Harem Knights: Sir Fearghaile
Sir Lem Fearghaile is a Knight Harem of TeeGee, an Outrealmer, and one of the original members of the Council of DMs. His primary role is that of Diplomat and Statesman, though he also commands the Dragoons and sponsors the TeeGee University. He is married to his waifu Kikki Fearghaile, a Felim.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Before Summoning[edit | edit source]
Lem, 23, was the son of university professors, studying literature and communications. While a social person, Lem was never really had any luck with women. To blow off steam, he instead practiced historical fencing. When he opened the infamous picture on /tg/, Lem was just about to go to class wearing light fall fare, and thus was fully clothed when transported.
Summoning and Hard Months[edit | edit source]
Upon arriving, Lem was one of the first to try and help organize people, though not before Gavran, Giovanni, and Robert (later Sir Styx) had managed some level of organization. Recognized for his leadership abilities and appreciated for his self-sacrifice, Lem nonetheless often found himself playing devil's advocate, hamstringing sometimes simple things. The times he was right for doing so outweighed the number of times he was wrong, however, and he gained a great deal of respect for his insight despite that he was not well liked personally.
Lem was fine with his lack of popularity, preferring Gavran and Giovanni to play good-cop to his and Robert's bad-cop, though this is not to say he didn't latch onto some ideas with fervor and passion. On the first Earrubber Day, where Gavran gave his famous "Elf-Ears" speech, Lem was right there helping to rile up the crowd. He was also, along with Bhikkhu Thai and the one eventually known as Harbinger
First Fat-Elven War[edit | edit source]
After the Felim came (and after his paranoia of them subsided), Lem (now Sir Lem Fearghaile) began helping to organize the Knights Harem into something resembling a workable institution. Many Outrealmers, as the Felim came to call them, began working to do everything from fix up the old Citadel they had called home the last few months to start organizing efforts to clear some of the surrounding forest for land. Fearghaile's jobs were many, though he's most notable for helping to teach swordsmanship to the Knights and early Home Guard and dealing with the varied Felim traders that were beginning to use their citadel as a base of operations.
After the killing of a dozen Felim and Outlanders who were clearing forest for farmland and structures by Elfish forces, Fearghaile was uncharacteristically at the forefront pushing such an attack. He was a part of the vanguard during what is now called the First Fat-Elven War, though most accounts describe it not as a war, but a slaughter, the thousand Outrealmers plus a handful of Felim completely overrunning the Elfish garrison. Sir Fearghaile was a part of a Vanguard that struck straight for the Elfish throne room, where it was there that witnesses say Lem was the one to kill the lord of that place.
Diplomatic Career[edit | edit source]
Sir Fearghaile soon became the de-facto person in charge of relations with foreign elements, particularly the Dwarves, with whom he managed to negotiate unprecedented Great Forge Military Alliance after a quest clearing out a Dwarven city of Carp and Mammoths in early 2AA. As TeeGee's renown grew, Mirthterrah soon acquired an interest in the new nation that has sprung up in their back yard, so later that year, Sir Fearghaile made a trip to the city where he foiled a plot against him and his then companion Kikki, using it as leverage to negotiate the Free Iron Trade Agreement, which to this day stands as the law preventing heavy trade tariffs from effecting TeeGee traders.
Treaties with the Dwarves and Mirthans brought interest in trade and military alliances with the Gnomes, Halflings, Serrid, and Kanins, and as such Sir Fearghaile became well known as the Face of TeeGee, almost always in transit.
Personal Life[edit | edit source]
Sir Fearghaile initially did not show much interest in the demi-human races. In fact, much of the time, he showed a level of discomfort with such bold-faced fraternization with other races. However, these feelings softened as the varied peoples of the continent proved friendly and receptive to Outrealmer advances, and in 5AA he married Kikkirin, a Felim who had been his companion in arms and diplomantics since his early adventures. Their more intimate relationship was delayed, however, until 4AA, during a time where Sir James GearHeart once commented "The sexual tension [was] so thick between them, you could pull it out of the air and hatefuck someone with it". Their wedding ceremony took place on the 13th of First Seed, the day after the fifth Day of Union and was a decidedly low-key affair.
Unlike most other Knights, Sir Fearghaile has not shown interest in growing his harem of one, so Kikki is the only other Fearghaile in TeeGee.