Dark Eldar Battleship
The Battleships of the Dark Eldar are the strongest and most durable of the Fleets of Commorragh. Despite this, you should still realize that they are defended by tissue paper armor, so even a lowly Escort would still pose a dangerous threat to a Drukhari Battleship on a bad day. Instead, the Battleships of the Drukhari Raiders follow the theme set up by the rest of their categories of line ships, essentially basing on rapid hit and run tactics masked by Shadowfields and avoiding counterfire.
Class[edit | edit source]
Basic[edit | edit source]
Falling Moon[edit | edit source]

The most 'basic' of all Dark Eldar Battleships in terms of loadout. The Falling Moon is a torpedo ship that is also armed with a good complement of missile batteries for close-medium range and a single lance battery for the occasional long-ranged engagements
The Falling Moon might not be the best points use for stacking torpedoes if that happens to be the direction you are going with your Drukhari fleet, but the fact it comes bristling with all of its Battleship standard weaponry makes up for its slight increase over the other options in terms of cost per tube.
It is armed with 8 Torpedo Tubes, 3 Heavy Scythe Missile Artillery, 6 Scythe Missile Artillery and 1 Phantom Lance Artillery Batteries.
- Length: 12-15km; approx
- Mass: 35.6 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 78,200 crew; approx
- Acceleration: 8.5 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration; approx
Carrier[edit | edit source]
Iron Thorn[edit | edit source]

The Carrier Battleship of the family. The Iron Thorn is the second most cost-efficient carrier of launch bays at 134 points per bay, with the Fiend Ascendant coming in at 129 points and the Burning Scale at 180 points for its single bay.
Thanks to the considerable firepower of the underlying weaponry that comes constant across the 3 specialist Battleship hulls, the Iron Thorn is also a potent warship beyond just being a large carrier vessel, giving extra cause for choosing one to lead a carrier fleet, despite its second-place efficiency.
It is armed with 1 Super Heavy Launch Bay carrying Razorwing Bombers, Raptor Fighters and Slavebringer Assault Boats, 3 Heavy Scythe Missile Artillery, 6 Scythe Missile Artillery and 1 Phantom Lance Artillery Batteries. It's a Carrier Battleship, you want it.
- Length: 12-15km; approx
- Mass: 37.8 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 63,000 crew, including 14,000 pilots and support staff; approx
- Acceleration: 8.5 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration; approx
Dying Sun[edit | edit source]

Another Carrier-class Battleship. The Dying Sun-class is a more close-range variant in contrast to the Iron Thorn. This is due to the presence of Impaler Assault Modules. Thanks to being the only vessel of the Drukhari fleet to field more than a single Impaler bay, the Dying Sun just so happens to be the most economical way to field them at roughly 11 points per Impaler.
Theoretically, you could field as many as 10 Impaler Bays in a standard point (1,200) fleet by bringing 3 Dying Sun Battleships and a single Baleful Gaze, leaving 49 points of free unused space left over. Stacking Impalers isn't a great all-around strategy, but definitely has some meme usage going for it.
It is armed with 1 Super Heavy Impaler Bay carrying Impaler Assault Modules, 3 Heavy Scythe Missile Artillery, 6 Scythe Missile Artillery and 1 Phantom Lance Artillery Batteries.
- Length: 12-15km; approx
- Mass: 39 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 72,000 crew, including 20,200 pilots and support staff; approx
- Acceleration: 8.5 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration; approx
Lance-Boat[edit | edit source]
Obsidian Rose[edit | edit source]

Being the "all standard weapons" lance-boat option (In the most loosest sense of the word), the Obsidian Rose takes the cake for raw damage and crit potential, just belching out insane damage and ripping apart the subsystems of whatever ships are unfortunate enough to be the target of the Obisidian Rose's wrath.
The Obsidian Rose has the highest dps and crit of any ship in the game, especially counting single target damage. The only contender that could contest the spot is the Cairn when you add in the split-lighting strike ability of its stance when facing several targets at once, but that is a special case scenario.
It is armed with 3 Heavy Scythe Missile Artillery, 6 Scythe Missile Artillery and 4 Phantom Lance Artillery Batteries. You do not want to fuck with this ship.
- Length: 12-15km; approx
- Mass: 37 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 72,000 crew; approx
- Acceleration: 8.5 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration; approx
In Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2[edit | edit source]
For their faction's delicate nature and lack of damage avoidance/absorption beyond "don't get hit" the Drukhari's Battleships put out some of the highest raw dps and crit numbers in the game, being fearsome opponents when left unchecked. Due to the bonuses of defending troops, the Dark Eldar also manage to take the leading spot in that department as well, adding to their #1 listing for their assault critical chance. These troops, in turn, works both ways, as they also have insane boarding capabilities thanks to their high crit chance and frenzy. Thanks to innate Battleship class boarding bonuses, their assault troop damage is quite high now too.
Vessels of the Dark Eldar | ||
Spaceships | ||
Battleships | Battleship | |
Cruisers | Light Cruiser - Cruiser | |
Escorts | Escort | |
Combat Spacecraft | Slavebringer Assault Boat Impaler Assault Module | |
Landships | ||
Superheavy Tanks | Tantalus |