Idoneth Deepkin Enclave Creation Tables

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This article provides a number of options for you to consider if you create your own Idoneth Deepkin Enclave. Inspiration for many options and layout borrowed from the Dark Eldar Kabal Creation Tables and the authors and editors own personal understanding of the faction. These tables are subject to change as the canon develops.

This article is a work in progress.

Enclave Age[edit | edit source]

The ages suggested here are merely estimations based on current data and are not bound to canon until otherwise stated.

Enclave Age (d10)
1-4 New (roughly 0-500 years old)

Founded between the present day and the beginning of the Age of Sigmar.

5-8 Old (roughly 500-5000 years old)

Founded during the Age of Chaos; between the end of the Age of Myth and the beginning of the Age of Sigmar.

9-10 Ancient (more than 5,000 years old)

Founded during the Age of Myth; before the Age of Chaos and after or during the founding of the first Enclaves.

Current Notable Representative[edit | edit source]

Most Enclaves are not ruled by a single Aelf, but by a council consisting of both Isharann and Akhelian members. That said, it would not be wrong to assume there is at least a figurehead that could well represent the interests of the Enclave. This would typically be an Akhelian King/Queen, but you may use any of the other Leader models (Soulscryers, Soulrenders, Tidecasters) as your figurehead member.

What sort of past does the current figurehead come from?

Current Figurehead (d10)
1 Member of a lost, confederated, or absorbed Enclave.
2-4 Lower rung Akhelian or Isharann (rags to riches).
5-6 Ascended Lochian Prince/Princess (Reroll if your figurehead is not an Akhelian King/Queen).
7 Consistently performed their duty well and to the benefit of the Enclave. Logically, a very sound choice.
8 Prestigious tactician.
9 Admired among the citizenry of the Enclave.
10 Hailed as a hero for a deed of renown.

Figurehead or Akhelian King/Queen's Personality[edit | edit source]

Figurehead Personality (d10, roll twice and add for really colorful results)
1 Paranoid
2 Cordial
3 Ruthless
4 Cold
5 Arrogant
6 Ambitious
7 Scornful
8 Cynical
9 Inspiring
10 Imposing

  • Paranoid: "Sigmar's MINIONS cannot be trusted. They do VILE things to those who do not bend the knee to the God-king."
    • The figurehead has developed a vast array of conspiracy theories about anyone and anything that could remotely be perceived as a threat. This trait lends itself easily to an isolationist Enclave.
  • Cordial: "Their bodies are yours to do with what you will, but their souls are ours for the taking. You mustn't forget this, dear." -Psaras, Soulrender, to Calypsa, a Branchwych.
    • The figurehead is famous for their unnatural civility. They could look their victim in the eye as they lay dying and thank them for their contribution.
  • Ruthless: "Cut them down! Shed their blood so that it may stain the Ethersea itself!
    • The figurehead would slaughter entire villages during raids if allowed. The need for a continual stock of cattle is the only restraint holding them back.
  • Cold: "Should you fall in battle, I will make sure you are still useful to my kin."
    • The figurehead shows no concern for anyone, save their fellow Idoneth. Even then, many find them to be rigid and dispassionate.
  • Arrogant: "We have no need for aid from the lesser races. Should they offer a hand, I will gladly claim their souls after the fighting is done."
    • The figurehead exudes pure hubris. The dirt under their boot is held in higher regard than anyone not belonging to the Enclave.
  • Ambition: "This sea is already ours. But soon we shall rule the shores while they remain clueless to the reality of their situation!"
    • One sea is not enough. Every last pond will eventually be a part of the Enclave’s hunting grounds.
  • Scornful: "The Free Peoples would be better off eradicated had we no need for their souls. Their very existence blights every last drop of our sea."
    • The figurehead is openly and excessively snide or disdainful towards many. It would be wise to remain on their good side.
  • Cynical: "Yes, the Stormcast are rather effective instruments of the God-King's wrath, but do they really serve to eradicate Chaos, or are they something more insidious?"
    • The figurehead has a hard time believing others would act to the benefit of the Enclave, even among his fellow Idoneth. Even the slightest bit of their trust is rather costly.
  • Inspiring: "The forces of Chaos come bearing down upon our home sea, but we will wash them away in a tide of their own blood!"
    • Rousing words come easily to the figurehead; motivating their comrades and wringing every last drop of effort from them is a trivial matter. They are looked up to for good reason.
  • Imposing: "Our path is clear, should you fail to walk it alongside us, I will gladly find someone who will."
    • Others find it hard to question their dominant will. What they say, goes (usually).

Enclave Origin[edit | edit source]

What are the origins of the Enclave itself, how did it come into being?

Enclave Origin (d6)
1 Refugees from a lost or fallen Enclave(s).
2 Established in complete isolation, discovered by fellow Idoneth.
3-4 Expansionary offshoot of an existing Enclave.
5 Rebels or defectors from an existing Enclave.
6 Established in complete isolation, only to later reveal itself.

Progenitor Enclave[edit | edit source]

If your Enclave is an offshoot of an existing Enclave, roll on the tables below to determine their progenitor.

Was it a Greater or Minor Enclave? (d6)
1-4 Greater Enclave
5-6 Minor Enclave

Greater Enclaves (d20)
1-5 Ionrach = The first and (so they claim) greatest of the Idoneth Enclaves, Ionrach has cities and outposts spread across all the Mortal Realms, though the heart of their power is located in Ghyran. Ionrach was the first Enclave to unlock the secrets of soul-magic, thus creating the Namarti. They are among the least isolationist of their kind, and even reach out to non-Idoneth on occasion. Ionrach is led personally by High King Volturnos, the last of the Cythai and the Idoneth’s greatest living hero.
6-9 Briomdar = Briomdar Enclave makes its home in Ghyran, the Realm of Life. Their demesne, the Green Gulch, is located near strongholds of both the sylvaneth and the forces of Nurgle, as a result of which the Enclave has often made war against both. Their Soulscryers are renowned for their ability to track souls through even the most inhospitable places. Though they are reavers of souls like all their brethren, the Briomdar have made the most progress toward healing the curse of the Idoneth. Briomdar aelves are some of the proudest and haughtiest of the Idoneth. They are currently led by King Lurien Soultaker.
10-13 Nautilar = The aelves of Nautilar split off from Ionrach after an internal dispute and founded a new city, which they later found had been built on the back of a Great Scaphodon, a immense turtle-like beast. Though they were originally based in Ghyran, the scaphodon eventually traveled through a Realmgate that led them to Ghur, where they have lived ever since. They were nearly destroyed by the skaven in a great war that lasted six years and were saved only by the intervention of Ionrach forces under High King Volturnos and the Stormcast Eternals. The Nautilar have a deep bond with the scaphodon and with the many other sea creatures that call its shell home.
14-16 Dhom-hain = Located in the wild and savage seas of Ghur, the Dhom-hain Enclave are some of the most aggressive and warlike aelves of the Idoneth. They have made war against other Enclaves in times past, and as a result no longer attend the great assembrals of the Idoneth. The aelves of Dhom-hain are generally regarded as primitive barbarians by the other Enclaves, and they in turn regard their brethren as arrogant and misguided. Their armies are built around great numbers of bond-beasts such as allopexes and fangmora eels.
17-18 Fuethán = The most savage and ruthless of all the Idoneth, the aelves of Fuethán boil with the volcanic fury of their home realm of Aqshy. They are exceptionally bold, impetuous, and aggressive, and their raids are bloody and devastating, with no survivors left to tell of the carnage.
19-20 Mor’phann = Dour and reclusive even by the standards of their fellow Idoneth, Mor’phann Enclave is located with the black and oily seas of Shyish, the Realm of Death. Their war-beasts are pale and be-tentacled and their Tidecasters are capable of summoning forth icy mists from the Ethersea to smother their enemies.

Minor Enclaves (d10)
1 Aighmar = An offshoot of Mor’phann Enclave, Aighmar was destroyed by the skaven sometime during the Age of Sigmar, and their chorrileum was ruined beyond repair. If you rolled “Refugees from a lost or fallen Enclave(s)” for your Origin, this may be taken automatically.
2-3 Laebrea = An Enclave located in the Basin of Laebrea in Shyish, a great ocean made of tar into which the realmgates of the Ghurish Hinterlands empty. The Enclave often raids into Ghur through these Realmgates, and once used them to save the Idoneth of Khaphtar Enclave from the armies of Nagash, though not before securing the allegiance of their besieged brethren.
4-5 Ymmerloc = An Enclave located in the Helfrost region of Shyish, the Ymmerloc attempted to warn the other Enclaves of the Necroquake before its eruption, and in its aftermath united with Mor’phann and the Stormcast Eternals to fight against the armies of the dead.
6 Khaphtar = A small enclave from the the Khaphtar Sea of Shyish, Khaphtar did not raid the lands of the living, but claimed the souls of the drowned to replenish their own. They protected themselves from Nagash with powerful wards that shielded them from both the living and the dead, until the Khaphtar was drained during the Time of Tribulation and they came under attack from the armies of the dead. Most of the survivors fled to Laebrea Enclave, though scattered pockets of Khaphtari were cut off and forced to find their own way. If you rolled “Refugees from a lost or fallen Enclave(s)” for your Origin, this may be taken automatically.
7 Morladron = Morladron is a shadowed and reclusive Enclave which lives somewhere within the seas of the Realm of Ulgu. They are a dread and enigmatic people, with a fell reputation even among other Idoneth.
8 Motlynian = Little is known of the Motlynians, save that they inhabit the Barricadius Reef of Ghyran and joined in the war against Nagash’s legions after the Necroquake, fighting alongside Alarielle and her sylvaneth despite their mutual mistrust of each other.
9 Ilmeth = A minor Enclave which lives in the Lampleus Sea of Hysh. Their home waters are luminescent, and the Ilmeth themselves are said to emit a strange radiance.
10 Other Minor Enclave (Túrach, Dwy-hor, Guethen, Elgaen), or pick one

Enclave Demeanor[edit | edit source]

One of the most defining features of any Enclave is their demeanor and how they interact with others. Where many are naturally taciturn with those not belonging to the Enclave, there are just as many who can be considered almost amicable with the other mortal races or others who see the harvest of mortal souls as sport.

Enclave Demeanor (d8)
1 Odious - Openly hostile and liable to attack with little to no provocation. Idoneth of the Enclave are unpleasant to be around, even for other Enclaves. If your progenitor Enclave was Dhom-hain, Fuethán, or Morladron, this may be taken automatically.
2 Reclusive - Whether they are reciprocating Teclis' wholesale rejection of their race or merely a product of their environment, a reclusive Enclave rarely contacts outsiders and prefers isolationism. If your progenitor Enclave was Mor'phann, Morladron, or Khaphtar, this may be taken automatically.
3 Brutal - When blood must be shed these Enclaves are ferocious and wicked, relishing in the carnage. When not engaged in combat they can be just as savage with their words. If your progenitor enclave was Dhom-hain or Fuethán, this may be taken automatically.
4 Dutiful - They do what they must for the enclave's continued survival, but do not apologize for it.
5 Tenacious - These Enclaves are stalwart in protecting their seas and cities. Even in the face of mounting adversity, they dispatch threats with meticulous efficiency.
6 Rapacious - The Enclave leaves raided settlements nearly lifeless. Greedy and expansionist, they usually inhabit a single ever-growing city or may even have multiple crowded cities in the same sea. If your progenitor Enclave was Fuethán, this may be taken automatically.
7 Peaceful - They take no joy in harvesting souls and do so humanely. Respected among other Enclaves and may negotiate secret soul offerings with leaders of coastal settlements. If your progenitor Enclave was Ionrach, Khaphtar, or Nautilar, this may be taken automatically.
8 Vainglorious - Haughty, prickly, and particular about their appearance, one would be inclined to think that the members of this Enclave actually believe themselves to be the closest relatives of the Cythai. Everyone is beneath them. If your progenitor Enclave was Briomdar, this may be taken automatically.

Enclave Flaw[edit | edit source]

Like any precious gemstone, it is rare to find an Enclave without its flaws. There are many internal reasons why an Enclave would be held back from its full potential or why one would be apprehensive to work with a certain Enclave.

Enclave Flaw (d8)
1 Hermits - While most Idoneth are reluctant to communicate with their brethren anyway, these Enclaves flat out refuse contact with outsiders unless a credible threat is presented. If your progenitor Enclave was Mor'phann, Morladron, or Khaphtar, this may be taken automatically.
2 Haughty - Pride keeps one's nose upturned and throat exposed. An Enclave's lack of humility and inability to recognize the consequences of its acerbic remarks and frigid hauteur could just be its greatest vulnerability. If your progenitor Enclave was Briomdar, this may be taken automatically.
3 Savagery - This Enclave's barbaric and ruthless way of war instills fear even in those who may be allied with them at the time. If your progenitor Enclave was Dhom-hain or Fuethán, this may be taken automatically.
4 Superstition - The members of this Enclave do not embark on any undertakings of import without attempting to propitiate the gods of the World-That-Was. Alternatively, they may enact rituals meant to shield themselves from the eyes of Teclis or Slaanesh. Perhaps caused by an ordeal suffered long ago.
5 Stubborn - Unreasonable persistence in seeing things through may blind an Enclave to the truth that its goals may be more trouble than they are worth, at least until it is too late.
6 Excessive Raiding - The Enclave's avarice for souls has nearly wiped out entire coastal populations, making the survivors reluctant to settle there again. Soul shortages are common in the Enclave. If your progenitor Enclave was Fuethán, this may be taken automatically.
7 Overly Careful - An excessive amount of caution is taken into every decision the Enclave makes; they occasionally miss golden opportunities due to their inability to act quickly.
8 Treacherous - This Enclave is infamous for its underhanded and deceitful tactics, and has betrayed the trust of or even attacked an ally. Those who know of their deceitful ways ostracize them and warn others.

Goals or Motivations[edit | edit source]

Every Enclave has its own long-term quests or current situation to deal with, aside from the continued survival of the Enclave and a search for the cure to the Idoneth's curse. You may roll for a motivation below or use them as inspiration for your own personal quests/motivations.

Goals? (d6)
1 Solely focused on searching for a cure to the Idoneth Curse.
2 Absolute dominion over the local body of water.
3 Slow or even halt the expansion of stubborn mortal settlements.
4 Secure a Whirlway/Realmgate from an opposing force.
5 Investigate a newly opened Stormvault and claim what lies within.
6 Prevent a force of Chaos or Death-aligned invaders from endangering the Enclave.

Home Realm[edit | edit source]

This is the realm where your Enclave hails from and calls home, from the pitch-black seas of Shyish to the volcanically active, basalt lined seas of Aqshy but not the roiling skies of Azyr for Sigmar rules supreme there.

Territory Location (d8)
1 Ulgu
2 Hysh
3 Aqshy
4 Chamon
5 Ghur
6 Ghyran
7 Shyish
8 Reroll

Home Realm Territory Condition[edit | edit source]

Just about every conceivable biome can be found in at least one portion of every realm. This table will help you generate the condition of the landmass closest to your Enclave. Roll multiple results for multiple landmasses.

Home Realm Territory Condition (d100)
1-19 Temperate Coastal Grassland
20-29 Scarcely Inhabited Wasteland
30-35 Lush Coastal Jungle
36-40 Deciduous Forest
41-45 Desert Steppes
46-55 Vast Savanna
56-60 Coastal Desert
61-70 Mountainous Forest
71-75 Tundra
76-80 Tropical Rainforest
81-85 Coastal Taiga
86-90 Rolling Hills
91-95 Coniferous Forest
96-100 Mountainous Desert

Enclave Tactics[edit | edit source]

Enclaves develop their methods of combat typically out of necessity or practical use of the resources afforded to them. You may choose to use whatever Enclave abilities you want as listed in Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin; the following list is mostly for flavor unless you choose to build your list to reflect your result/choice.

Enclave Tactics (d6)
1 Night Raids - The gentle lapping of ocean waves on starlit shores lulls the populations of unsuspecting settlements to their final, eternal slumber. Survivors awaken to a city lost in a tranquil nightmare.
2 Tides of Violence - Striking with the force and speed of a tidal wave, a mass of warriors surge into the target settlement. The carnage is carried out swiftly and efficiently.
3 Ebbing Tide - Using the magical prowess of Soulscryers and Tidecasters, a target settlement is attacked from opposite the coast and pressed between the Idoneth force and the sea.
4 Aquatic Menagerie- The Enclave fields many Akhelian bond-beasts. As phalanxes of allopexes and fangmora eels rush ashore, the Enclave's victims are frozen in awe and disbelief, which the Akhelian riders are quick to exploit.
5 The Deepmarch - Serried ranks of Namarti thralls and reavers advance relentlessly upon the settlement from all directions, ensuring a thorough soul harvest.
6 Riptide - Two separate battalions apply pressure and force the victims to flee into the waiting jaws of a third battalion(or allied force).