Harem Knights: Sir GearHeart
Sir James GearHeart be a Knight Harem uh TeeGee, an Outrealmer, and audo' uh An Outlanders Guide t'Indigenous Species. Along wid oda' scribblin's. He be married t'his waifus Lilly some Succubus and Meina some Holisturi.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Befo'e Summonin'[edit | edit source]
James, wuz 23. Spent most uh his time studyin' and as such lacked in some sucka's skills. When he jimmey'd de infamous picture on /tg/, James wuz stuck in traffic. Co' got d' beat!
Summonin' and Hard Monds[edit | edit source]
James spent da damn hard monds huntin' o' survivin'. He had set out wid some band uh dude fa/tg/uys t'seak grand adventure. It found dem. WORD! A runnin' war between dem and some group uh elveswasted off all but two uh de group. Jes hang loose, brud. Tyron and James, who found demselves makin' contact wid some High Orc clan. 'S coo', bro. De Dunda' Rift clan t'be specif. Dere James ended down wooin' de Orc princess which would lata' bite him in de butt. Man! Afta' dat he wuz kidnapped along wid some few oda' outrealmers by anoda' mad wizard. Dey managed t'kill him and escape, but not befo'e some 'espuh'iments could be done.
Fust Fat-Elven War[edit | edit source]
Afta' de Felim came da damn elven war followed and James GearHeart wuz dere. He went on some rampage uh revenge fo' de elveswastein' his homeys.
Diplomatic Career[edit | edit source]
Sir GearHeart would eventually become know t'de High Orcs as Lo'd Ozgrumuch afta' his political marriage t'Ruby de Princess uh Dunda' Rift. Man! De political marriage wuz some powa' play by Ruby dat wo'ked. She wuz now de fust Orc t'rule bod halves uh a clan, dough technically James be in charge uh de warrio's. But da damn only time he be involved in politics be durin' emergencies o' durin' de time uh de big council which meets at da damn start uh each year. Ah be baaad...
Sucka'al Life[edit | edit source]
Sir GearHeart had some one night stand wid some princess dat turned out t'be mo'e dan he bargained fo'. Durin' de early monds uh 2 A.A he wuz tricked into goin' t'hell. Which be where he would met/"enslave" his future waifu Lilly, some succubus. De "enslavement" resulted fum dem bod tryin' t'out law de oder. Ah be baaad... James quickly released ha' from ha' contract afta' she helped him escape fum hell and she decide t'stick around. Lilly also decide t'try t'go baaaad, dis wuz some long and painful process. Dey den met Meina and rescued ha' and ha' sucka's fum slavers. Lilly den started seducin' her. Ah be baaad... In de end Meina decided she wants'ed bod and dat wuz de last time James's life wuz eva' close t'no'mal.
Selected Writin's[edit | edit source]
Outside Perspectives[edit | edit source]
is some fine waaay coo' dude