
Hedge are one of the five "Humblefolk", or Beastfolk, races who are presented as alternatives to the five Birdfolk PC races in the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition setting of Humblewood.
As their name implies, Hedge are a race of anthrophomorphic hedgehogs... basically, they're hurgeons with a name that is somehow even more stupid. Variants exist who instead resemble porcupines, echidnas, or even armor-plated mammals such as armadillos and pangolins, but these are purely cosmetic changes from their basic stats. Amongst the spiky breeds, quils naturally flatten themselves against the body, creating a smooth, armor-like plate along the back. When the hedge desires, or if it is startled, these quills erect themselves, stiffening into a protective mesh that can be quite dangerous to strike. Because of their anatomy, hedges cannot wear armor, and favor loose tunics, baggy trousers, flowing robes, and other styles that are easy to drape around their forms.
The most defining feature of hedge psychology is an incredible, almost overwhelming sense of empathy; the idea of treating other creatures with respect and dignity, no matter what those creatures are, comes naturally to hedges, and leaves them naturally meek; not only is the urge to respect the feelings and sensitivities of others a natural one for these humblefolk, but sensitivity and kindness are also culturally upheld as the greatest of virtues. Sadly, this means they tend to be regarded as cowards, pushovers and lickspittles by other, more assertive races.
This intense sense of empathy is actually born from a generally strongly emotional nature. Whatever emotion a hedge feels, they do so with great intensity, which gives them a reason to focus on the positive over the negative. Indeed, given how emotional wounds are naturally inclined to run deep in these humblefolk, there is something to be said for how good their society is at keeping hurt feelings from boiling over or festering.
Whilst hedges may sound like pushovers, their hyper-empathy does have its upsides. They're natural diplomats and emissaries, roles that earn the race some respect, and also intensely tied to the Great Rhythm of nature. Every single hedge has some minor magical abilities, allowing them to commune with and make requests of plants and animals, and this also earns them some respect.
Hedges can be found throughout the Humblewood, living either alongside birdfolk and other humblefolk races, or establish individual burrows beneath the roots of trees. The race enjoys living surrounded by nature, so hedge communities tend to be located within forest clearings or near lone copses, with abundant gardens for each hedge to call their own. They are common enough that adventuring clothes to fit their bodies are easily attained, and tailors through the Humblewood are familiar with the necessary alterations to outfit hedge customers.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Increase: +2 Charisma, +1 Wisdom
- Size: Small (3ft to 4ft tall, 40-70 pounds)
- Speed: 25 feet
- Age: Hedges reach maturity at the age of 20 years, and can live in excess of 120 years.
- Alignment: Hedges are compassionate, empathetic, and diplomatic, tending towards good alignments. They also favor neutral alignments, as hedges have a great respect for the balance of nature.
- Natural Burrowers: You have a Burrowing speed of 15 feet, though you can only burrow through soil with just your bare hands.
- Spiny Quills: You cannot wear armor of any sort, but your natural armor class is 14 + your Dexterity modifier. You can still benefit from the armor class bonus provided by shields if you are proficient with shields.
- Curl Up: As an action, you can roll into a ball. In this state, you cannot move, attack, or cast spells with somatic components, but your base armor class becomes 19 (Dexterity modifiers don't apply, shield modifiers do). A creature that makes a melee attack against you whilst you are curled up takes 2d4 Piercing damage if it misses, and knocks you prone if it hits. You may uncurl yourself at any point during your turn.
- Forest Magic: You can cast the Druidcraft cantrip, and can cast Animal Messenger as a 2nd level spell once per short rest. Both spells use Charisma as their spellcasting ability score.
- Speak With Bugs: You can communicate simple ideas with any creatures of the Beast subtype that represent insects, spiders, worms or other creepy crawlies, regardless of their size.