James Swallow
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James Swallow is an African Swallow author. He's written a whole bunch of tie-in novels for a whole bunch of different franchises, but most of us know him for his Warhammer 40,000 (and, in particular, Blood Angels) novels. His Horus Heresy book Fear to Tread ranks as Black Library's most financially successful book.
Swallow used to get rage directed at him, due to some pretty big jumps of logic and some liberties with the fluff. But seriously, he's FAR from a C.S. Goto, or, hell, a Matt Ward. Unlike them he hasn't made back-flipping Terminators.
This grouchiness might have something to do with him crediting Ward as a major help in writing Hammer and Anvil, second in the Sisters of Battle series. Except that this, if anything, more exonerates Our Spiritual Liege. The liberties he took with the Sorority are considered mutually consensual (perhaps for a change); they left their fans with blissful smiles on their faces and wanting more.
So, the man might be a Swallow, but he doesn't suck.