field. As a result, there are numerous variances in weight, appearance and detonation method. A common improvised demolition charge is simply a group of tube-charges taped together and set off remotely by wire or timed detonation-tape.
Guardsmen who volunteer to carry a demolition charge are authorized to request better food and ration allowances. The most prominent users of these are the Catachan Jungle Fighters, who are presumed to look at the job of holding demo charges as "Hey, free food!" and hotly desire the position accordingly.
Haywire Mine[edit | edit source]
It seems that Grandpapa Smurf and Uncle Cawl 'borrowed' a few technological items from the Eldar, after Robo Guillibutt's date with Yvraine during the Gathering Storm. One of which is the Haywire Grenades.
The Haywire Mine are weapons used by the new Space Marine Incursors. These mines are heavy-duty weapons that allow the Incursors to knockout enemy armor. They function exactly like Haywire Grenades, which is essentially a giant EMP pulse.
Judging by the fact that it looks like an Ork Tankbusta Bomb, it is highly likely that the Haywire Mine, despite being called a mine, acts more like a magnetic shaped charge, whereby the flat surface is a magnetic clamp meant to latch on a vehicle's surface before it goes boom. It is most likely thrown rather than placed down like a mine, due to the presence of a handle.
Melta Bomb[edit | edit source]

See main page here: Melta Bomb
A Melta Bomb is a type of explosive charge belonging to the Melta design tree. Typical examples have dimensions analogous to that of a grenade, but can be larger. When activated, they explode with intense thermal energy, 'melting' the target away. Like all melta-weapons, melta bombs are especially useful for attacking vehicles, buildings and other armored targets.
They are used by being attached or thrown to walls, hulls or bulkheads and have an integral timer that can be set for one hour. When it comes to tank hunting, it is often optimal to attach the bomb on the side of back of a vehicle (Or any area that serves as a 'blind spot'). Unlike the smaller Kraks, it is not advisable to throw one due to the weapon's weight and size being a hindrance.
Heavy Bomb[edit | edit source]
The most common munitions dumped by Imperial Naval Aircraft such as the Marauder Bomber. Heavy Bombs are aircraft weapons that is used in conventional bombing runs. Though they cannot be fitted to the Marauder Destroyer variant. They are an ordnance weapon capable of crippling infantry, light to medium vehicles and buildings, weighing between 1,000 and 1,500 pounds each.
On tabletop, in three times a game the Marauder can bomb a unit on the field. Roll dice to stack mortal wounds on the target: 3d6 per vehicle/monster or d6 for every other model - every 4+ causes a mortal wound.
Although it has a model, it is barely given screen time due to the fact that they are usually housed internally within the Marauder.
Colossus Bomb[edit | edit source]

The Imperial MOAB, for when you want to nuke an area without going full nuclear. Only the Colossus Marauder is modified to carry this big bastard, and it could only carry one.
The Colossus Bomb features a diamantine armor-penetrating tip, a mass reactive fuse, and an internal Melta Warhead, all of which is backed up with 10,000 kilograms of high explosives. The bomb features a guidance system that is controlled from the craft that guides it to its target accurately, adjusting its tail fins until the moment of contact. Given the Armor Penetrating head the most direct real world comparison would be "Earthquake bombs", which burrow into the earth before exploding destroying targets via making an underground cavity, which then collapse in, bringing the structure in with it. With the melta, though, it’s probably more like a pyroclastic blast creating a sinkhole full of lava.
It is of no surprise that this monster of a weapon has been used by the Imperial Navy as an effective Titan killer, since a direct hit from the weapon will result in catastrophic damage to any target, including God-Machines and super-heavy tanks such as the Baneblade and Shadowsword.
"Colossus" indeed.
Squat[edit | edit source]
C8 HX Charge[edit | edit source]
The Squat's version of a Krak Grenade in theory.
These things are space C4. Seriously, if that name doesn't give you a clue, I don't know what will. Being space C4, some in the 40k fandom speculate that the HX might stand for High Explosives. The only ones that seem to specialise using them are the Salvager Grenadiers. They resemble like a big cylinder and, according to the crunch, they Kin could only carry one, despite models suggesting otherwise.
It is unknown whether the explosive is gravitic in nature like their more common grenades, or it really is a hyper-reactive explosive plastic. Given that it is meant to pierce armour if its rules are of any indication, it could be the latter, as there must be an explosive trigger to turn something into a jet of plasma.
Speaking of crunch, despite being named after a pretty well-known explosive. The C8 isn't really that great in creating know, a large explosion. On the tabletop in Kill Team, the C8 is a more direct if short-ranged explosive. It is a A4, BS3+ and deals D 4/6 weapon. Chuck one at an elite and watch them turn inside out. But since a Grenadier only carries one, make sure that throw better counts.
Ork[edit | edit source]
Tankbusta Bomb[edit | edit source]
Ork Melta Bombs, although it would be more accurate to call it a anti-tank shaped charge.
Tankbusta Bombs are heavy magnetic discs size and shape of manhole covers. They are directional and are used when Stikkbombs simply aren't sufficient to destroy something (and as such are more attractive to many Orks).
They are attached to the vehicles by magnetic clamps and detonated with deadly efficiency. They are commonly used by Tankbustas and Ork Kommandos. They were best seen during the intro cinematic of Dawn of War where one of the Boyz manage to turn the Dreadnought inside out. They're also powerful enough to blow off chunks of ceramite and adamantium from the hulls of land raiders.
Likewise, due to its size, only one Tankbusta Bomb can be carried by a single Tankbusta. However, it ain't feasible to see an entire squad of Tankbustas all carrying around these giant magnet of doom.
Unfortunately, despite this hunk of awesomeness, they only appeared in vanilla Dawn of War, with later expansion packs removing it in favor of giving the Tankbustas Rokkit Launchas as soon as they were fielded. However, it could be stated that these bombs was also seen attached on Bomb Squigs during Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. On tabletop, Tankbusta Bombs can only be thrown one at a time unless you use the new Stikkbombs strategem to throw up to 10 and equate to a Rokkit Launcha with D3 shots and D6 damage.
Tankbustas in Dawn of War.
Bigbomm[edit | edit source]
Despite the name, Bigbomms are the smallest type of Ork bombs, carried by Deffkoptas and Warkoptas.
These bombs look like your conventional WW2 gravity bombs with a fin stabilizer and all. Whilst it can kill a bunch of infantry, it is mostly use to blow the hatch (Or the entire turret) off an armored vehicle before the aircraft unloads its other payload of Boyz or Dakka.
On tabletop, for the Warkopta, you get two of these for free. Drop them on units you move over, deals a mortal wound to each model in the unit (max 5) on a 5+. For the Deffkopta, you can get one of these for no points (which is probably why the Kopta itself costs so much), so you probably should do that. Once per game it can be dropped after moving over the target in the Movement Phase, delivering damage the same as the one on the Warkopta.
Bomm[edit | edit source]

The lazily named Bomm is essentially the Ork equivalents of Imperial Bombs. They can be mounted on almost any Ork aircraft, including Fightas, Fighta-Bommers and Heavy Bommers. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they usually look like an upscaled Bigbomm (The irony is not lost on this one) with an enlarged fin stabilizer packed with as much explosives as possible.
Fightas and Fighta-Bommers can only carry around one-to-four Bomms in total, the Fighta-Bommer could carry three Bomms per wing if there is enough modifications. What you want is to have the Heavy Bommers, 'cause this bird can carry a metric shit ton of Bomms to effectively nuke the entire area in a single bombing run. Seems to be slowly phased out by either Rokkits, Burna Bombs or Boom Bombs.
Boom Bomb[edit | edit source]

The big cheese of Ork bombs short of nukes. Boom Bombs (AKA Boom Bomms) are heavier versions of a standard Ork Bomm. These huge, crude and unsubtle bombs serve as the main armament of Blitza-Bommers as they are the only aircraft big enough to carry one of these under their wings. For some reason, you would expect the Heavy Bommer to be able to carry a number of these, but they can't.
On tabletop, Boom Bombs count VEHICLES and MONSTERS as three models when working out how many dice they get to roll for mortal wounds - and they inflict mortal wounds to all targets on 4s, while Burna-Bommers' Burna Bombs require 5s for non-INFANTRY. Bomb squadrons of smaller vehicles for maximum pain.
Repulsor Mine[edit | edit source]
The main weapon of an Ork Minelayer.
To reconcile the defensive role of mines, Orks use Repulsor Mines, invented by Orghamek.
These weapons are a weird one, think of it as an inverse naval mine. Rather than floating on water or space, it floats in the air. The reason why they can float is due to the fact that it contains weak repulsor fields.
These mines are placed by Minelayer's claw and after their fields are activated, they float in mid-air until someone passes under them. This will collapse the delicate repulsor field, causing the mine to fall on top of the poor bastard. Although, given how fast some aircraft are, these mines could only be effective against much slower Bombers and Dropships. The unfortunate trespasser is than turn to shreds by a massive explosion, if the fall of a heavy mine doesn't kill them first.
They were best seen during Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, where a couple of Minelayers were shown hovering around and laying its traps. Despite this, not a lot of Imperial Naval ships or aircraft was harmed by them.
Mega Bomb[edit | edit source]
The Mega Bomb is the Boom Bomb's MOAB cousin.
We are not quite sure if these things are just a canister of a metric ORK-ton of explosives or it is an actual nuclear warhead. These bombs are big enough that only the biggest Ork aircraft could carry it. Not even a regular Bomma is big enough to heft this giant bomb. Instead, this work rests solely on the responsibility of the Mega Bommer, an airplane AIRSHIP with engines big enough to carry just ONE of these bad boys.
In Aeronautica, these bad boys have a firepower of 10! Causing damage on a 2+, with extra damage on a 4+. Granted, the Mega Bommer could only carry one of these things and it could only attack ground targets. But you can rest assured that you are essentially carrying a Fat Boy at all times.
'Gantbuster Bomb[edit | edit source]
The Colossus Bomb of Ork Bombs.
Big enough to make the Boom Bomb look like a firecracker. The 'Gantbuster Bomb appeared only in the Deff Skwadron graphic novel as the weapon that literally kickstarts a global Orkoid war on the planet.
The 'Gantbuster Bomb is a prototype weapon developed by Warboss Badthug to royally fuckup Warboss Grimlug's personnal Gargant. Hence its name. Looking like a giant cannonball ripped straight out of Looney Tunes. When activated, the Ork flyboyz launch the 'Gantbuster Bomb like a giant bowling ball, rolling straight into the open belly door of a Gargant before detonating in a bloody huge explosion.
One can imagine bowling pin sounds being generated once one drops one of these on a couple of gitz.
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Haywire Grenade[edit | edit source]
Eldar EMP grenades in a nutshell.
Haywire Grenades are used by both the Eldar, Harlequin and Dark Eldar for disabling enemy vehicles. Each one sends out a pulse of electromagnetic energy which shorts out electrical wires and disrupts many energy systems. They don't have any effect on biological creatures.
In 1st Edition, Haywire Grenades emitted a massive pulse of electro-magnetic energy primarily designed to destroy electronic systems, but could also affect the neural systems of nearby organisms.
Haywire Grenades are most prominently used by DEldar Scourges and Wyches.
A pack of Haywires.
Tau[edit | edit source]
EMP Grenade[edit | edit source]

An EMP Grenade also known as Pulse Grenades, is a type of Tau grenade that is sometimes issued to Fire Caste infantry such as Fire Warriors and Pathfinders. EMP Grenades as its name implies, briefly emit an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) upon detonation, which can overload electronic circuitry, causing anything from minor malfunctions in electronics to fires, complete meltdowns and other critical malfunctions.
On a vehicle/robot the havoc is enough to at the very least disable them temporarily, or, more often than not, cause some form of catastrophic failure in a system, leading to an explosive reaction for the unfortunate vehicle or robotic construct.
It is, like the Eldar Haywire Grenades, almost useless against regular infantry or anything biological like the Tyranids.
Tactical[edit | edit source]
Tactical or utility grenades aren't meant to kill or maim its targets, rather they are meant to create affects that puts the target at a temporary disadvantage. This includes blinding them, creating a smokescreen or stunning them. Some utility grenades are meant for non-combat usage like anti-plant grenades, though the varying targets and hazards can make them just as valuable in a fight as outside of one.
Human[edit | edit source]
Smoke Grenade[edit | edit source]
Smoke Grenades are one of the most common form of tactical grenades. When people think of non-lethal grenades, the Smoke Grenade comes into mind.
A Smoke Grenade is a simple metallic canister designed to emit a thick, persistent smoke cloud in order to shroud an opponent's vision. Related to, but not as effective as Blind Grenades, Smoke Grenades are used by the military forces of the Imperium of Man as a tool to take tactical control over the battlefield. The most notable users being Primaris Infiltrators.
However, there exist many technologies among the various intelligent species of the galaxy that are more than capable of penetrating the simple visual obfuscation caused by smoke. This can make these grenades ineffective in this role against certain well-equipped foes.
Smoke Grenade being lit.
Blind Grenade[edit | edit source]

Despite the name, they ain't Flashbangs. Unless you are using the one in Dawn of War where it basically functions like a Flashbang.
Blind grenades are a more complex version of a smoke grenade, releasing a dense dark grey smoke cloud as well as infrared bafflers and broad spectrum electro-magnetic radiation and chaff to disrupt enemy scanners. The broad range of interference makes most forms of direct attack through it impossible, though the effect only lasts for a short time and the cloud can quickly dissipate given the correct weather conditions.
As mentioned above, a variant of Blind Grenade used by the Blood Ravens Astartes chapter releases a bright flash of energy that incapacitates rather than harms its targets. This type of blind grenade does not work on vehicles or infantry units that are inside of a building.
Here's a fun fact, the cannon appearance of Blind Grenades look like three doughnuts duct taped together.
Shock Grenade[edit | edit source]
The ACTUAL 40k Flashbangs.
A Shock Grenade is a non-lethal type of Imperial grenade designed to produce a blinding flash of light and loud, raucous noise without causing permanent injury. Shock Grenades are most often used by the Reiver Squads of Primaris Space Marine formations who deploy them to stun the enemy long enough for the Reivers to launch a close assault that makes quick work of the foe.
Shock Grenades are known to be shaped similarly to that of a Krak Grenade. Why they made it like this, we have no idea. They differentiate themselves from Kraks by having what appears to be a glass casing filled with a yellow substance (possible the pyrotechnic chemicals needed to shoot out the bright flashes). Of course, whilst it is not lethal, holding one when it is about to blow would result in losing one's hand.
Mindscrambler Grenade[edit | edit source]
Mindscrambler grenades are a special type of grenade only used by the Adeptus Mechanicus and most commonly issued to Sicarian Ruststalkers. The munition contains the egg-sac of a Cthellan electrogenesis squid. When detonated, the resultant surge of bio-electricity causes heavy neural trauma to any living creature and artificial sentience alike. It's basically a reverse EMP grenade that gives targets PTSD.
Whilst no canon model exists for the Mindscrambler Grenade, it is heavily hinted that the small pouch next to the Ruststalker ammunition accessory model, may actually contain the grenades (The larger pouches obviously stores the ammunition for the Ruststalker's Flechette Blaster).
In 7th Edition, these things are AP4 Haywire Grenades that always wound on a 4+ (They become S3 when assaulting vehicles). This specifically isn't Poisoned, so you can screw with Monstrous/Gargantuan Creatures with that. As such, they are pretty awesome.
Stasis Grenade[edit | edit source]
A smaller variant of the Stasis Bomb called the Stasis Grenade although it is even more rarer somehow.
The Stasis Grenade works on a similar principle as its larger cousin. It emits a stasis-loop field around itself. Everything within the field exists in the same moment repeated over and over. Eventually, the grenade's power source is expended and the field deactivates. As their power source is rather small, the stasis field caused by an activated stasis grenade does not normally last for a long time, though the duration is normally long enough to cause a significant amount of battlefield disruption.
They were developed by the Adeptus Mechanicus and therefore, stasis grenades are extremely rare and expensive to acquire. This and their specialized nature means their issue is limited to special Imperial agents rather than common soldiers. You compare this to the larger Stasis Bomb used and manufactured by the Dark Angels where the latter pumps out these techno-timey-whimey nukes like chicken nuggets. Suck it AdMech. There used to be a mass-produced variant used by the Space Wolves' Deathsworn called the Yimiria Class Stasis Bomb, which basically looked like a throwable hourglass with green stuff in it. Like all things, the Space Wolves eventually lost the knowledge to build more of these, but crunchwise, they were great defensive tools, which stack nicely with your Counter-attack (1).
Since they are rather bulky and delicate, it is not possible to fire stasis grenades from a launcher. Instead, they are typically deployed in a manner similar to that of melta bombs. So far, it seems that only the Deathwing Companions could carry them.
The only picture of a Stasis Grenade came from Warhammer 40,000 - Nemesis.
Choke Gas Bomb[edit | edit source]
Somewhat akin to a tear gas.
The Choke Gas Bomb or sometimes known as the Choke Grenade, is a type of gaseous irritant used predominantly by House Escher as a way to incapacitate or debilitate a rival target. Whilst not designed as non-lethal, the Gang Members of Escher is known to use it for non-lethal purposes. When thrown, the grenade/bomb releases a gas which causes those who inhale it to choke.
Only those wearing respirators or armour which is completely isolated from the local atmosphere are safe from a choke attack. Those affected often fall to the floor and become incapacitated. Rogue Traders are also known to buy some of these weapons for non-lethal purposes as well. The Escher Cutter is known to drop large versions of these via the underslung Gas Trap Launcher.
On Necromunda, Choke Gas counts under the Gas trait, which ignores armor entirely. To balance this, Gas weapons can be negated by common items like Respirators, which increase the would-be victim’s Toughness save against its effects. In addition, Gas attacks do not typically pin their targets in the process.
Escher Cutter
Stasis Bomb[edit | edit source]

The Stasis Bomb is a deadly archaic weapon only utilised by the Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter and the Successor Chapters of the Unforgiven. The Stasis Bomb is an archaic holdover from the Dark Age of Technology, and is deployed by the Dark Angel aircraft such as the Ravenwing Dark Talon that is a part of the armory of the Dark Angels' elite 2nd Company.
Basically a time bomb, the blast of a Stasis Bomb causes a degree of damage but, more importantly, will momentarily halt the flow of time.
While the actual suspension of the normal flow of the space-time continuum is measured in mere milliseconds, this unnatural disruption to the time stream has lingering effects on those in close proximity to such a blast, causing gut-wrenching disorientation and slowing their reaction times, making them ripe for a good old fashion Dark Angel Blamming.
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Hallucinogen Grenade[edit | edit source]

AKA, the LSD Grenade. Hallucinogen grenades are used as psychological weapons. They release a cloud of invisible gas which has strange and unpredictable effects on the minds of those inhaling it. These effects usually have the result of taking the victim out of combat or making him turn against his allies; effects range from turning victims into passive zombies or idiots, to producing delusions, paranoia and hallucination.
Only those with armor which seals them from the local environment (Such as Power Armor, which means most Space Marines are gonna laugh it off though for game balance this is not typically represented in the rules) are unaffected by hallucinogenic gas. Though the effect may be much strong on the victim, it is usually short-lived and ceased soon.
These grenades can be thrown or launched from a backpack grenade launcher.
Hence, these grenades are popular among the Dark Eldar and Harlequins who use various forms of hallucinogenic weaponry, such as terrorfex grenades. The more prolific user of these grenades are the Shadowseers whose Pack Grenade Launchers lob them like there is not tomorrow.
The Imperium also uses hallucinogen grenades and warheads. A specific variant, the Psychotroke Grenade, is specifically designed to drive the targets insane and make them attack their allies.
Tau[edit | edit source]
Photon Grenade[edit | edit source]

Tau Flashbangs, with more emphasis on the flash and less on the bang.
Photon grenades are designed to emit an extremely bright pulse of multi-spectrum light which will damage any viewing equipment or optical devices. This will blind them and make them effectively put them into a protracted state of shock, during which time they cannot defend themselves.
Tau photon grenades are designed to emit a sonic blast and a pulse of multi-spectrum light. They can be thrown by hand or fired from a Pulse Carbine.
The Imperium makes use of a photon grenade known as a photon flash or simply a flash grenade but in lesser amounts. This could be due to the fact that the Imperium has a lot of choices to choose from such as Blind or Smoke Grenades.
Necron[edit | edit source]
Countertemporal Nanomine[edit | edit source]
The only known Necron grenade/mine. (As of yet anyway.)
Countertemporal Nanomines are a Necron Cryptek device.
Released from hive-gems about the bearer's person, a swarm of nanoscarabs sweep out and lace the ground before them with microscopic temporal charges. Foes advancing into this invisible minefield find reality shattering and glitching around them. They are used by Chronomancers.
Crunchwise, for +30pts, you gain the Countertemporal Nanomines which is a Chonomancer only weapon. During your Shooting phase, pick an enemy within 18". Halve charge and advance rolls until your next turn.
This makes the mines a very useful tool in fucking up charging units, giving you time for both your Cryptek and his Cryptothralls to formulate its next move.
Exotic[edit | edit source]
These are grenades and explosives deemed too weird, bizarre or unique. They are often their own category as they do not follow into the normal conventions of a grenade. Basically, these are the super weird ones.
Human[edit | edit source]
Vortex Grenade[edit | edit source]

See main page here: Vortex Grenade
The most known of the exotic grenades. Vortex Grenades are grenades that open up a tear in reality and sucks in everything within the Warp much like that of a black hole. For all intents and purposes, Vortex Grenades are pretty similiar to Eldar D-Cannons, which are warp weapons, however the Imperium can not fully control the vortices of the Warp unlike the Eldar. Therefore, these vortices are doubly dangerous, as once they are created they behave in an unpredictable and uncontrollable manner. They may shrink, expand, vanish, remain for long periods of time, move or even divide. For this reason, they can be as deadly to their user as their intended targets.
Due to this, Vortex Grenades are very difficult and expensive to produce; reserved only for the most elite and accomplished of warriors/servants of the Emperor. Seeing as how these grenades are nothing more than a piece of glassball barely holding in the power of the Warp, a simple detonator is needed to let the whole thing go to literal hell. Everyone and everything encompassed by the vortex is destroyed; all matter and energy is drawn through the vortex and it is turned into the very stuff of the warp.
Psyk-Out Grenade[edit | edit source]

Another well known exotic grenade. Psyk-Out weapons have similar effects to Psycannon bolts; they are anti-psyker weapons meant to fuck with the psychic stability of the target. Psyk-Out weapons could take both grenade and missile form.
When they detonate they release fine dust particles which are heavily impregnated with negative psychic energy. This form of energy is extremely rare; in all of human space it can be obtained only as a by-product of the Emperor's metabolism. So yes, if one is thrown at you can say "Holy Shit" in both a figurative and literal sense of the term.
Using the material to create anti-psyker weapons is considered by many to be a great waste, and their issue is strictly controlled. Psyk-Out weapons are useless against non-psychic targets. Against psychic creatures such as daemons and psykers, however, their effects are devastating.
They are utilized by Culexus assassins and by Witch Hunter armies (as orbital missiles). Historically, they were wielded by the Sisters of Silence.
Rad Grenade[edit | edit source]

Hand-held dirty bombs.
Rad Grenades are weapons utilized by Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos or Space Marines. Rad grenades detonate in a shower of tiny, radioactively-contaminated fragments. Each particle's radioactive emissions have a millisecond half-life, ensuring that the thrower can charge in without exposing himself to contamination. Nevertheless, those enemies caught in the initial blast will feel the rad grenade's debilitating influence for some time afterwards.
It is unknown whether the AdMech utilizes Rad Grenades, but seeing as how they are always the main users of Radium Weaponry, it would not be surprising in the slightest if we see some Skitarii scuttering around with a bag of these.
Phosphex Bomb[edit | edit source]
Possibly the only type of Phosphex weapon we have a picture of.
A Phosphex Bomb is a thrown grenade-looking device that contains the nasty green living fire of phosphex. They were used extensively during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy to lethal effect. However, by the 41st millennium, knowledge on how to make these abominations was lost. Possibly for the better.
Once a Phosphex Bomb was primed and thrown, it explodes, leaving behind the infamous Phosphex compound. The Phosphex expands on contact with the air into a seething, liquid mist which burns with an eerie white-green flame that is attracted to movement. This flame ignites metal and eats into living tissue, and more ominously can not be extinguished by any means short of exposure to a vacuum. But as effective as this horrific weapon is, its use is not widespread as it has a tainting effect on planets beyond even radiation or nuclear weapons. Thus they were only sparsely deployed by Destroyer Space Marines or in Imperial Army Medusa's, where they were known as Phosphex Shells.
So far, there is only one dude who still uses Phosphex Bombs in the 41st Millennium, and he goes by the name of Mortarion. Given he most likely had extensive knowledge on these weapons, it is likely Morty kept all the secret recipes on how to make these things for himself.
As it appears in Horus Heresy: Legion card game.
Tectomagnic Munitions[edit | edit source]
A Tectomagnic Munitions is the primary weapon of the Archaeopter Fusilave tactical bomber.
As its name implies, the bombs cause tectonic and magnetic disturbances that weaken the geographical surroundings of the target. Think of it as the bomb version of the Tremor Cannon wielded by a Banehammer. Any infantry under the field of influence would be buried alive as the bombs turn solid ground into quicksand, whilst any vehicle would be rendered stuck and inoperable until it is thawed free. The Archaeopter Fusilave could carry up to six of these bombs under its casing.
The bombs themselves are held together in a bundle-like casing. The Archaeopter Fusilave could choose to either release one bomb at a time, or unload its entire cargo at once, turning an entire battlefield into an open graveyard.
Crunchwise, true to its name, these bombs could halve enemy mobility with a stratagem. It could also be re-used which makes it unique amongst other races' bombs. You can choose an enemy squad that is closing with your shooting units and it likely won't charge, while you shoot them with impunity. The bomb itself will deal solid 5 Mortal Wounds to a unit of monstrous creatures like Necron Wraiths.
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Void Mine[edit | edit source]

The Void Mine is one of the most feared weapons employed by the Dark Eldar.
Delivered with pinpoint accuracy by Voidraven Bombers, the void mine has two warheads, the first detonates a split second before the other. The first has no direct effect, it merely creates a bubble in reality that protects everything outside and condemns everything within. The second contains a particle of darklight, which when introduced into realspace produces a catastrophic implosion. If it were not for the initial bubble in reality, the explosion would be much bigger... so big that it would hit and destroy the Voidraven too, hence the precaution. As it is, though, anything caught within the crackling sphere is all but annihilated and a hemispherical crater is all that remains in the void mines wake. It's also possible to both increase the yield of darklight and remove the limiter that creates the reality bubble, increasing the blast radius exponentially but almost certainly killing the user along with an unacceptable amount of collateral damage (depleting the Kabal or destroying targets wanted alive). So most Kabals are carrying around a significant stockpile of WMD's casually as part of their arsenal.
These bad boys despite being called a mine, acts more like a bomb and are so big that even a Voidraven Bomber could only carry one Void Mine per mission. Henceforth, Voidraven pilots are often quite pickish when it comes to murderfucking units with the Void Mine.
Necron[edit | edit source]
Death Spheres[edit | edit source]
Death Spheres are the primary armnent of the Necron Night Shroud bomber.
A relic from the days of the War in Heaven, a Death Sphere is a containment vessel imprisoning a fragment of anti-matter like those of a Particle Weapon. The warhead is kept phased out of the material universe until the Death Sphere is launched from the Night Shroud and detonates, unleashing an energy blast that annihilates all that it touches.
On 8th edition tabletop, Death Spheres are the most powerful aircraft bombs in the game, inflicting a mortal wound on a 3+ and rolling 1d6 per model/3d6 per VEHICLE/MONSTER (capped at 12 dice). Averages a little less than 7 mortal wounds on a 10 model unit or 2 mortal wounds on a VEHICLE or MONSTER. It also averages of around 8 mortal wounds against the rare few units of light vehicles that still exist, such as Killa Kans and Grot Tanks. Use these liberally and watch your opponent cry in his sleep.