
The New Years Eve of Warhammer Fantasy. Takes place on one of the two days when the evil moon Morrslieb and the good moon Mannslieb is full, the other being the more famous and interesting day Geheimnisnacht due to it also being when they are closest to the world. Since the Chaos Moon is unpredictable, both days occur when they occur rather than on a specific calendar day although Morrslieb must be somewhat ordered given it happens at all, happens after Geheimnisnacht and during the winter.
Also called Hexenstag in the more modern dialect of the Empire, the dead stir in their graves, ghosts that still retain their intelligence return to commune with the living, and the undead are made more powerful. Most folks stay indoors or in holy sites praying, while the priests of Morr and presumably other death gods take efforts to combat the undead menaces and otherwise consider it a holy day. The exception is in Bretonnia where it is marked as the victory of the eight battle of the first king Gilles The Unifier. There, women are in charge during the entire day while effigies of men are burned (this is due to magic only being used by women in Bretonnia, and its stated that the peasants kidnap any male Wizards from other lands to burn instead if they can).