Hua Yuan

Home of the Hua Yuan regiments, a series of /tg/-created IG regiments and the surrounding fluff.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Hua Yuan is an Earth-sized Hive world, on the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. It boasts an atmosphere comprised mostly of Neon and Kaihonium, a valuable gaseous compound useful for several industrial processes. One of several moons of a large Gas Giant, Hua Yuan is geologically dead, and generally without remarkable features on its surface, aside from a massive equatorial canyon seemingly torn into the crust. However, despite this, the moon boasts rich deposits of several different elements, including adamantine. The atmosphere of the planet is extremely turbulent, with lighting storms giving the planet's entire surface an ominous glow as the skies are split by orange lightning, and make human habitation of the planet's surface all but impossible. As a result the majority of the planet's surface remains untouched by the hand of man, but in the depths of the equatorial canyon a sprawling hive reaches deep beneath the surface, marked only by the towering spires of the superstructure of a long-wrecked spacecraft.
Environment[edit | edit source]
Hua Yuan is a barren moon with a equatorial circumference of approximately 47,391 kilometers, slightly larger than Holy Terra orbiting a massive gas giant, Hotung IX. It is almost completely without water, most water being stored deep within the crust or the cave systems far from the parched surface. The atmosphere is exceedingly hostile, being composed mostly of noble gases as well as large concentrations of ammonia, chlorine, and nitrogen. Oxygen is also present in the atmosphere, but not in sufficient quantities to provide adequate breathable air. Present in the atmosphere is Kaihonium, a relatively rare gaseous element used in various industrial processes.
The unique color of the barren moon is partially attributed to an abundance of silicates and sulfuric dust deposited by ancient volcanic activity, however in the equatorial canyon in the poles there is still a degree of volcanic and seismic activity. Made primarily of tholeiitic basalt and andesite the moon is generally geologically insignificant, apart from the massive canyon that stretches across the equator, consisting of predominately barren plains and deserts, with mountain ranges in the poles and the equator. Occasionally one can find deposits of detritus left by the ancient warp storms dotting the landscape, these morose monoliths mitigating the monotony of the multicolored mesa. Such monuments are typically bits of derelict space hulk or fallen satellites or even pieces of the Brimstone itself, all of these too far from the Hive to have been gathered by scavenging parties.
The interior of the moon is vastly more interesting, vast cave systems lacing the entirety of the crust, some even theorized to stretch into the lower mantle, but no efforts have been made to fully map the seemingly endless subterranean landscape as most expeditions find themselves either lost to the depths or made prey by "fauna". The earth is not without benefit however, as these cave systems have yielded great amounts of rare ores such as adamantium and palladium, with sizable amounts of more common earth metals such as iron and aluminum; however, aggressive mining practices have seriously depleted the earth's bounty.
The atmosphere of Hua Yuan is made of mostly Noble Gases and Halogens, as well as Chlorine and Ammonia existing in plentiful quantities. Oxygen and sodium are also present in various chemical compounds and particulates in the air, such as Carbon Monoxide and Sodium Chloride. This unique atmospheric composition of the moon is the other factor in the coloring of the planet, mainly due to Kaihonium bonding with noble gases resulting in vivid chemical compounds known as "grades". Higher grade Kahonium compounds will typically involve rarer gases such as xenon or radon. The abundance of Neon, Helium, and Kaihonium in the atmosphere results in great amounts of low grade Kaihonium compounds (the distinction between the element and the compound is hardly ever made considering elemental Kaihonium's rarity. The compound is typically referred to as [bonded element] Kaihonium, like Neon Kaihonium).
Due to Kaihonium's natural radioactive radiance (as well as that of other attendant gases), the extreme electrical storms caused by the invasive magnetosphere of Hotung IX, and abundant light pollution from the Hive, much of the moon is bathed in a low glow, Hua Yuanese summer afternoon's, when its sun is at apex the, the day can be almost blinding. This effect is also notable during the winters, when blizzards sweep in Atmospheric particulates creating a dazzling effect that can be observed for miles.
Temperatures on the planet are often extreme, Hua Yuanese winters offering blizzards made of ammonia and salt crystals and plains dust capable of shredding a voidsuit in seconds with winds in excess of 230 miles per hour. The summers usually bring storms, electrical storms that light the sky in bright neon lighting, and occasionally there will be light sulfuric rains as well.
Flora and Fauna[edit | edit source]
The vast majority, if not all of, the organic life on Hua Yuan is not native to the moon. The large majority of life not only exists within the hive but originates from the fateful flight of the Brimstone. The cattle and hydroponics crop brought by the colonial ship, as well as the vermin, have since undergone a great number of changes since the crash due to the unique environment and through the ingenuity of the Yuanese.
Corpse Lotus: The sparse few plants within the great hive prefer artificial lighting (if they require it at all), growing around the streetlights and neon signs of the city, in the absence of soil many can take root in anything that was once biological, such as waste or a creature's corpse, if not rooting themselves within the cracks in plasteel and ceramite. The Corpse Lotus is a prime example of such a plant, following the evolutionary path of many plants within the hive and is therefore carnivorous. Large sweet smelling flowers attract vermin to the small berries within. Upon biting them, they're paralyzed and slowly suffocate, allowing the plant to take root in their corpse. This macabre diet is the main mechanism behind reproduction, as released pollen settles within a corpse where it gestates.
This plant has become a symbol of death in the hive, for many times after great carnage a grove of these insidious flowers will begin to sprout. One can mark a scene of great violence past by the density of these flowers in one particular area.
Hua Yuanese Rats: The vermin within Hua Yuan are mostly hairless rodent-like creatures, and at lower levels of the hive, blind. The Yuanese have created pedigree breeds of these things in the imitation of cats, dogs, ferrets and other traditional creatures. While still hairless and vicious, from a distance the resemblance is quite good. Many rats are farmed by pioneering Hua Yuanese and hawked on the street along with whatever mystery meat is available. Regardless of the climes at which they exist the Rodentia of Hua Yuan are all voracious creatures with disturbingly diverse diets, dining upon the daunting diaspora of detritus and deceased, few things in the hive being beyond the
Centipedes : Prevalent on the cargo freighter that crashed here, these pest survived with crew, freed from the confines of the ship these pests infest the hive while providing a cheap food source. In the underhive industrial waste has mutated a myriad of breeds of centipede, from those large enough to fight and eat Tyranids to small super rare breeds prized for their hallucinogenic venom.
Yuanese Wolves: Feral Hounds descended from dogs found aboard the original colonizing ship, these animals are a far cry from their ancestors. Hairless, highly territorial, and lacking fear of humans, these beasts stalk the abandoned corridors of the Underhive, feeding on whatever is edible amongst the filth, attacking and eating whatever is dumb enough to set foot in their corner of the mines.
Core Dragons: Centipedes that have grown to obscene length and width due to mutations from radioactive ship cores these "dragons" have become a symbol of territorial dominance and tyrannical power, for not even the most determined of Gangers will set up near a Core Dragon's fiery domain and Exterminators and Enforcers make sure to note dragon dens to avoid their path during operations. These lengthy insects lair in areas of high heat and radioactivity, often putting them at odds with Mechanicus forges and manufactorums. Las weaponry and flamers are ill advised when facing these beasts, as their thick segmented shells are nearly impervious to heat. True to their namesake the core dragons posses what can be described as flaming breath, but in actuality it is simply a defensive mechanism in which they regurgitate the contents of their stomach, which is coated with a highly flammable substance that ignites upon contact with the air. This attack has been noted to be similar to that of Imperial melta weaponry.
Xenobiologists are fascinated with this illusive creature due to its stunning similarities to the famed and furious Catachan Devil, leading a few to challenge the Hua Yuanese legends about "magically transformed centipedes" and mere altered evolution instead claiming that this may be another possible case of a naturalized Tyranid bioforme.
The Hive[edit | edit source]
The core of the Hua Yuan Hive is built around the remnants of a wrecked Universe-class colonization/mining vessel, The E.S.S. Brimstone. Trapped within the damaged hulk – and initially unable or unwilling to explore in the world’s neon-saturated atmosphere – the survivors expanded their living space downwards. After rich mineral deposits were discovered, a thriving mining industry developed. And the Imperium sent a Praetorian Regiment to provide order. The mining expanded to include neon harvesting, and the world's population grew exponentially as off-worlders came to exploit these resources. The hive city expanded until the world was threatened in 899.M41 by the infiltration of a Genestealer Cult, which marked the beginning of the hive's long economic and social decline.
Hua Yuan's atmospheric neon abundance has resulted in the near-universal adoption of neon lighting throughout the hive; even the lower levels have access to at least some of this technology, resulting in the hive being bathed at all hours by a variety of unnatural and bright colors. The lower hive is notable for being extremely cramped, even by the standard of hive cities. Above the narrow confines of the mining areas (many of which have been converted into tightly packed ad-hoc living quarters themselves as they ran dry,) the midhive is also cramped. What's left of the mining industry, and the more recent neon extraction, have kept the planet's economy thriving now that contact has been reestablished with the greater Imperium. As a consequence, the midhive is a very active place.
Hive Society[edit | edit source]
Underhivers are generally considered to be criminals or worse among their peers above, while the underhivers view those above them with anywhere from bitter contempt or childlike awe. Underhivers are very communal, if territorial, with familial units taking priority. These units may consist of literal blood relatives but more often extend to neighboring families and local merchants. This isn't necessarily due to a natural empathy for neighbors, however, as an individual frequently finds it within their best interests to work with the oft dozens of people they directly cohabitate with.
As you travel upwards, however, these familial units begin to transition solely to blood ties. Name and familial standing become much more important among mid-hivers as they find themselves true gainful employment as merchants in the countless upper-hive stalls or working in facilities that require more skilled labor.
The mid-hivers are mostly a transitional culture consisting of those nobles who find themselves unable or unwilling compete for planetary governance, as well as underhivers who have managed to acquire enough resources to begin (somewhat) legitimate business. In this transition, they find themselves much more desperately craving the relative opulence of upper-hive than underhivers. Due to this, competition for jobs and prestige is fierce and inter-familial conflict is common. The upper-hivers regard this burgeoning new class of citizen as either a convenient new type of underhiver to exploit, or as an oncoming threat to their own positions of power. Underhivers often consider the life of a mid-hiver to be either hopelessly inaccessible or as an ideal to one day reach through pillage and guile.
Almost at the very bottom of hive Hua Yuan, is place that connects to almost the entire hive a place where no neon lights shine, that location is, the underground landfill. Here mutants, vermin and other types of outcast reside. But there is a small group that sticks out from among the vile masses and that is "the scrappers". No one but themselves know what they are called. So others have given that name due to their habit of looking through the garbage that is thrown down. They do this in order to find useful parts for various things. But mainly in order to build simple auto weapons that they sell to minor clans and gangs in the underhive. The scrappers often vary in appearance, and behaviour, but they can always be idenetified as to having pale skin and some type of welding goggles fused to their eyes. How they got here or who they are is a mystery.
Hive culture[edit | edit source]
Natives of Hua Yuan are infamous for their insatiable desire (some would say habit) to gamble. They bet on anything and everything and this broadly manifests itself in lower hive entertainment. They bet on fights (arranged or otherwise), on local board games or even on the lifespans of neighbors. This last practice is often referred to as "bei da dao", roughly "hit the deck" or "hit the dirt" and is especially popular among gangers and those especially poor.
The black market is so utterly prolific and the local government is so loose that it's basically indistinguishable from any regular market on-planet.
On every level, in every hab you'll find an endless supply of merchants, hawkers, dealers and an equal number of nooks and crannies for them to operate from. Most commonly, these merchants will refer to their clientele by the local slang term "qīn", translating roughly to "dear" in Low Gothic. It very rapidly becomes clear to those dealing with natives of Hua Yuan that whenever this term is heard, someone is about to be either solicited or swindled (most commonly both).
Hua Yuan is a veritable storm of wheeling, dealing, smuggling and gambling between the different levels of the hive and even off-world at all hours. One could oftentimes have an easier time buying drugs or gambling on a deathmatch than acquiring food.
Tattoos are popular among the lower-class peoples of Hua Yuan. Due to the unique ways that paints and dyes are on Hua Yuan, fluorescent tattoos can be found on most all in the lower hive. These are especially popular with the Gangers and Military personal, with popular patterns depicting Tyranids to commemorate a battle or simply to intimidate.
The Hua Yuanese are infamously xenophobic, passively discriminating against outsiders, both in their Hive and amongst foreign populaces. The Garden is home to many an internal faction and all the rivalries that come with it, but they will always unite against an outsider force. This attitude of theirs is what led to struggles of maintaining Imperial dominance.
Pets are not too common in the lower areas of the hive, usually seen as a drag on resources and either eaten or bred to fight. Once one reaches a certain status or standard of living, one can afford to keep such things, especially amongst the many noble spires topping the Walled Garden. Nobles often breed or collect a variety of impressive beasts to show off their wealth and status as well as any other tacky adornment they may have.
One can usually determine the loyalties of a noble or merchant house by observing the animals they keep if shown nothing else; Hua Yuanese nationals will usually keep creatures "native" to the Hive, be they the docile Rainbow Centipede, Spire Hawks, finely bred Rat Hounds, impressively muscled Guardian or Pit Dogs, Alligators, Core Dragons or even some forms of pseudo sentient fungal creatures as well as the usual variety of boutique creatures bred from vermin stock, such as Orchid Mantises and albino bats. However those who kowtow to the Imperium or cozy up to the Praetorians often keep creatures foreign to the hive, usually in the form of Horses, bears, and Tigers and other large mammals as well as the ever popular eagle.
Trophies are often kept as a symbol of status, especially amongst gangs and some militant sects. They can come in the form of capes made of scalps, tassels made from monk queues, the bones of enemies, bullet casings for every kill one has made, as well as possessions of the slain. However a common trophy amongst gang leadership is the acquisition of an enemy's pets. In a mirror of the nobility above the bosses and sect masters take great pride in being able to feed and care for their beasts. Some are used as prized fighting animals, while others are treated with a level of care one would reserve for one's children. Some more bloodthirsty gangs and many sects will often prepare a ritual meal composed of the trophy beasts, fueling the very true rumors of the very bizarre Hua Yuanese palate. These meals feed into another facet of Hua Yuanese culture involving bizarre and otherwise overly complex meals with exceedingly strong alcohol and, depending on the social setting, exotic drugs, followed by a morning of cleansing tea and a two-day fast.
This often translates into the Guard, where soldiers will often keep dogs or other similar beasts that they find on the battle field and keep them for morale or an extra set of eyes, and during particularly trying times, as food. After a deployment these beasts are usually left to fend for themselves in the abandoned FOBs or are eaten. Often, however, guardsmen will pay handsomely to secure the passage of animals they've grown attached to back to their garrison or their families. These beasts rarely survive the journey back to Hua Yuan. Sometimes a particularly exotic or faithful Beast will be presented to a unit commander as a meal or a trophy gift. Commanders, especially at the Regiment and Division level enjoy displaying their animal companions, as it reinforces their image as leaders worth respect in Gardeners of all levels.
Xenos Beasts such as Squigz or Kroot Hounds are never eaten, and are very rarely kept as pets. Those that do attempt to keep such things are either executed by a Commissar or reported to the Arbites and then the Inquisition. However commanders that would acquire such a beast usually seek approval from the Commissariat and the Inquisition, which are the same channels one must go to through to keep Xenos remains or Xeno-tech as a trophy. Such requests are usually denied and the item in question is confiscated for Inquisitorial study, but there are cases in which a battlefield commander can display a creature such as a Kroothawk. These beasts typically don't last long in the toxic air of Hua Yuan, and those that do are often neglected in favour of less heretical companions.
Notable Locations[edit | edit source]
The Forlorn Stork 孤獨之鸛[edit | edit source]
The Forlorn Stork is bar on the top of the underhive close to the exterminator outposts near in the underhive, Owned by retired Praetorian Guardsman, The Forlorn Stork has become a hub of Exterminators, Bounty Hunters, Razorgirls, Jade monks, and badasses of every stripe loyal to the Imperium or not. All combat is strictly banned in 10 block radius. It's a bar where, out of respect and tradition, you just don't fucking fight. Only newfags and off worlders make that mistake, only once. That being said, exactly ten blocks from the bar are several pits, trenches, and circuits where folks can sort out differences It's a great place find a "man for the job" or simply relax in the only crime free block on Hua Yuan, getting in requires a reputation or a very good friend in very high place.
Space is at Premium and The Forlorn Stork has six rooms. Back room where Shang cooks up the grub. Up stairs is where you can crash, sectioned by paper/cardboard screens which are often adorned with graffiti and tags. The floor is lined with mattresses and hammocks stretch from wall to wall. Lad's Latrine. Ladies Latrine. Basement and cellar. Storing for drinks, grub, weapons, etc The Main Bar. Juke box, bar top, tables, a specially reinforced dart board, electronic mahjong games because the last real-piece mahjong game happened, a guy was found out to have five of the same tile (it sparked the ten block rule), unusually competitive darts with a carefully maintained complicated betting board, and arm wrestling table (Do NOT wrestle Chromes, mutes, or abbies. Heretics, Gangers, and Imperials are fair game. The occasional Xeno that hasn't been dusted already...well normally the bar gets really quiet and we just let 'em be in their way. For ten blocks at least).
Owned and operated by Ole Hester himself, patron saint of alcoholics and the weary traveler. Handlebar mustache, bionic eye, chromed arm, hard gut, worn beret, a gigantic skull from some beast his squad killed on Martuka XIII mounted at the counter and bar apron, Ole Hester is the very picture of retired ex-pat, speaks the district-cant in an unmistakably Praetorian accent. All he does is gruffly remind folks of Rule Zero of the Forlorn Stork, a rule that's been in place at the watering hole for over two centuries, and please don't play that new trash on the jukebox keep it Praetorian or at least classic, it's all he's got left of home.
While the Stork is etched in stone most clubs are transient. Be it a locked down Hab block, an emptied out Exterminator or Enforcer FOB, or even a dry sewer drain. Party starts, word spreads, venue fills up. Inevitably the place gets shut down, either because of Xenos, gang/cult/Sect wars, or enough bad shit has finally accumulated the the Enforcers or Arbites come to shut down the party. Then the rockers and the jockeys just find another spot, set up, and invite their friends, or spray paint tags in code letting folks know where to go.
The Diamond's Edge 钻石的边缘[edit | edit source]
"Fast, fast, fast. Not enough fast in Hua Yuan. Sure you wanna race on the Megaways? You go ahead, Báichī. The Arbites and the Enforcers will be on your ass 'bout halfway down the track. Wanna weave in and out of the lowers? Shiiiiit, yeah okay. Give the Ronin and the 'Stealers my regards. Racing Uphive?! The hell are you, eh, rich or suicidal? If you're the first...comin' down here means you're the second."
"Naw, naw gēgē, there's only one place where you can get some speed in your heart, where you can snort the danger off a hooker's tits, and where mach five is slow as hell. The Diamond's Edge. Best racetrack in the Eastern Fringe. Sure It's no Terra Circuit, but the Diamond's Edge is about the only place in this asshole of a sector where you can put the pedal to the metal. A race track built into the earth, using some caverns that were already there, or something. Better bring your ride and your yen, gēgē."
- – Underhive Resident
The Diamond's Edge is a massive illegal racing track spanning the network of caverns and tunnels of Hua Yuan.
Exports[edit | edit source]
Legal[edit | edit source]
Guardsman- While at first only elite units of Exterminators, increased demand due to the approach of the hive fleet has lead the production of typical if low quality line conscripts as well a number of Penal Regiments. Penal Regiments of Hua Yuan are so notorious a minor Schola Progenium has been founded to keep them supplied with specialized commissars.
Gases- Gases of all stripes are mined from the atmosphere of Hua Yuan, most are collected on the orders of the Administratum for purposes too arcane to imagine, but the Neon collected provides local manufactorums with material to make light bulbs giving Hua Yuan its distinctive blend of light and color.
Minerals- Hua Yuan started as a mining colony and a portion of its tithes still reflects that, while mining has become more dangerous as the tunnels get deeper, mining is a major sources of gainful employment on Hua Yuan as gas harvesting is mostly automated.
Illegal[edit | edit source]
Drugs- Everything from uppers to keep sweatshop workers going, downers to stop the uppers, party drugs (Taste the colours, see the sounds), "spiritual experience" drugs and a whole lot of fakes that are toxic.
Fireworks- Novelty munitions for auto weapons and bouncing poppers, as well as variations on the blinker grenades. It's hard to tell a Yuanese firefight from a Yuanese party.
Paint- Spray paints, glow paints, and Mutated pets/plantsiopaints that slowly spread themselves. The paints also have structural properties with enough layers, much of Yuan is said to be held together by the paint.
Counterfeits- Manufacturing isn't strictly done in the manufactorums, there are many sweatshops and craftsman pumping out whatever people are willing to pay for, a number of better craftsman are producing knock-offs of the Imperium's less common luxury items and other pieces of equipment. Even in the regiments it's not uncommon to see a Lassygun or a suit of Keflar.
Music- At the time of the fateful voyage of the Hua Yuan, there was a peculiar music trend within some of the more isolated Imperium worlds. This genre of music has long since died out in the rest of the Imperium, but due to Hua Yuan's period of isolation and tendency for conservation, this music has found a prolonged lifespan within the Hive's walls. Typically consisting of loud, fast synthesized music, it is exported in very limited quantities to the rest of the Imperium, considered esoteric and quaint by those wealthy enough to have time to waste on such matters. While not outlawed per se, it is highly frowned upon and not legally exported.
Religion[edit | edit source]
Imperial Creed[edit | edit source]
The Emperor, of course, is the primary object of worship on Hua Yuan though, due to their long period of cultural isolation, the forms this worship can take is often quite exotic. In the mid and lower sections of the hive, natural light is a non-existent commodity and a concept that inspires awe. Spending their entire lives solely under bright and artificial illumination, the concept of soft or natural light became a religious ideal. For this reason, shrines of the Emperor and his "true light" are frequently built in places without artificial light, either remaining dark and solemn or being lit only by candle light.
Every pious underhiver dreams of someday making a pilgrimage to a rare shrine that finds itself high enough to be exposed to natural light, that they may for a moment glimpse a bit of the Emperor's own divinity for themselves.
Faith and Fear[edit | edit source]
The Ecclesiarchy was among the first Imperial organisations to make contact with Hua Yuan following the end of the warp storms which had isolated the planet. Although their names have long been lost to history, it is known that several priests of the Missionaria Galaxia and a number of Sisters of the Order Sabine were among the first surveyor teams and it is believed that they remained on the planet after the main force returned to the greater Imperium to confirm the rediscovery of the world.
A century and a half after the initial contact, the Bohai Crusade, a joint force of Praetorian Imperial Guard and a large contingent of Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Rose, appeared in orbit around Hua Yuan. Although the Inquisition ordered that the official records of what occurred on Hua Yuan’s surface shortly after the Crusade’s arrival, a number of legends survive from that time in folk tales and songs. “The Final Destruction of the Court of the King in Brass and Gold”, “The charge of the ten thousand Yao Guai” and “The Three Daughters of the Lord of Light” have been recorded, with minor variations, at all levels of the hive and describe apocalyptic battles between good and evil. Among the characters featuring prominently is a man known to the wider Imperium as Saint Matthias the Torchbearer and to the Hua Yuanese simply as 聖, or Shèng.
The Saint[edit | edit source]
According official hagiography, Matthias Ricco was born on Espandor, a cardinal world in the realm of Ultramar. Raised in the shadow of a great Cathedral among the learned clerics, he was apparently marked for greatness at an early stage, delivering inspiring sermons from the steps to his local church while just a boy. Granted a vision by the Emperor and Roboute Guilliman of a world, he stowed away aboard a pilgrim ship and, after a number of adventures, attracted a large following. His inspired preaching convinced eventually reached the ears of the Sector’s command, who allowed him to lead a crusade to free a world from sin.
Historical records to support the legends are patchy at best. They indicate that there was, indeed, a Missionary named Matthias Ricco among the soldiers of the Bohai Crusade, although he was probably a Praetorian rather than an Espandor native. He may well have been the first Ecclesiarch of Hua Yuan and have ordered the construction of the Grand Cathedral, but what few records survive seem to indicate that he ruled a mere five years before dying in somewhat mysterious circumstances. Due to the uncertain nature of the records, Matthias' background could be a ploy by Ultramarine forces to have Yuanese pilgrims travel to Espandor, and vice versa.
Local Faiths[edit | edit source]
Like in all things on Hua Yuan, identity plays a large in religion. The local faith is heavily based around ancestor worship with a belief in reincarnation. Souls of particularly enlightened/important people can remain after death to guide the living for a time, while particularly bad people could come back as the mutant animals of the Hive. However, it was often believed that the really bad people would come back as offworlders. There was a distinct emphasis on purity of thought, and mindful meditation to fend off any potential sin. Unarmed martial arts were also practiced and taught by some indigenous sects, as it was a much more personal and practical alternative to gunplay in the cramped spaces of Hua Yuan, with greatly decreased chance of harming bystanders. Since contact had been reestablished, native religious orders were allowed to continue so long as they follow Imperial creed and acknowledge Emperor as God. Ancient myths of flaming hand punches were co-opted by missionaries so that Imperial figures like St. Ricco would be more accepted by the local populace, and fit in with the established mythos. This suprrisingly ties quite well in with Imperial creed – The Emperor is taught as the Father of mankind, and the sacrifice keeps him from moving onand being reincarnated. The Sororitas on Hua Yuan are seen as direct “daughters of the Emperor”.
The relic trade on Hua Yuan is quite active, considering the amount differing sects and desires to bring prestige to the family. Regular raids turn up multitudes of diverse relics, ranging from legitimate to borderline heretical: The mummified arms and legs of Imperial Saints, blessed weaponry from historic battles, preserved eyes of local heroes so that they can watch over your family, the knuckle bones of supposed dead (sometimes even living) primarchs, and even skin flakes claimed to come from the Emperor himself.
The Sisters of Battle and the Greater Imperium[edit | edit source]
The Grand Cathedral and Sororitas Abbey are built on the cliffs overlooking the main hive, separated by the Harsh atmosphere, but close enough that operations within Hua Yuan are easily performed. The cliffs are carved out into a gigantic aquilla, symbolizing the Imperium’s domain over the Hive. The exclusion and hostility by the natives, and the protection offered by the Sisters of Battle led to a large Imperial district that grew around it, going down the cliff and the surrounding lands. The Cathedral was designed to almost echo labyrinthian Hive, with seemingly endless mazes of dungeons and mausoleums. Members of the Administratum ordered a very large orbital dock be built to allow easy and Imperium controlled access on and off of the planet. As a result, the Cathedral has become quite iconic, as it is the first and last thing seen on the moon (excluding the Defense Laser and surface-to-orbit missile batteries). This was designed with a more symbolic intent in mind, showing the Imperium’s dominance and power, acting as a reminder to whom the hive belongs to. This also rendered pre existing docks mostly useless, outside of smuggling and black market deals.
The Sisters are often thought of as the real power behind the Imperium on Hua Yuan. They’re the source of much tension, but are too useful to be ignored. Their brave defence against a Tyranid attack earned them much acclaim within the hive, especially the current Abbess, whose leg was torn off by a raver she beat to death, despite her distaste for her celebrity. Yuanese keep their distance from the sisters, who are viewed with fear and awe. The Yuanese are aware of their destructive capabilities and extreme measures of dealing with mutants and heretics, leading to their presence seen as a bad omen. They’re seen as outsiders who dress weirdly sombre, represent the Imperium and their dominance over Hua Yuan, an Imperial insult to have women lord over them, flaunt their excellent equipment in the faces of the less fortunate, and use dangerous amounts of fire in their purges, causing anxiety over the flames spreading in their cramped hive. Despite this, no one denies their zeal, they’re selfless defence of hostile strangers, aid of the poor and downtrodden, and important and influential relation to the Imperium, just begging for marriage opportunities
“The Imperial Matchmaker” is a de facto head of Famulous on planet, who is deeply entrenched in a very long political game. It can’t really be said whether the Matchmaker gets his power from the Abbess, or the Abbess from the Matchmaker. He has stored extensive archives of lineages and family histories built up over centuries on Hua Yuan, knowing all of the goings on and secrets of each house, no matter how small. He was on the front line of tracking genestealer cultist infiltration in the nobility. He was a proponent of first born recruitment, as he saw it as a means to get proper genetic screening of large cross section of the population. He was also the driving force behind the eldest daughters being the ones able to join the Abbey.
The Sisters are pushing a long game of political and religious dominance, much more blatantly than the Matchmaker. The Yuanese Ecclesiarchy is divided between local and Imperial dominance, and the Abbess wants to mend this rift as soon as possible, annoyed by how stubborn the Gardeners are. The religious theatre of Hua Yuan is engulfed in utter chaos as different factions push their own agendas and plans, undermining and preventing the schemes of others in the process. This state only got worse following the Tyranid attacks. Nobles began buying land and building “vast” new churches and cathedrals instead of houses or industry in war zones. This caused numerous problems, leaving the sisters and sympathetic clergy now much more overstretched than before trying to man all the new stations. It is not an uncommon sight to have small clusters of Sororitas working in a quiet corner of a much larger repurposed floor, alongside Hospitallers performing genescreening in deephive.
Because the Cathedrals are sponsored by noble houses, they often house relics and Exterminator trophies inside, displaying them to the public. Some have chambers dedicated to the heroes of the Imperial Guard, having their names and accomplishments carved over the entirety of the walls, with the more notable and directly traceable trophies presented in the center. Banners of the Guard forces adorned with purity seals are a common sight in these cathedrals, often of fallen forces, despite the most common being the banner of the 1st.
Government[edit | edit source]
The Praetorians keep the peace and represent the Imperium from orbit and a small embassy allowing the planet's Government to do as it will as it meets its tithes. Former mining officials and deck officers have developed into the noble houses of the world, and they squabble for power and influence in the upper hive, especially now that the economy is on the rise again. Whoever takes control of Hua Yuan has a modest but stable fortune to rest their laurels on. Or that's the general view. The top tier of the nobility, the patriarchs and matriarchs of the corporations who hobnob with the Mechanicus surveyors and have access to the product data and tithe rolls, know that the mines are slowly running dry. The only thing they can do is push quotas harder so they can embezzle enough under the Imperium's nose that they can escape once the planet runs dry, all the while giving the impression that there's nothing wrong.
Noble Houses[edit | edit source]
The Praetorians may own the planet, but it is the noble families of Hua Yuan that truly rule the planet, divided though they be. The vast majority of noble houses are descendants from the original crew and important personnel of the Hua Yuan, who took up leadership roles after they were crash landed and stranded on their moon. Although none of the original crew of the vessel could boast of noble blood, their control of the space and resources present on the ship ensured their importance. As a result, the descendants of those initial de facto leaders are still performing the same tasks as their ancestors, but on a much much larger scale. Through introduction of Imperials, hundreds of years of marriages and alliances, and praetorian interference, there are considerably more noble houses than there ever were, ranging from near powerless to controlling a third of the hive, leaving the top tier just as crowded as the rest of the Hive. Most nobles are absolutely cutthroat, politicking based around trying to take their neighbours land, when the land in question is basically the size of a nice apartment. Lesser nobles of larger families are often upsets, since they have a name but not much else to back them, as resources or limited even for the rich. Violence is just as common in the noble world as a result, trying to violently seize a small family's assets, or trying to carve out a larger piece of the inheritance pie by infighting with your family. The violence present in the upper and the lack of proper governing by the Praetorians led to an ass-load of private para-military forces employed by the noble families to enforce their laws on their property and go to war with other nobles.
It is believed that genetic traits common to Voidborn, such as pale skin, red hair and unusual eye colouration, entered into the hive cities genetic makeup via the crew. Hivers who manifest some or all of these traits are sometimes called Starborn. Depending on local superstition this could be seen as an omen of good or bad fortune. Some among the nobility claim descent from the ship’s Navigation and Astropathic contingent. While this is at least faintly plausible, it seems far more likely that it is a face-saving lie to excuse the appearances of the more grotesquely inbred dynasty members.
With the arrival of the Imperium and the Sisters of the Orders Famulous, a number of new bloodlines have become rising power players on Hua Yuan, much to the chagrin of established households. Arranged marriages between native nobles and off-world guild families, distant planetary nobility and even the bastard children of a few Rogue Trader dynasties have brought with them wealth and resources from the larger Imperium to the planet. These social climbers are often the most willing to work with Imperial forces on Hua-Yuan and are far less likely to follow native religious beliefs. In exchange, these families tend to receive more profitable contracts, judicial decisions falling more often in their favour and their first-born receiving more advantageous placements in Guard regiments. This is the cause of some resentment among the more ancient noble families, particularly when their complaints are dismissed as "mere coincidence".
There are noble alliances that sought to gain power and influence in much more destructive ways of Heresy. These alliances are bound in secrecy and conspiracy. Be it worshiping the Ruinous Powers, plotting independence, joining the the Tau Empire, or even seeing the return of the Hive Fleet, these nobles seek to undermine the other houses or take the Hive completely. Bound in shadow by their drive to see the Imperium driven out of their moon, the are as divided against themselves as they are in secret against the loyalists. The are only bound together by a single charismatic figure that plans to see all their goals fulfilled, and their supremacy dawn on Hua Yuan.
While loathed by all on Hua Yuan, the noble trade guilds are united in their love of money. Nominally loyal to the Emperor, these Rogue Traders, Guilders, and Barons are singularly obsessed with amassing their fortunes through any means possible. While the Praetorians may have their name on the moon, it is this band of nobles that is focused on exportation and importation, and the economics therein. While not as heretical as some noble houses truly are, they are certainly not above dipping their hands into the black market. Their influence is far reaching, controlling and overseeing all imports and exports, requiring anyone who aspires for wealth to begrudgingly work with them.
Notable Noble Houses[edit | edit source]
The Olavis Family[edit | edit source]
The original Olavis was the head chef during the Brimstone's fateful voyage. Growing up on an agriworld, he was well familiar with running a farm as efficiently as possible. Realizing the value that good will quickly gain, Olavis enlisted as many farmhands that he could, and quickly occupied as much land as he could. Generations later, the Olavis family produces all of the rice, fruit supplement, "beef and chicken" (dogs and bats), and any other speciality foods required to be grown. Always vying for more territory on the lower middle hive, they run a sizable private security contractor and own much of the lower north east. They gained the nickname "5th tower farmers" after a natorious gang they employed as protection called the "5th tower orkz", who were known for painting themselves green. The descendants of this gang make up their current security forces. The current patriarch is Corvo Olavis, a ruthless man who marks up his prices 200%. A known warmonger, he sponsors as many local gangs as he can, hoping for warfare to spread so he can take the territory damaged in its wake.
Thaddeus and Yao Partnership[edit | edit source]
The Thaddeus and Yao Partnership effectively united all the Gas farming facilities under a single management, with the Thaddeus noble house arriving to Hua Yuan from the greater Imperium to farm radon and other abundant gasses while the ancient Yao clan harvested Kaihonium, neon, and oxygen as fuel, light, and air for the hive. They independently amassed lesser houses and clans under their banners in an attempt to form a monopoly over the atmosphere of the moon. After nearly a decade of cutthroat politics and aggressive economic warfare, the two powerhouses eventually saw that it would be more beneficial to detente and forge their houses into one, rather than risk a war that could literally suffocate the Hive. Seen as a political move to line the pockets of the elders of the houses, the two noble clans state that the arraigned marriage between preordained youths of both houses for the sake of Imperial unity and a show of strength and cooperation. Currently the arraignment has reached a standstill as each house is locked in litigation, each side attempting to shape the future for their immediate benefit, neither side satisfied with the wedding contracts or dowry. Meanwhile the greater bodies of the noble houses cooperate as economic and political allies in a tense peace, waiting anxiously for the talks to resolve in unity.
The Duboui Family[edit | edit source]
The House of Duboui runs 85% of the legitimate mining operations in Hua Yuan with an iron fist. Literally. While none of them are Mechanicus by any stretch of the imagination, they consider themselves to be "Cybernetic Enthusiasts". They have deals with the mechanicus for top of the line implants and replacements for the family. The rumor mill states that they want to control that branch of the mechanicus financially as a "Nest Egg".
The Mintichrius Family[edit | edit source]
One of the most ancient houses in the Hive, House Mintichrius, or the Minty crew, was established soon after impact by the then chief mechanic Johann "Minty" Mintichrius, what was left of his division began immediate breach repairs on the ship and, due to much of the command chain and mechanicus cult being killed or maimed upon impact, was defacto authority over most of the engineering and maintenance crews. His leadership in the early days is responsible for much of the hives ramshackle construction and shoddy electrical work. His motto of "A job worth doing is worth doing badly" still stands among his dynasty and their crews of wirers, pipers and voidsuited construction workers.
The Kuàijì Family[edit | edit source]
A divergent branch of the Commander's descendant house, House Kuàijì commands the Adamantine, Gold, and Electrum mining on Hua Yuan. They are highly devote to their esoteric beliefs, and work extensively with the noble guilds of Hua Yuan, exporting their ores to nearby worlds. Large supporters of the Imperial presence on Hua Yuan, they especially work with members of the Ecclesiarchy, giving the territory for the Sororitis to set up a base of operations. Because of these relations, they have solidified their place in the Imperium's eyes, but have become targets for the other noble houses.
Law and Order[edit | edit source]
Like many hive worlds in the Imperium, crime is a constant background presence on Hua Yuan. From the well-appointed hab clusters of the nobility to the festering darkness of hive bottom, countless millions of gangs and gangsters have been identified and punished by planetary law enforcement groups and the Adeptus Arbites, to scarcely any observable effect.
Although Hua Yuan is technically a military dictatorship under the leadership of the Praetorian garrison force, the noble houses of the planet are given a large amount of autonomy. So long as they keep order, ensure the swift payment of the Imperial Tithe and can be seen to operate within the bounds of the Lex Imperialis, they are free to rule their fiefdoms as they wish. To this end, many sponsor their own private armies of Enforcers to impose compliance. Though these enforcers are often superficially modelled on the officers of the Adeptus Arbites, in many places they are simply mercenary gangs given uniforms and a licence to terrorise the indentured worker population.
The Arbitrators themselves are, like many other Imperial institutions on Hua Yuan, massively overstretched. Though the officers of many of the precinct houses are diligent and extremely hard-working, the sheer scale of the task before them can seem overwhelming, even when they limit their remit solely to investigating capital crimes against the Imperium. Judge Commanders must forge strong links with other Imperial institutions out of sheer necessity, and it is not uncommon for precincts to be sited near Cathedrals, Abbeys, Imperial Guard bases and even Mechanicus forges.
Firearms and las weaponry are strictly proscribed, the Enforcers confiscate them when possible. The middle hive has less guns, being more manageable, but most citizens with any cash will have atleast an autogun, albeit a crude revolver, a one shot wonder or a "Boomstick". The poorer citizens just carry knives, and as they see little distinction between the enforcers and the gangers, they carry weapons to discourage both.
Among the most commonly reported crimes on Hua Yuan are smuggling, trafficking in stolen goods, defacement of Imperial property and the production and distribution of illegal drugs. The black market is so utterly entrenched that it is said that one could have an easier time buying contraband than acquiring food. On every level, in every hab, an endless supply of merchants, hawkers and dealers can be found operating out of whatever space they can find. These merchants will commonly refer to their clientele by the local slang term "qīn", translating roughly to "dear" in Low Gothic. It very rapidly becomes clear to those dealing with natives of Hua Yuan that whenever this term is heard, someone is about to be either solicited or swindled (most commonly both).

Violence too is extremely common, as the oppressive demands of the ruling elite and the stress of living in constant, overcrowded squalor inevitably leads to conflict. Narcotics, pit fights, enlistment in the Imperial Guard and the forms of meditation taught by many native religious sects provide some outlets for aggression, but eruptions of ferocious fighting are still all too frequent. Efforts to contain mass violence often lead to combatants being given a simple choice: summary execution, or enlistment in one of the many penal brigades.
Unlike some worlds in the Imperium like Necromunda, where criminal gangs have distinct, easily observable tribal cultures common to vast swathes of the underworld population, Hua Yuan’s lawless element defy categorisation beyond mere generalities. Some groups form around specific locations or communities, such as a particular hab block or industrial concern. Although they are typically observed to focus on administering protection rackets and “defending” their domains from outsiders, many also develop a profitable side-line in drug manufacture and distribution.
Some gangs seem associated with large crime syndicates, particularly those which profit from grey and black market businesses. Others are driven to criminal acts by their ideologies or by their devotion to charismatic leaders. Typically these gangs are associated with the foulest of heresies, but a growing number have been identified with Puritan Monodominant and Redemptionist beliefs (whether this represents the spread of offworld beliefs or a home-grown reformation is unclear at this time). Common to both the syndicates and the cults is a desire to spread their influence as far as possible while remaining hidden.
A mixture of the different types of gangs can be found among the highest echelons of society. Some nobles employ well-equipped thugs to wage vendetta against their rivals. Others use their influence to profit from the sale illegal goods or sponsor offworld smuggling rings. Among the most dangerous are simply bored youths with too much money and too little responsibility. A particularly gruesome series of murders has even led some Arbitrators to believe that the infamous Spyrer Hunting Rigs have begun to appear on Hua Yuan, though this has yet to be proven beyond all doubt.
Outcasts like mutants, unsightly abhumans, unsanctioned psykers and other undesirables almost inevitably filter down to hive bottom, away from prying eyes and Imperial judgement. Some, perhaps most, lead solitary lives of quiet isolation. Others, however, band together for mutual protection, companionship or perhaps out of a shared need for vengeance against those who shunned them. The latter are certainly among the most dangerous.
Notable Gangs[edit | edit source]
Hua Yuan is home to staggering amounts of gangers and criminal organizations, most, however, are largely insignificant. There are some gangs that either play an integral part in Yuanese society, or simply are dangerous enough to warrant great amounts of infamy.
The Ketsueki Ronin[edit | edit source]
A vicious biker gang dedicated to Khorne, who they refer to Boss Brass or the Red Sensei, these pompadour'd headhunters place honour above all else, to the point where if they take the head of an unworthy foe, or if they use cowardly tactics to defeat the enemy, they are honor bound to take their own lives for Boss Khorne to save face. Headed by the hideously scarred Kenji Zugaikotsu, also known as Kenny Skullface on account of half his face missing after a fateful encounter with an Exterminator's shotgun. The experience apparently made the greaser hear the voice of the Red Sensei himself, and vowed that the Hive would be bathed in the blood of his master's foes.
The Pale Lotus Sect[edit | edit source]
An odd gang even in Hua Yuan, these cultists are based in the former sanitation ducts of the original ship, they have been around since the Jade Flame Sect, however instead of borderline heretical psudeo-Imperial teachings the Pale Lotus Sect is highly heretical, worshiping the Heavenly Father and actively spreading his blessings amongst the Hive. These Nurgalite Monks are surprisingly clean for a chaos cult of their leanings, and are in fact exceedingly tidy and well kept, and often patrol the ship and lower hive seemingly attempting to maintain sanitation and cleanliness. It is not corporeal filth that the Pale Lotus Sect embraces but the degradation of the soul, preaching that should embrace their mortal suffering and shun everything save the embrace of the Heavenly Father. Adherents lives slowly begin to rot away around them and their surroundings fall into greater squalor as they wallow in their own self pity, but also attempt to upkeep their own image to appease the Heavenly Father as the Heavenly Consort does. A strangely hypocritical monastic order the sect conflicts the zealous Jade Flame Sect and the Ecclesiarchal Forces, while only the later is aware of the true meaning behind their heretical innuendo. Beyond their beautification of the Hive the monks of the sect also practice a great deal of animal husbandry. Breeding plague rats and other foul beasts to hawk their meat or let them loose in the upper levels to plague heretics with the Heavenly Father's corporeal gifts, which only exist to show the heretic how meaningless the body is. It is through this vector that the taint of Nurgle is brought to hive, held at bay by the Xenos threat lurking in the shadows and by cultists more rabid than themselves.
The Chengguan[edit | edit source]
The Chengguan are a private security and detective agency on paper, but are little more than thugs for hire. Founded by Zou Chen in the lower hive, rumors of the ruthlessness violence these gangers committed spread throughout their corner of the Hive. Eventually they were hired by a noble family to settle a territorial dispute, which is where they got their big break and renown. They butchered their rival's forces so thoroughly that no one is quite sure who exactly they were fighting anymore, only that they’re no longer around. Once the most extensive and well known “guns for hire” gang around, they have no central structure, only a loose bureaucracy that ties each outfit together. Most of their work involves suppressing worker riots and maintaining civil order for noble houses, but they are known to take any job, from being hitmen to private detectives. Members dress in expensive uniforms of magenta and cyan, using money extorted and robbed from the people on their turf to buy the most state of the art equipment around. Anyone can hire a Chengguan to do any job, as long as there’s money and violence involved.
The Bloodied Rat Sect[edit | edit source]
Born in the sinful pits of the lower hive, the Bloodied Rats are a redemptionist cult, believing that Hua Yuan is doomed because it has been led astray from the Emperor's light. They have no central leadership or command structure, identifying their brothers by the list of sins and battle rites tattooed all over their body. They wander the hallways of the middle hive flogging themselves in repentance, and act out violence on those they perceive as committing transgressions against the Imperial creed. They damage property, beat and kill transgressors, and even perform ritualistic self-sacrificial acts to make a public statement, such as suicide bombings. Because of their encompassing list of sins and tendency for violence, a vast number of them find themselves in the penal regiments of Hua Yuan. They see this as a great honor, fighting (see:dying) for the Emperor as their ultimate purpose, rushing into battle with a religious and suicidal fury.
Gang Creation Table[edit | edit source]
Gang Society (1d100) Category | |
1-25 | Communal: Naturally occurring gangs that come from a sense of community, desire for prosperity, or simply as a way of life. |
26-45 | Criminal: The scum of the hive band together for various nefarious reasons. |
46-60 | Noble: Highborn of the upperhive using their connections to become a force in the criminal world. |
61-80 | Religious: The unique faiths of Hua Yuan lend itself to some more militant and legally dubious sects. |
81-90 | Outcast: Life for the unwanted and scorned is unbelievably hard in the Hive. They must band together to survive and possibly thrive. |
91-100 | Enforcer: Working under the guise of legal private security companies, these are no more than gangers with fancy equipment and very loose contracts. |
Gang Size (1d100) | Territory Modifier | |
1-10 | Minuscule: (1d10) | -30 |
11-25 | Tiny: (10d10) | -20 |
26-40 | Small: (10d10x10) | -10 |
41-60 | Medium: (10d10X100) | 0 |
61-75 | Large: (10d10x1000) | +10 |
76-90 | Huge: (10d10x10,000) | +20 |
91-100 | Massive: (10d10x100,000) | +30 |
Territory (1d100+Territory Modifier) | |
1-40 | 1 Hab Block |
41-55 | 1d6 Hab Blocks |
56-70 | 1d10 Hab Blocks |
71-95 | 2d10 Hab Blocks |
96-110 | 4d10 Hab Block |
111-125 | 10d10 Hab Block |
126-130 | An Entire Floor |
Special Equipment (1d100) | |
1-10 | Traditional Weaponry |
11-20 | War Trophies |
21-30 | Defined Uniform |
31-40 | Rare Heavy Weapon |
51-60 | Tattoos |
61-70 | Augmented Gangers |
71-80 | Special Vehicle/Sweet Ride |
81-90 | Ritual Scars/Mutilations |
91-99 | Ritual Drugs/Combat Stimms |
100 | Roll twice |
Illegality (1D100) | |
1-20 | Law Abiding |
21-40 | Neutral |
41-60 | Local Pest |
61-80 | Has Enforcers attention. |
81-100 | Has Arbites attention. |
Secrecy (1D100) | |
1-20 | Loud/Public Figure |
21-40 | Obvious |
41-60 | Quiet |
61-80 | Secretive |
81-100 | Mysterious/Unknown |
Influence/Demographic (1d100) | |
1-25 | Homeless Network: For a ration or two, these vagrants will tell you news from across several hab blocks, just watch your wallet, shoes, and anything else they could steal. |
26-40 | Blue Collar Workers: The laborers of the Hive owe you some favors, whether they like it or not. |
41-55 | Launderers/Businessmen: You run several successful fronts, in both sides of the law, able to launder any sort of contraband you bring to these businesses. |
56-70 | The Masses: The people obey you, out of fear or love, and sometimes both. |
71-90 | Local Government: You either control or have plants in local public offices, ranking you some level of legal immunity. |
91-99 | Informant Network: Your gangs agents are everywhere, from the Enforcers, the local bureaucrats, the admistratum and manufactorum, to even the rare inquisitor. |
100 | Influential: Your gang carries a wide array of influence. Roll Twice. |
Gang Ambition (1d100) | |
1-25 | Protection of the Community: However skewed their methods, at the root of the organization is the drive to protect and provide for their homes, expanding it or isolating it. |
26-45 | Riches: A desire for wealth and splendor motivates these gangers to amass huge hordes of money and capital. If only someday. |
46-60 | Religious Fervor: Devotion to a religion and everything it teaches compels this gang to enact their Faith's creeds and ideals. |
61-80 | Blood Rivalries: Ancient family feuds give way to full fledged factions, hellbent on destroying their sworn enemies. |
81-90 | Influence and Manipulation: Complete control and influence over the Hive's population is this group's end goal. Everyone and everything should do their bidding, whether they know they are or not! |
91-99 | Fuck the Police: Hatred for authority, dismantlement of the government, love of anarchy, or for whatever reason, a destruction of the law and it's constructs drives these gangers. |
100 | Multifaceted: Their ambition knows no bounds. Roll Twice or come up with something appropriate. |
Dedication (1D100) | |
1-15 | Transient Membership |
16-30 | Loose Association |
31-50 | Part Time Job |
51-70 | Full Time Commitment |
71-85 | The Gang is their Life |
86-100 | Ganger to the Grave |
Gang Demeanor (1d10) | |
1 | Vigilante: In the more lawless areas of the Hive, these gangers are there to lend a hand to those in need. Fighting off other gangers, doing public service projects, or just helping with menial tasks, these "gangers" are a boon to society. |
2 | Magnanimous: Members spend big in little shops, tip generously, and prop up businesses of their own. Some are even known to do more direct acts of charity. |
3 | Agreeable: While certainly criminals, they carry an almost pleasant demeanor, working well with others outside their gang. |
4 |
Roguish: Cheery and jovial these bastards will rob you at gun point with a smile on their face. |
5 |
Remorseless/Professional: Indifferent to those around them, they only care for the gang's needs and goals. While they do not actively cause harm to those around them, when someone gets in their way, they will not think twice about ending them. |
6 | Irritable: Easily provoked into violence, members have a short temper and a quick trigger finger. |
7 | Aggressive: Members destroy property and rob unsuspecting citizens, leaving them in a bloody pulp, if alive at all. |
8 | Bloodthirsty: They commit seemingly random acts of senseless violence, often without a worthwhile goal. They leave the streets red with blood whenever they roll through. |
9 | Antagonistic: Gangers will actively try to provoke fights. They threaten, insult, destroy property , and harass in order to have an excuse to beat and rob, no matter how flimsy. |
10 | Bizarre: Unpredictable and strange, people cannot get a good read on these gangers. Their behavior is 'off'. Roll twice for two demeanor. |
Gang Leadership Type (1D100) | |
1-15 | Central Figure |
16-30 | Chain of Command |
31-45 | Diumvirate/Triumvirate/Council |
46-60 | Gang Code/Shared Philosophy |
61-85 | Cell Structure |
86-100 | Anarchic |
Gang Assets (2d6)
Roll once per Gang size tier e.g. miniscule rolls once, tiny rolls twice...massive rolls seven times 1st die for row, 2nd die for column. | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 | Book Store
Your gang runs a small book store. |
Small Market Stall
Your Gang sells scrap parts and boot-legged commodities. |
Small Ammo Press
Your gang has a small casing pressing machine. |
Slag Heaps
Your Gang scavenges from a local slag heap or abandoned mine. |
Adult Entertainment
Your gang aids in the upkeep and protection of a local purveyor of "Xeno Smut" and "Sexy Marine Magazine" |
Hunter Trading Post
Your gang runs an outpost dealing in pelts, claws, poison sacks, jewel eyes, etc of strange local beasts. |
2 | Scrap Yard
You set up a scrap yard in a debris strewn dome, scrounging raw materials and stripping machinery to be sold as parts or for repair jobs. |
Scavvy Contact
Your gang makes a small secretive income supplying goods to those beneath decent scum society. Unfortunately this is frowned upon by guilders. |
Mercenary Hub
Your gang collects a steady income from a wretched hub where villainous scum sell their skills. |
Chem Pit
Your gangers work for a Chempit owner. Very Hazardous work. |
Arms Dealer
Your Gang provides discreet protection to gun runners working for themselves and not the Guild. |
Your gang has managed to get part ownership of a workshop, getting you a cut of the proceeds. |
3 | Tunnels
Your gang has found a secret entrance to a labyrinth of service ducts beneath the city floor. |
The gang has found a concealed entrance into a network of ventilation shafts. |
Street Urchin Gang
Your gang has organized the local ragamuffins into a crew. Promised food and shelter, they'll happily swindle and steal for you. |
Your gang rents out a rusty tenement/rest-hole/ramshackle stockade that houses the overpopulated citizenry. On occasion you can recruit here. |
Press Gang Service
Your gang has a job through the local recruiting office, showing hivers their true calling as devout servants to the Emperor in His many just wars. |
Strip Joint
Your gang is invested in a popular strip joint, a gathering place for many nefarious deals that are sealed within the noisy and smoky atmosphere. |
4 | Legitimate Work
One of your gangers actually does some meaningful work for the administratum that aids the Segmentum Solar. |
Drinking Hole
Your gang leadership has received an old drinking hole in payment for an outstanding gambling debt. |
Your gang has contacts aboard one of the trawlers outside the Hive. These trawlers hunt and butcher the local fauna to trade with the Hives "Exotic" restaurants. |
Water Still
The gang has Renovated an old water still out in the wastes. Worked by the family or friends of one of the gangers, they sell water to nearby settlers. |
Friendly Doc
A local medical practitioner has offered to patch up your gangers cheaply in return for tissue donations from your gangers and the occasional fresh corpse. |
Respectable Street Shop
Either by muscling in on a smaller shop or by partially owning a larger one, you own a "almost mid-hive" store, bringing in a tidy income. |
5 | Transportation
You (protect/ lean on/ run) a (taxi/ boat/ lift/ etc.) operation, crucial to movement within the area. |
Inside Man
Your gang is leaning on an employee in a rival gang's territory, providing information that lets you rob and skim from the other gang. |
Protection Racket
Your gang leans on local businesses, netting the gang some good money. They occasionally call the enforcers. |
Con Associate
A ganger is friends with one of the many con-men that fill up the local barter street. Although risky, your gang can profit from helping him. |
Spore Grow-Op
Your gang has control over a mold growing operation, which you can harvest and sell to local businesses. The Gangers working here are disease prone. |
Club/Entertainment Hub
Your gang has a stake in or debt owed by a local juve hang out which you can collect from, maintenance can be expensive though. |
6 | Respectable Establishment
Your gang runs one of the underhives popular restaurants. Selling bizarre "delicacies" your gang makes a tidy profit, occasionally paying maintenance. |
Fight Club
Your gang owns an underground fight club, betting on gang members, professional pit fighters, and even volunteers from the audience. Authorities raid you occasionally. |
Gambling Den
Your gang runs a gambling den in the underhive. The income is good but risky, Underhivers are notorious cheats and bad losers who'd rather pull a knife than pay up. |
Drug Trafficking
As it has always been, under tight regulation drug dealing is a lucrative but violent business. |
Your gang owns one of the many sleazy / classy(?) brothels to be found in any settlement's back streets. Requires security. |
Supply Source
Your gang controls the local conduit of water/ventilation/energy and collects a fee for its "reliability". |