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Hexbloods are a playable race for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition introduced in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, the 5e revamp version of the Demiplane of Dread, although they predated in the Unearthed Arcana article "Gothic Lineages".
Flavor-wise, hexbloods are creatures that have been infused with eldritch fey energies, transforming them into a proto-hag, not too dissimilar to the changelings of Golarion. Marked by split-pointed ears, "wildly shaded" skin, long manes of hair that rapidly regrow when cut, and a crown-like fleshy growth called an "elder cross" or "witch's turn" that extends from their temples and wraps around behind their head, the main way that hexbloods differ from hag changelings is that they are not necessarily born to hags. Some are indeed a new form of hagspawn, but others might have been voluntarily or involuntarily infused with fey magic and partially transformed into a fey creature well into their adulthood.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
As a "Lineage" race, hexbloods don't come with a preset ability score modifier like traditional races, and instead get to take either +2/+1 or +1/+1/+1 to whatever stats they like. They can also choose if they are Medium or Small sized.
In the Unearthed Arcana version, they had these racial traits:
- Type: Humanoid AND Fey
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Fey Resilience: Advantage on saves against or to end Charmed effect.
- Hex Magic: You can cast Hex and Disguise Self 1/day each, and gain these as bonus spells if you take a spellcaster class.
- Magic Token: As an action, you can remove a lock of hair, nail or tooth, creating an extension of yourself with a range of 10 miles (same plane). You can use an action to communicate with somebody carrying this token as per the Sending spell. You can also use an action to enter a 1 minute long trance in which you become blind and deaf in your present location, but can see and hear everything happening around your token. Both powers only work if you are in range of the token. The token lasts until you complete a long rest, whereupon it crumbles to dust and your body regenerates the missing piece.
The race was reprinted in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft with some slight modifications. Most notably, the Lineage only has one creature type, so that was probably just some weird one-off experiment that was immediately abandoned.
- Type: Fey
- Ancestral Legacy: If you replace a race with this lineage, you can choose to keep proficiencies and/or movement speeds granted by that race. If you don't, you get two free proficiencies.
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Eerie Token: As a bonus action, you can harmlessly remove a lock of your hair, one of your nails, or one of your teeth. This token is imbued with magic until you finish a long rest, at which point your missing part regrows and you can create another token. You can use an action to communicate with somebody carrying this token as per the Sending spell. You can also use an action to enter a 1 minute long trance in which you become blind and deaf in your present location, but can see and hear everything happening around your token. Both powers only work if you are within 10 miles of the token. When the trance ends, the token is harmlessly destroyed.
- Hex Magic: You can cast Hex and Disguise Self 1/day each, and gain these as bonus spells if you take a spellcaster class.