Hive Fleet Chimaera
Hive Fleet Chimaera are basically Cybermen in Tyranid form. Their goal is to consume all Tyranid creatures, in addition to all the other races, and combine them under one hybrid banner, hence the name. They began as a newfag (the one writing this article) asking for help with fluff, and grew from there.
Tyranid Evolutionary Reason: The Tyranids are really fractured right now. Let me FTFY.
Some Fluff[edit | edit source]
Hive Fleet Chimaera is a Medium-Class Splinter Fleet of Hive Fleet Dagon whose goal is to reabsorb other Tyranids and unite them under one hybrid fleet, hence the designation. Their strategic tendencies change with whatever enemy they’re facing, as they are highly adaptable to whatever situation they’re in. They are special in the fact that all of their creatures above Rippers and Gaunts/Gants have the Ymargl Factor, and therefore can adapt readily. Instead of Tyranid Warriors, Malanthropes are commonly seen leading troops, as they alone can determine what is useful and what is not for their troops to adapt. This Fleet is currently in a war of attrition with the Storm Wardens on the planet Echidna of the Calixis sector.
Tactics[edit | edit source]
The Chimaeran Tyranids are highly adaptable, and reflect that all moels have the Hive Fleet Tactics special rule. In addition, any unit with the Easily Adaptable and Synapse traits can take the Ymargl factor for 5 point. By passing a leadership test, models in synapse of the model are also affected by the chosen trait. On top of that, Malanthropes can now use their Grasping Tail anytime, have Synapse and Psyker Mastery 1, and can be taken as HQs.
Physical Description[edit | edit source]
There really is no standard Hive Fleet Chimarea Tyranid, but most have at least one adaptation and have a Abbadon Black carapace, a Liche Purple body, and Lothern Blue weapons/claws. The one exception to this rule is The Crimson Abomination, who replaces Liche Purple with Wazdakka red.
Writefaggotry[edit | edit source]
(Will be added as they are written)
Space Marines (AKA Crunch)[edit | edit source]
(NOTE: I require someone else other then myself to try these out.)
(NOTE: These rules are meant to be used alongside Codex - Tyranids: /tg/ edition)
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
Preferred Enemy: Eternal Sentinels
Hive Fleet Tactics: As they evolved on Enchinda, the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Chimaera have responded differently to different situations, and have recorded how best to respond to a specific situation. At the beginning of the game, choose one tactic to apply to all creatures in the army.
Adapt and Overwhelm: Friendly Tyranids gain Preferred Enemy and use the Endless Swarm rules.
Element of Surprise: Friendly Tyranid models gain Stealth and Outflank, and Genestealers can assault from outflanking.
Instant Deployment: A friendly Monstrous Creature gain Deep-strike for every lictor model in the army, and Tyrannocytes have Drop Pod Assault.
Gallery[edit | edit source]