
Hagranyms are a species of Chaos-touched horses native to the Gray Mountains, in particularly the northernmost stretch of the mountains where they enter the Couronne region of Bretonnia. They were introduced in the "Knights of the Grail" splatbook for the 2nd edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, which serves as a guidebook to adventuring in Bretonnia.
Hagranyms are notorious in Couronne for three things; their ability to climb mountains as readily as they gallop across the plains, their diet of meat instead of vegetation, and the fact that the local Orcs have taken to riding them instead of the traditional boars. Being absolutely horse-mad even by Bretonnian standards, the denizens of Couronne have tried to tame Hagranyms for their own use, but have failed dismally.
This is not surprising, because these mutant equines are fully sapient creatures; undoubtedly smarter than the orcs they deign to partner with, they let the orcs think they're in charge because they have a Chaos-bred savage streak, and riding into battle alongside orcs gives them a chance to kill and maim creatures other than orcs for a change. This is why every human attempt to "tame" them has failed; the Hagranym takes offense to being treated as an animal, not an equal, and so refuses to cooperate, alongside indulging its taste for murder, mayhem and mischief.
Incidentally, the orcs haven't figured out the Hagranyms are calling the shots yet, with only a handful even realizing that they're smarter than animals. If they ever figured out that the Hagranyms see them as the "pets" in their "relationship", it'd be war; orcs can accept that Hagranyms are stronger, but accepting they're smarter too would be beyond the pale.
It's unclear if Hagranyms are any relation to the notorious steeds favored by the Warriors of Chaos from the dark lands to the north.