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Heroscape is a tabletop skirmish game. Due to its low price, low complexity and pre-made models, it is considered superior to most table top war games which are often too cheap to even paint their figures. The game's terrain is made out of hexagons that interlock, which can be built together to make really awesome things. The figure models are from all manner of different themes and include Vikings, Knights, Dragons, Robots, Werewolves, Highlanders, Monks, Secret Agents, Samurai, Giant Spiders, Orcs and Elves in 28mm scale. The game includes two options on how to play; a basic game where units only move and attack for beginners, and a master game where units have wound counts(HP) and other special rules. Currently discontinued by Wizards of the Coast after being sold by Hasbro.
As of October 2022 Hasbro started a campaign to relaunch Heroscape, using its susidiary Avalon Hill. The Relaunch is dependent on the success of a Haslab crowdfunding campaign.
Brief Description[edit | edit source]

Basically once upon a time on another planet called Valhalla, a warlord called Utgar wanted to use some springs to kill everything. Jandar, a heroic general, gathers a big group of like-minded heroes to defeat him. Several other generals join in on the fight for various reasons.
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
Players start by building a board for the game, either a preset map from instructions or building their own creation. Players would then draft an army from their available units, usually using the point cost on the units army card. Players then place their armies on the board, and the first round begins. Players place order markers on their units before the turn, meaning that you decide what turn a unit can act (Also meaning they can die before you can use them and cost you a turn). Players roll for initiative and begin the first turn, cycling between each player until all players run out of orders to issue. Winning the game is either decided by pre-placed objective markers, or who kills the most units, depending on scenario/players' choice.
The original set of rules can still be found from Hasbro Here
Factions[edit | edit source]
Jandar[edit | edit source]

Heroic. Uses primarily "heroic" and brace type units:
- Vikings
- World War Two soldiers
- Minutemen
- Angelic looking Kyries
- Knights
- Yeti
- Omnicrons(Justice inspired guerilla sniper robots)
- Scottish Highlanders
- A Dragon, a Cowboy and a Ninja
Ullar[edit | edit source]
Protective, Ally of Jandar. Primarily uses nature/forest or reptilian type units.
- Elves
- Monks
- Vipers (aquatic alien race, hate the Marro aliens)
- Angelic looking Kyrie
- A Giant, a Dragon, a Cowboy and a Ninja
Vydar[edit | edit source]
Neutral General with an unknown agenda, although he most typically sides with Jandar. Primarily uses mysterious and secretive type units.
- Secret Agents
- Trons (Gladiator and slave robots)
- Primadons (Space monkeys)
- An Undead Queen, a monster-ish dog, a Dragon, A Coybow and a Ninja
Einar[edit | edit source]
Disciplined Conqueror. Sometime ally of Utgar. Uses primarily imperial type soldiers from Earth's history
- Samurai
- Romans
- Greeks
- British Redcoats
- Fallen Angel looking Kyrie
- Ashigaru (Japanese foot soldiers)
- Gladiators
- A Cyclops (for some reason called an "ogre"), a Dragon, Viking Warlord, a Cowboy and a Ninja
Aquilla[edit | edit source]
Primal and Feral. Newest General, forges an alliance against Utgar with all the other Generals, including Einar even. Uses primitive and tribal units mostly.
- Indians
- Sasquatch
- Dwarves
- Giant Spiders
- Rock Golems
- A giant insect and a Monk.
Utgar[edit | edit source]
Megalomaniac. Uses primarily "monster" type units:
- Marro (aliens race)
- Zettians (Robots obbsessed with enslaving their former human masters. Anywhere from small and dog like to large Dreadnought-style walkers)
- Orcs (some on dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals)
- Demonic looking Kyrie
- Werewolves
- Zombies, Vampires and other undead
- A Dragon, a Troll, Black Knight, a Ninja and various other random monsters.
Other[edit | edit source]
It is important to note that there are two sub-games for Heroscape. Marvel Superheroes and Dungeons and Dragons. Marvel units do not follow any of the Generals while D&D units do, although they also include a new General, Valkrill (a weaker knockoff of Utgar), however he is not considered part of the regular Heroscape game.
The full Heroscape fan wiki can be found here