Infinity/N3 Tactics/PanOceania
The unit overview and tactica for PanOceania general army.

Why Play PanOceania[edit | edit source]
Maybe you want to play the “good guys” faction (cue Nomads and Yu-Jing whining while Haqqislam roll their eyes). Maybe you’re splitting Icestorm with someone. Maybe you just like the colour blue. Or maybe you’ve heard that this is a game about shooting – and if there’s one thing that’s PanO’s specialty, it’s shooting.
PanOceania is a high-tech, easy to understand, brute force army. They have nearly all the fanciest toys available in Human Sphere and choosing to go with a vanilla army over a sectoral gives you all of them, in any combination you’d like. While PanO does not have too many skills on their troops or ability to use some dirty tricks, it is very good at shutting them down.
PanOceania is the Hyperpower and it plays like one.
Faction features[edit | edit source]
Point and Shoot[edit | edit source]
A PanOceanian unit is expected to act well on its own, without too much synergy needed, as long as it's at medium to long range. When other factions drool over a BS 13 trooper, you laugh it off with your breadth of BS 14 and 15 units. FtF rolls are all about stacking the odds and PanO has an advantage starting off. On the other hand PanO units generally have low WIP, so be ready to spend multiple orders trying to grab objectives or getting your HI out of cover after a failed Guts Roll. Not to mention all the Trauma-Doc mercy killing.
A good example of a PanOceanian unit design philosophy is the infamous Svalarheima Nisse: for a relatively low price of 34 pts it is an HMG/Sniper granting enemy negative mods to shooting while denying them theirs. But he makes for a mediocre and slow hacker for his price and goes down like a sack of wet shit if jumped by a Fiday.
On the other hand PanOceania has a shortage of Direct Template Weapons, Smoke and has no Warband units. PanO is all about keeping the distance, not closing it for a cheap-for-expensive unit trade. So keep your bloody distance!
Special Skills[edit | edit source]
Regular Troop: PanOceania has hardly any Irregular troopers. On one hand that means a solid order reserve, on the other no cheap Irregular speed bumps. But outside LoL PanO players usually don’t need Command Tokens to turn Irregular Orders into Regular ones.
Martial Arts and Religious Troop: As you may have noticed, quite a few of PanOceanian elite units are Knights. That often means Religious Troop and Martial Arts, giving them some much needed defense against Guts Rolls, as well as Stealth. Knights tend to also have Frenzy though and you can’t mitigate it by linking in vanilla.
Jungle and Aquatic terrain: Not that many people play with terrain rules, but since the most interesting stuff in the fluff is taking place in Paradiso and it is the default setting for longer campaigns, Jungle terrain might sometimes come in handy.
Weapons and Equipment[edit | edit source]
High tech all the way: heavy armour, TAGs ranging from big brutes to fancy TO Camo ones, MSV2, X Visors and TO Camo troopers all around. PanO chooses equipment over special skills. Same with weapons: a liking for MULTI weapons, Spitfires and HMGs, not as much for direct template weapons. This also means that elite units tend to be both points and SWC hungry.
PanOceania’s cheap access to MSV2 is balanced by no easy access to smoke, one of the best things to combo it with. You can also forget about things like Camo or Paratroopers. Instead they have the widest selection of TAGs.
There’s one piece of equipment specific to PanO: Drop Bears. A mine you can throw instead of setting is stupidly useful, even when that mine is not Camo’d. And for special bit of trolling, units that have it are good at countering enemy mining.
Units[edit | edit source]
Light Infantry[edit | edit source]
Those guys will be your Cheerleaders and cheap, backup specialists. Unfortunately PanOceania does not have them in flavor cheaper than 10 pts, but at least they can fight on their own, which is good for a backline/corner guard and ARO pieces.
- Acontecimento Regulars: Higher WIP than regular Fusiliers, at the cost of ARM and additional SWC. A regular might be a good cheap specialist if you have the spare SWC. MULTI Sniper option is worth a look due to Sapper rule.
- Aïda Swanson: Aïda is a great piece if you have the first turn: FD1 mimetic universal fighter that will move forward, drop a few Viral Mines all over the place and then go into Suppressive Fire. If you don't have the first turn she will probably die. But what is 24pts? Unfortunately doesn't have Krakot's extra Impetuous Order advantage.
- Cube Jager, Mercenary Recoverers: A 0.5 SWC AD Level 2 unit, with WIP13 Paramedic and some nasty close range weapons. The SMG + E/Mitter profile can be a quick way to inconvenience a TAG or a problematic HI, Stealth lets him sneak around without getting shot at. Monofilament CCW seems like a tax though, as he can't melee for shit. This kind of quick and inexpensive specialist is what PanO lacked and the SWC shouldn't be a problem if you're taking Joan.
- Authorized Bounty Hunters: One of the odd Irregular troopers, Authorized Bounty Hunter’s most common role is the Sniper ARO piece: for 19 pts and 0.5 SWC it is a steal, especially if you roll high ARM or Mimetism/ODD on the Booty table. It is also ironically enough the one profile whose model is nigh impossible to get and the one that has least use of the generally available Bike model. Spitfire might be good for low point games as a backup killer piece. Has a 1 in 20 chance to bring Smoke Grenades, which is the only way to get them in PanO.
- Miranda Ashcroft, Authorized Bounty Hunter: A cheap active turn killer unit, kind of curbed by her short range weapons. Still, ODD goes a long way.
- Auxilia: Loved by Neoterran players, still good in vanilla. Auxillia is a combination of a cheap specialist and camo hunter/close range fighter. The ability to fight in two places at once or use an expendable piece of equipment to force a Camo trooper into revealing itself on a 15 pts FO is not something to scoff at.
- Echo Bravo, Ready Action Unit: If you don;t like filthy Tohaa in your army, Whisky Tango is here to pick up the slack. This guy may cost SWC, but he basically has no bad profiles. He's a much better gunfighter than specialist compared to Cube Jager, especially with this LRL or Red Fury he's packing. In case he runs into some heavy units, there's Wild Parrots or DEP/AHD to the rescue. Thanks to Foxtrot Delta PanO players are now learning how to use an AD troop. Yes, his name is lame.
- Fusiliers: The PanOceanian basic line infantry, 10pts for a base one, with BS 12. Just like everywhere else, in PanO they get all the basic heavy weaponry and specialist options as well as a non-SWC Lieutenant. These guys will be your most likely cheerleaders and BS 12 makes them for a decent ARO piece (especially with a Missile Launcher), if you’re willing to spend 1.5 SWC on a Fusilier.
- Fusilier Indigo Bipandra: A WIP13 Doctor.
Unfortunately still costs 0.5 SWC.Has a Nanopulser and WIP13, so worth considering, although you’re likely to choose either the cheaper Trauma-Doc or the harder Hospitaller.
- Fusilier Indigo Bipandra: A WIP13 Doctor.
- Helot Militia: The fishbois are supposedly there to act as cannon fodder, but in truth they are sentries. They're irregular, but you'll be using your Helot's Order to reposition him where he can be the most pain in the ass, so it's no biggie. Comes in two flavors: Decoy or Limited Camo. Generally Decoy looks more annoying, but Camo can combo with Zulu Cobra and doesn't cancel when you move him. The MSR and Red Fury are a bit costly for a disposable fish, but the other two profiles are Daylami-level trolling.
- Hexas, Strategic Security Division: A true clandestine PanOceanian unit, Hexa can be a real pain in the ass to remove, if armed with a MULTI Sniper or a Spitfire. WIP 13 and two hacker profiles make it also a decent, if expensive, Infowar and Specialist choice. A pair of Hexas makes for a decent alternative to a single Swiss Guard.
- Kamau, Amphibious Intervention Teams: Kamau are an elite Light Infantry choice, geared for long range fighting. BS13, WIP 13 and Mimetism drive up the price on such a squishy unit, but BTS6 might be useful for a hacker or against Tohaa and the HMG gets an 0.5 SWC discount over the Nisse. Speaking of, there’s an MSV2 MULTI Sniper option too, because clearly every PanO sectorial needs one. What is more interesting is the HRL + SMG profile, both extremely rare weapons for PanO. But in general Kamau are a lot better in Varuna than they are for generic armies.
- Knauf, Outlaw Sniper: Knauf is a great sniper platform. Mimetism gives him an edge in firefights, while MSV1 takes Camo and Mimetism away from the target (while reducing effectiveness of enemy TO and ODD). His Multi Sniper Rifle already comes with a nice variety of ammo types, but his Marksmanship L1 can add Shock to his shots as well - a very deadly combination. However, in PanO, Knauf has some stiff competition in form of Nisses, Kamau and Bagh-Mari - all of which are very similar to Knauf's equipment and skills - and even more snipers from Hexas, Black Friars, Croc Men, etc etc.
- Krakot Renegades, Morat Fugitives: The only PanO unit with a Chain Rifle and he brought a spare. It’s weird that Krakot is typed as LI, as they are a straight up Warband unit. His purpose is to get up into the opponents face, kill as much as it can and die heroically, in a true Morat fashion. Worth considering for an Alpha Strike, if you can get one.
- Machinist : Basically a non-linkable Fusilier with Engineer and higher BTS. Not very good, but it's the only (Regular) Engineer in entire PanOceania, so if you're heavy on Remotes or taking a TAG, you'll be taking him anyway.
- Order Sergeants and Specialist Sergeants: Basic MO Line Infantry. Higher CC, WIP and Religious Troop over Fusiliers, for 3 pts more. ML and HMG swapped for an HRL and Spitfire. Can't be your Lieutenant and you’re limited to 1, so you’ll probably want to look over Specialist profiles. Unless you really want an HRL though, usually not worth considering.
- Indigo Brother Konstantinos: An Infiltrating buffed up Order Sergeant (no point in taking the non-Infiltration profile). Specialist Operative, D-Charges, Assault Pistol, MSV2 and Mimetism make him a great Camo Hunter as well as objective grabber. Don't be fooled by his pose though, you should keep him out of melee. He's pretty expensive, but can work wonders.
- Tech-Bees, Maintenance Battalions: An odd Irregular trooper, the Tech-Bee is a 5pts specialist (WIP12, but for that cost it's still a bargain) armed with a pistol and a Flash Pulse. But the more interesting part is Remote Assistant Level 1: Tech-Bee gives a +1 WIP bonus to all your Engineers and Remote Pilots, a.k.a Machinist and Crabbot (and in TAGline, Cordelia). Can be very strong with Engineer Spec-Ops. Pretty much auto-include in TAG lists and a strong option in Joan ones (if you have 2 points left over a Warcor).
- Trauma-Doc: The cheap Doctor option. Much like Machinist she's not very good, but she's also dirt-cheap.
- WarCor: He's a 3pts Regular Order if you play Joan. Sure, Flash Pulse and Aerocam are nice, but that's not why you're taking him.
- Zulu Cobra, Special Recon and Intervention Group: Zulu Cobra is the only PanO Camo troop, which makes it a little obvious as to what's under the marker (unless you're taking Camo Helots or playing with Minelayer). Which may not be all bad considering Zulus carry Jammers – even if yours doesn't have it, your opponent may want to stay away from him, keeping the Zulu safe and siphoning the enemy where you want them (like in front of a Nisse or Helot). KHD profile is 1pt more than Hexa, so I'd take her for that duty instead. Same for Spitfire.
- Indigo Spec-Ops: If your meta allows for one, you have a choice of a Fusilier, an Order Sergeant or an Acontecimento Regular. Fusilier is a good base for a combat-focused Spec-Op, while Regulars and Order Sergeant can be good specialists due to their higher WIP. For a specialist option you’ll want a Regular or a Sergeant Engineer – just 2 EXP and he’s already better than the Machinist.
Medium Infantry[edit | edit source]
Since in vanilla armies you have no access to links, Medium Infantry will play either a defensive or a very niche role. Some generalist units are meant to be linked in sectorals and underperform outside them. Other, more focused ones, make good use of PanO’s tech.
- Akalis, Sikh Commandos: Rather basic AD trooper, but not a bad one. Has one specialist profile or can be used a straight up killy unit. Has E/M CCW for some inexplicable reason. Rather average Phys, meaning they could use Supportware. The E/Mitter and AHD profiles can ruin a day of a Heavy Infantry or a TAG.
- Kirpal Singh, Akalis Sergeant: Chain of Command and Martial Arts 2, Kirpal can make quite a mess in enemy backline. CoC can be a little risky if used, since AD troops tend to be out on their own and Kirpal likes close range, but it does count as a Specialist Troop in ITS.
- Armaund ‘Le Muet’, Freelance Killer: Costs quite a bit, but with ODD and Symbiont Armour Le Muet makes for a hardy sniper. In PanO he competes with some other, very good MULTI Sniper units for the role and with HI for points though.
- Bagh-Mari Unit: Although their main purpose is forming an MI fireteam in Acontecimento sectoral, Mimetism + MSV1 makes them playable in vanilla too, either as a cheap killer for low point games or a budget alternative to Nisse Sniper.
- Lieutenant Stephen Rao, Bagh-Mari Unit: For some reason Rao does not have a Light Shotgun and without link abilities he’s rather pointless, high WIP notwithstanding.
- Crusader Brethren: PanO's other AD troop has one purpose: to deliver righteous fury from an unexpected angle. They have good ARM and BTS, but average Phys, so supportware their jumps. A MULTI Rifle + Light Flamethrower is going to be a pain for anything mid-board. Death from above.
- Neoterra Bolts: Bolts are the kind of unit that should not be played outside sectoral. They’re not cheap enough to be used as Cheerleaders/ARO units and not special enough to be used as main killer pieces. While a Bolt can easily Dodge a minefield and replace it with Drop Bears, he will spend too many orders to do so for it to be viable. Alternatively you may consider the Boarding Shotgun with E/M grenades, being 19 points he brings some close range utility at an affordable price.
- Svalarheima Nisses: Nisses have been mentioned previously and for a good reason: they are nearly synonymous with "MSV Sniper" and make every other unit of this type look bad (with the exception of Nomad Intruder). Rather cheap, MSV2, ARM 3 and Mimetism, coupled with BS 13 on an MSR or an HMG, Nisses make for both excellent active turn killers as well as ARO pieces. One of the main reasons to play vanilla, since they’re not in any sectoral yet. And you get on in the PanO starter, so why wouldn’t you? Just keep a medic next to him, because he’s a priority target.
- Note that Nisse without MSR or HMG is a waste of points.
- Black Friars: You may not be expecting the Inquisition, but it certainly expects you. The Black Friar has two distinct profiles: an MSV2 MULTI Sniper, making him a Nisse substitute and an anti-shenanigans MULTI Rifle profile. MSV2, Biometric Visor and Albedo should cut short any fancy movements from Camouflaged, Holoprojector and Impersonation units, without fear of retribution from MSV ARO pieces, while Drop Bears let him mine the minelayers. The downsides are his squishiness and slow movement, but he shouldn't be moving too far; he's a bit of a scare unit.
Heavy Infantry[edit | edit source]
PanOceanian elite. Hyperpower’s heavy infantry favours specialized over generalist profiles. And everything aside from Magister Knights has BS 14 or 15, so this is where you’ll be spending your heavy weapons SWC.
- Joan of Arc/2.0: PanO’s Recreation and obvious Lieutenant. Joan comes in two flavors, a heavier, more support one, with +1 SWC, and a lighter, faster Spitfire option (which also has +1 SWC, albeit eats 2, so it becomes 1 SWC spent). Inspiring Leadership gives her the ability to pseudo-link your troops and make the few Irregular units (remember WarCors and Tech-Bees?) into cheap extra Orders. Can equally well shoot or cut down her opposition. She’s better in Military Orders, but not all bad in vanilla.
- Aquila Guard: A big bad Rambo that makes Hsien Warriors yellow with envy and Camo or ODD lists shit their pants, Aquilla boasts BS 15 and MSV3, letting him auto-discover and obliterate every kind of Camo infiltrator or ODD trooper in his way. Strangely enough no HMG Lt. option. He’s stupidly cheap for MSV3, but that is because PanO has no reliable access to smoke, making him a bit more situational than other MSV Rambos. But then who doesn’t play Camo units?
- Guarda de Assaulto: 50 pts for an ARM 3 medium range unit might seem a bit much, but Guarda can get close thanks to his Auxbot’s Eclipse Grenade Launcher. The Guarda also carries a Heavy Flamethrower and D-charges on both profiles, and the auxbot gets a light shotgun as a backup weapon. Not a popular choice, but an interesting one.
- Holy Order of Hospitaller Knights of St. John of Skovorodino: The biggest Military Order and one of the most versatile PanO HI. Hospitallers are ORCs with better stats and a Frenzy discount. Since you’re limited to one, Doctor or HMG would be your main choices.
- Father-Officer Gabriele De Fersen: The last Templar, De Fersen is a very valid multiple-purpose HI character. Armed with a Spitfire and an Assault Hacking Device, this guy is ready to inflict pain and grab objectives. He's also one of the few knights with MA3 and no Frenzy. And, obviously, has a Templar CCW. Changing his regular HD to AHD in Human Sphere N3 limited his functionality and made "A Knight and His Remotes" lists less viable, but he is still one of the best PanO hackers. The downside is he costs and arm and a leg and is vulnerable to KHD.
- Montesa Order Motorized Knights: The first biker HI, making Yu Jing forever salty. Montesa are fast, durable and killy, though they have "low" BS 13 and only pack Multi Rifles or BSG, making them feel a little undergunned. Mimetism outsets their inability to take Cover. They're cool, but personally I would use a Bulleteer instead.
- Sacred Military Order of Knights of Santiago: The 360 visor knights. 1 SWC Spitfire on a BS 14 troop with 360 visor makes for a scary mid-field unit. Martial Arts let him creep up the board between repeaters. Frenzy can be a boon for him, since it gives him an extra move and Santiago wants to be up close. Don't forget, these guys come with Nanopulsers and E/M grenades. The former is a nice close range deterrent and the latter a great tool when faced with HI or REMs. They are also all Specialists for good measure, with the KHD equipped with a TinBot for protection. This unit really shines in MO though.
- Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre: The Holoprojector 2 knight. Martial Arts 2, DA CCW and a Spitfire (or a Combi + LGL/Breaker Combi option if you're strapped for SWC), Holy Sepulchre makes for a decent solo rambo. However there's another use for him: Chain of Command! Very useful in MO where all Lts are aggressive, but remember that CoC is a Specialist profile, which makes good use of his high WIP. Remember you can disguise him as something as lowly as a Fusilier, making your opponent bewildered if he kills your Joan and you're not in LoL.
- Magister Knights: Only PanO HI with BS 12, Magister Knights are the base of Military Orders lists. But with AVA 1 in general PanO Magister is a cheap, suicide HI with a Panzerfaust. Generally not worth it, unless you really want a big, ugly, solo "Warband".
- Military Order of Father-Knights: Not actually a knightly Order, Father-Knights are extremely hardy general purpose HI. BTS 9 and WIP 13 make them a pain to hack, Assault and Kinematica lets them close distance to non-CC focused troops quite well. They can also be armed with a Spitfire, a Missile Launcher or take a specialist profile. Lastly, there's a Duo profile, so with TeamPro you can take two Father-Knights riding together. What's not to like?
- ORC Troops: PanOceanian poster boy HI, has a reputation of being useless. This is mostly down to the fact that ORCs are as baseline as they come: no special skills, no fancy equipment, no interesting weapons, WIP 12. Their one saving grace is being a relatively low points BS 14 HMG platform with Lieutenant option. Fireteam Duo is also something to consider, but it is a points and Order heavy proposition for vanilla. ORCs are good for games of 200 pts and below, but above that you will most likely use him as a Swiss Guard proxy model.
- Patsy Garnett, ORC Troops' Varuna Division NCO: Patsy is the special ORC character and supreme waifu. Short ranged and aggressive, can chuck some Nimbus+ to move around easier (especially good for your Mimetic/ODD troops) and NCO lets her use your Fusilier Lt's Order. A specialist with an SMG on top of that. Generally not bad.
- Swiss Guard: BS 15, ARM 5, TO Camo? Swiss Guard is the elite of elite in PanOceania. HMG for a wondrous active turn Rambo, Missile Launcher for a ridiculous long range support/sniper overlooking your cheaper specialist or AHD for an objective run. Swiss Guard is another unit that Yu Jing players whine about, despite Hac Tao being technically slightly better. And looks almost identical to the ORC from your starter pack.
- Sacred Military Order of Teutonic Knights: Sadly, they're kinda shit. Frenzy, buffed up Magisters. They provide a cheap BS 14 Spitfire platform, so it may be worth considering for a low-points game or as filler, but nothing more. They’re not very good in Military Orders, they’re even worse for vanilla. If you find a way to make them effective, please let me know.
- One way is to use Coordinated Orders with a Magister and ML Father-Knight (or with Joan), but that's a limited use trick, both in target viability and ammo.
Tactical Armoured Gear[edit | edit source]
Other factions have 2 to 4 TAGs. PanOceania has SEVEN. All of them BS 15, they provide a variety of uses. And they’re all G: Remote Presence, so count as Courage and invulnerable to Expel. Most TAGs are active turn killers, and thus at the end of your turn you should either hide it or put into Suppressive Fire.
- Clausewitz Uhlan: The only time PanO allows itself to stoop down to regular Camo, it’s on a tank-hunter Stingray TAG. HMG for general purpose fighting, Feurerbach for that delicious AP + DA or EXP ARO shot. With Surprise shot and long range, Uhlan’s job is to take out enemy HI or TAG with the Feuerbach and then kill everything else with the HMG.
- Cutters, Varuna Naval Chasseurs: Another big reason to play vanilla. Min-maxers will call Cutter the only TAG worth taking, and that is because of TO Camo. If you thought Swiss Guard is ridiculous, here’s one TAG-sized. Costs a ton, so you’ll be making your list all about him.
- Dragões, Acontecimento Dragoons: Typical frontline TAG, Dragão’s main pull is the Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon. A rare and scary gun, it defines the unit. Just point at target and dakka it to bits.
- Jotums, Svalarheima’s Armoured Cuirassers: Jotum is the biggest and hardest humanoid TAG, the only one completely unaffected by Combi Rifles when in cover. In straight up gunfights hardly anything can threaten Jotum. Keep away from hackers and warbands though.
- Seraph Armoured Cavalry: The fastest and cheapest one. Seraph is a jumping TAG with great BS and ARM. Now comes in two flavors: mid-range one with an Auxbot buddy (thankfully updated to bounce with the Seraph, so you will no longer lose it) or a more conservative HMG with 2 Nanopulsers, better suited for jumping from behind a building in or near DZ and spraying all over the table. Note that CC 20 without any CC skills doesn't really make it good at swordfighting other TAGs; most have CC at 17-18, so it's a crapshoot either way (thought the Auxbot can give it extra Burst). Probably the most anime of all the TAGs.
- Squalos, PanOceanian Armored Cavalry Heavy Lancers: Squalo is the TAG all other PanO TAGs (aside from Stingrays) are based on. ARM 8, MULTI HMG, Heavy Grenade Launcher, Squalo is a no-nonsense frontline TAG.
- Tikbalangs, Armoured Chasseurs of Acontecimento: The other Stingray, Tikbalang is a mobile TAG designed for fighting at all ranges. Cheap and light, but not weak at all, with Mimetism and BS 15 it will win firefights and the mines allow it to secure itself from warbands or have his back covered when in Suppressive Fire. Climbing Plus lets him attack from unexpected angles and traverse terrain most units see as nothing more than LoF blockers. If you want you can have him hanging from a wall and shooting down, how cool is that? His buff was paid with Toni’s life, call your Tik ‘Eduardo’ in her honor.
- Crabbot Ancillary Remote Unit: Not a TAG, but a TAG brain that acts as a Pilot equivalent if your fancy mech gets fried. In true PanO fashion it has high BS and low WIP... Making it pretty useless, as it has no actual ballistic weapons. But at least it has a knife.
Remotes[edit | edit source]
- Dronbots: Standard issue S3 Remotes, PanOceanian ones are not special in any way.
- Clipper: The Smart Missile Launcher Remote. Unfortunately PanO does not have good FOs or Hackers, so it's usually a waste to take one. Especially as the missiles can be hacked back by other faction's better hackers.
- Fugazi: The Repeater/Flash Pulse Remote. Cheap Regular Order and a mobile Repeater. Nice filler or Flash Pulse ARO.
- Pathfinder: The Forward Observer Remote. Mobile Repeater, armed, specialist, for 16 pts. It is one of PanO's better specialists, in part due to its fast movement.
- Sierra: The HMG Total Reaction Remote. Just park it where it can cause your opponent the most trouble moving around.
- Mulebots: Standard issue S4 Baggage Remotes. Come with Minesweeper, EVO Hacker and TR Combi profiles. EVO Hacker is the one to take if you plan on using a lot of AD (you shouldn’t), TeamPro or Armbots. Minesweeper is a standard cheap Order and a way to dominate a quadrant.
- Armbots: PanO-specific combat Remotes, come in two flavors:
- Bulleteer: ODD, BS 12, Spitfire or Heavy Shotgun, Repeater, 23 pts. Bulleteers are known cheap killers. With Marksmanship supportware a Bulleteer is a sure way to clear out enemy TR Remote and other ARO pieces in a straight up gunfight. After you’ve paid premium for your awesome HI trooper, a Bulleteer is a good way to cover his flank. Definitely better with a Spitfire than a Shotgun.
- Peacemaker: Just like Bulleteer, comes with a Repeater and a Heavy Shotgun and Spitfire options. Loses ODD in favour of an Auxbot, making it a less straight-up aggressive bot, fit more for clearing out infiltrators. Much like Bulleteer, can be used to fill a blind spot, arguably better due to its two-in-one nature. For this role the Shotgun is preferable.
- Palbots: PanOceanian G: Servants. If you take Machinist or any of the Doctors they will usually need one.
Skirmishers[edit | edit source]
- Paradiso Croc Men: Final great reason to play vanilla over sectorial. "The Croc Cock" is a versatile TO Camo infiltrator, good for any of the roles you’d want one. Having Deployable Repeater and mines on the FO profile is not common for this type of unit. X-Visor makes his Combi Rifle a lot more effective than usual, especially when put in Suppressive Fire mode. Lastly, Croc Men make for some mean snipers, although you may want to save a few points and take a Hexa instead.
- Locust, Clandestine Action Team: We're all Locusts now. An infiltrator with ODD and stealth. Breaker Rifle will make low-tech armies cry. Drop Bear profile is for mining up your opponent’s half of the table from relative safety. Marksman is just a straight up killer, worth considering in an awkward spot. Finally has a model, but only the AHD profile.
Warbands[edit | edit source]
None. Cheap, smoke chucking suicide units is not the PanOceanian way.
Building Your Army[edit | edit source]
The main question for any PanO army is: TAG or no TAG? There’s a lot of TAGs to choose from, but each is an expensive unit and will define your army list.
- TAG lists will want to save orders on other units, so instead of a Nisse you’ll be taking a TR bot or a Fusilier for ARO duties and Mulebots/Fugazi for cheap Orders. Make sure to take an Engineer and a defensive Hacker.
- Non-TAG lists will often have one or two big HI, at least one of them a Specialists. Common choices would be Aquilla + Hospitaller Doctor, ORC + Father-Knight Hacker or a Swiss Guard HMG. Those lists will usually allow for an elite unit or two, like Nisse or Locusts.
- Alternate third way is to go heavy on Remotes. Bulleteers are cheap and effective and a Mulebot can support them all at once. Since they are cheap, you can easier take a lot of Orders or a few elite units.
Things to buy: PanO starter/Icestorm, Fusilier SWC box, PanOceanian Support Pack, Dronbot Remotes. These are the things you will always or nearly always use. Play some 200 pts games with those. From them a good expansion is another big HI or a TAG and a Croc Man.
Example lists[edit | edit source]
Those lists are built with Operation: Icestorm as base in mind, but differently from the Beyond Icestorm box or the suggestions from the instruction booklet.
GROUP 1: 9 Regular, 1 Irregular
- FUSILIER Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 18)
- FUSILIER (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
- FUSILIER Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
- TECH-BEE (Remote Assistant Level 1, Specialist Operative) Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5)
- AKAL COMMANDO Combi Rifle / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 22)
- NISSE HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 34)
- NISSE MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 34)
- FATHER-KNIGHT Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, DA CCW. (0.5 | 50)
- ORC Lieutenant MULTI Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 40)
- PATHFINDER DRONBOT Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 16[)
GROUP 2: 2 Regular
- SIERRA DRONBOT HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 25)
- CROC MAN (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 32)
5 SWC | 300 Points
This list is focused on Specialists for Objective-based ITS scenarios, such as Seize the Antennas or Tic-Tac-Toe. Almost all bases are covered for Classified Objectives (only Engineer is missing). The tactics for this list is to use the Nisses as long range fighters and grab objectives with the Father-Knight and Croc Man, or alternatively Pathfinder. Croc Man can be in the second group as he starts up the table (so he doesn't need as many Orders for moving), but it's a better idea to keep him hidden until something in Group 1 dies and them move him with a Command Token. As the ORC is the only possible Lieutenant here, there's little harm in just deploying him in a defensive position and using his Lieutenant Order on Suppressive Fire, to keep him safe.
GROUP 1: 10 Regular
- FUSILIER Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 18)
- FUSILIER (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
- FUSILIER Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
- AKAL COMMANDO Combi Rifle / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 22)
- NISSE MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 34)
- FATHER-KNIGHT Missile Launcher / Breaker Pistol, DA CCW. (1.5 | 49)
- BULLETEER Spitfire / Electric Pulse. (1 | 23)
- BULLETEER Spitfire / Electric Pulse. (1 | 23)
- MACHINIST Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 15)
- PALBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
- TRAUMA-DOC Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
- PALBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
GROUP 2:2 Regular 1 Irregular
- ORC Lieutenant MULTI Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 40)
- TECH-BEE (Remote Assistant Level 1, Specialist Operative) Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5)
- MULEBOT Hacker (EVO Hacking Device) Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 25)
6 SWC | 298 Points
This list is a Remote-based one for killy scenarios, such as Annihilation or Decapitation. The emphasis is put on the Spitfire Bulleteers, with Supportware from EVO Mulebot and Fusilier. Nisse and Father-Knight provide some long range, with the latter being an answer to a TAG or an unwary Link Team. ORC is again just there to be put in SUppressive Fire so no one can get to him, although if needed he can push up the board too. Be mindful of MSV2 and 3 troops as well as DTW infiltrators, as they hard counter the Bulleteers.
Hints and Strategies[edit | edit source]
PanOceania can be very good at Alpha Strike. Too bad your low WIP will usually make that not the case and you will be forced to deploy defensively. A Nisse in a high spot and a Hidden Deployment TO Camo unit can make your opponent wary of being too aggressive, letting you take the initiative in the following turn with your TAG or Swiss Guard. Most importantly, watch your flanks and don’t let anything get too close. Taking two MSV2/3 units is not a bad idea. And just make sure not to lose your centerpiece too easily to misplaced bravado. Lastly, drink delicious Yu Jing tears.