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Hej-kin (also spelled as Hejkin in their 4e incarnation) are a race of insane, cannibalistic burrowing humanoids from the Dungeons & Dragons world of Dark Sun. Looking something like an insane hybrid between a devolved gnome and a killer mole, hej-kin actually have wildly different lore between 2nd and 4th edition. The 2e version is largely just a regular race of mole people (sans the cannibalism, of course), whilst the 4e version is a race of insane mutants that have been warped into aberrations by exposure to the mutagenic touch of the Far Realm.
Playing Hej-kin[edit | edit source]
Hej-kin were never officially updated to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, so fans stepped in and took care of that with their Terrors of Athas netbook. Since their lore was still rooted in hej-kin as magical cannibal mole-men, they even went so far as to make them playable. They also can be summoned to battle alongside you if you cast the Athasian version of Summon Nature's Ally III.
- Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
- Small: Hej-kin gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character
- Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
- A hej-kin‘s base land speed is 20 feet. They may phase through rock and earth at a speed of 10 ft.
- Darkvision 60 ft.
- Racial Hit Dice: A hej-kin begins with 3 levels of humanoid (hej-kin), which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +1 and Will +1.
- Racial Skills: A hej-kin‘s humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 6 x (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Hide, Listen, Spot and Survival.
- A hej-kin‘s humanoid levels give it 2 feats.
- Weapon Proficiency: A hej-kin is proficient with its natural weapons and all simple weapons.
- +1 natural armor bonus.
- Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4).
- Phase (Su): Hej-kin may move through earth and rock at a speed of 10 ft. They may stop while inside of walls or floors and remain there indefinitely. *Hej-kin receive a +30 circumstance bonus on Hide checks while phased inside solid rock.
- Psi-like Abilities: 3/day – biofeedback (3/-*), claws of the vampire, missive (40 ft.*). Manifester level 5th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. *Includes augmentation for the hej-kin‘s manifester level.
- Automatic Languages: Hej-kin. Bonus Languages: Anakore, Common, Gith, Elven, Tarek.
- Favored Class: Rogue.
- Level Adjustment: +1.