Infinite Staircase

The Infinite Staircase is an alternative means of planar travel if you don't mind getting a little exercise and aren't afraid of heights. The "base" of the stairs is in the palace of Argentil in the divine realm of Selune on Ysgard, and from there it goes up, well, infinitely. It starts out as a simple spiral staircase but about 1,000 feet up it turns into something out of an MC Escher drawing. On almost every landing of the staircase is a portal leading to one of the planes.
The staircase connects to any plane where creativity is being expressed. In practice, this means any plane that has intelligent life, which is basically all of them. The staircase is maintained and guarded by lillendi and the whole thing is covered in clumps of hanging vines so that the lillendi can use their transport via plants ability to quickly reach any point on it.
The Infinite Staircase debuted simultaneously in the Planescape adventure Tales from the Infinite Staircase and the Forgotten Realms(ish) adventure For Duty Ampersand Deity. It hasn't been heard from since, save for a short reference in the 5e DMG as an alternative route of planar travel.
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The Nowhere Inn, a landing turned into an open market.
Backwards long jumping is the most efficient way of traversing the staircase.