Jenetia Krole

Jenetia Krole, also known as The Witch-Bane or the Soulless Queen of the Imperium, was the Knight-Commander of the Sisters of Silence during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. She was possibly the most powerful Blank in human history, a legendary warrior of the Imperium, and one of the Emperor's waifus most favored servants.
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Jenetia was born among the Albian clans on Terra sometime during the Unification Wars. Due to her status as a blank, she was shunned by those around her and felt hollow and lacking in purpose. She was eventually discovered by Constantin Valdor and brought before the Emperor himself, which gave her the purpose she had been looking for. She fought in the Emperor's armies during the Unification Wars and compiled an impressive list of battle honours, including the Wars of Succession, the Red Frost, the conquests of Albia and the Panpacific, and Last Unity.
Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
She continued her service to the Emperor as his crusade spread from the soil of Terra into the stars of the Milky Way. One of the most significant actions in which she participated was the Cataclysm of Pentacanaes, an uprising on the Hive World of Pentacanaes caused by a doomsday cult known as the Final Banquet. When it became apparent that this cult had psykers in its ranks, the Adeptus Astra Telepathica deployed a force of Black Ships in an effort to capture these psykers and suppress the cult. The Telepathica landing force was massacred, triggering riots and mass hysteria across the planet as psychic phenomena escalated out of control. Only one Imperial unit was able to resist the psychic onslaught, an all-female unit known as the 5th 9-13 Indentured Irregular Infantry, or the Daughters of the Crow. The commander of the Telepathica contingent noticed this and realized that the Daughters must all be blanks. He aided the Daughters in suppressing the psykers of the Final Banquet, then rounded them up and hauled them off to an unknown destination. Combined with Jenetia's presence at the battle, it's likely that this represented the birth of the Silent Sisterhood.
Upon the founding of the Silent Sisterhood, approximately four decades into the Crusade, Jenetia was made its Knight-Commander, tasked by the Emperor with rounding up psykers so that they could be put to work for the Imperium or purged according to their measure. He also presented her with Veracity, a two-handed execution blade of unknown provenance that he had once wielded, cementing her status as one of his favorites. She also carried an archaeotech pistol that was older than the Imperium and an Eldar sword. Her ensemble was completed by her silver artificer armor and bitchin' voidsheen cloak.
Jenetia proceeded to get shit done and kick ass and take names for the rest of the Crusade. During a war against some Dark Eldar slavers, the leaders of the Imperial contingent were all assassinated while she was out hunting the enemy down. When the rest of their staff started panicking, Jenetia promptly executed the lot of them, then took command of the Imperial force and led it so well that she was awarded the right to wear the Laurels Invictarus, an honor granted only to the most successful Imperial generals. She was also present at the first deployment of the Ordo Sinister's Psi-Titans, the Witch Wars, and the battles of Itria and Asmodex.
At the very end of the Crusade, when the Emperor decreed that Magnus the Red and his legion were to be censured for violating the Edict of Nikaea, Jenetia was assigned to lead the contingent of Silent Sisters that would accompany the the Rout and the golden custard boys to spank Magnus and his sons. She personally killed many of the XV Legion's finest sorcerer-warriors during the Burning of Prospero and confronted the daemon that had been manipulating the skjald Kasper Hawser.
Horus Heresy[edit | edit source]
With the Emperor's secret project in ruins and all hell breaking loose under the Imperial Palace, Jenetia and her sisters were redeployed to the Webway to stem the tide of daemons that threatened to pour into the Palace through the Webway gate in the Imperial Dungeon. During the War in the Webway, she commanded her forces from the Impossible City of Calastar, working alongside the Adeptus Custodes. By this point, her mouth was permanently concealed behind a metal mouthpiece she'd had surgically bonded to her face, which sounds really badass and metal until you consider that it must have made eating and drinking a real bitch. She survived the retreat from Calastar, though she lost a few fingers in the process.
During the Siege of Terra, Jenetia and her sisters were initially held in reserve, but she ultimately decided to take part in the defense of the Eternity Wall spaceport, despite the fact that this would be a suicide mission. She killed dozens of World Eaters as they stormed the spaceport, only to be unceremoniously cut down by that one swell guy as he was rampaging across the battlefield. Because of her nigh-invisibility, Kharn didn't even know what had happened except that his kill-counter had gone up by one, and he was too mindlessly fuckangry to stop and think about it. Such was the end of one of the Imperium's greatest heroes and finest warriors. Veracity would eventually be recovered some time after the end of the Siege. It is now one of the Silent Sisters' most revered relics, wielded only by certain favored Knights-Centura when the need arises.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Jenetia was described as a striking woman, but her pariah-ness was so powerful that even the Adeptus Custodes, who were highly resistant to the null-aura of typical blanks, could barely see her or understand her sign language. She had to be accompanied by a translator at all times just to get across what she was saying to normal people. Her hair was said to be so long that it still reached the base of her spine even when bound up into the Sisterhood's signature topknot. Though she is depicted as having red or red-dyed hair in all her official artwork and in Saturnine, her miniature has black hair. This is hardly the first time BL and FW haven't been on the same page about these things, of course, but it's still a notable foul-up.
Tabletop[edit | edit source]
Horus Heresy 2.0[edit | edit source]
The absolute queen bitch of the Sisterhood is just as terrifying to the Warp as she was in 1st edition. Aside from Ex Oblivio, which reduces one enemy model's WS to 1 during the Assault phase, she has Hatred (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted and Traitor), Fear (1), Fearless and Precision Strikes/Shots (5+). Alongside her Archaeotech pistol, she has the Sword of Oblivion, a devastating S+2 AP1 Two-Handed blade with Murderous Strike (5+) and Duellist's Edge (1) to guarantee an edge over her adversaries. The Onyx Cloak improves her artificer armor with a 4++ Invuln that improves to a 3++ against Blast and Template weapons while not being within LoS for Barrage attacks. On top of that, all shooting attacks from enemies without the Primarch type or Night Vision all count their ranges as +6" further, meaning meltas and flamers are wasted unless you're point-blank.
Her Warlord Trait, The Soulless Queen, makes her sisters hate the warp as much as she does, as all units in her detachment with at least one model with the Silent Sisterhood rule gets Preferred Enemy (Psykers, Daemons, Corrupted). If the enemy army lacks those unit types, Jenetia and up to three other units gain Infiltrate. In either case, she gives an additional reaction in the Assault phase as well as two extra choices from the Chamber of Oblivion.
Ex Oblivio mixed with the Sword of Oblivion and Eternal Warrior means Jenetia will beat almost every (non-Primarch) Marine character in a challenge, including ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THE NAMED CHARACTERS (including the one who actually killed her in canon). That said, some Legions with flat to-hit bonuses/flat to-hit debuffs on you can stand a chance, Brutal (X) weapons can bypass her EW and the Iron Hands in particular have a Warlord trait to ignore any and all stat debuffs because they ain't afraid of no blanks. You'll probably still win by dint of EW, but losing is not beyond the realm of possibility.