
Jinnborn are a playable race from the Midgard setting for Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition which can be basically summed up as Midgard's spin on the Suli.
This planetouched race descends from the union of humans and Jinn; a powerful elemental race obscurely related to genies, but markedly more powerful - although not so powerful as to be able to grant true divine magic to their faithful; jinn-worshipping "priests" are functionally warlocks with the Genie pact. Physically, they resemble short, stocky, muscular humans with pointed ears and skin in a wide range of colors - from sky blue to light violet and from golden to brick red. Some jinnborn bear secondary traits reminiscent of their elemental heritage, including nub horns, pointed teeth, and elemental gleams flickering deep within their eyes. For some unknown reason, the jinnborn are a cursed race who must remain in the deserts of the world, or at least visit them frequently, or else slide into incurable madness. In Midgard itself, the jinnborn reside in the Southlands, the not-Africa of the setting, and are concentrated in and around the Crescent Desert and the Dominion of the Wind Lords.
The powers of their jinn ancestry can manifest in either of two distinct ways, creating distinctive subraces to the jinnborn. Speakers are naturally attuned to the enigmatic and mystical guidance of their ancestral patron, which they use to serve their tribes as guides, leaders and scouts. In comparison, Shapers have an affinity to raw elemental forces, which naturally pushes them to the role of tribal defenders.
Passionate people, the jinnborn seek wealth when they can, revel in revenge when they must, and cherish close companionship always. Outsiders label them as capricious or even savage, an attitude not helped by the fact that the jinnborn culture demands meticulous honesty and loyalty to each other, but allows them to manipulate, trick, deceive and otherwise take advantage of outsiders however they wish. The jinnborn protest that they never (well, rarely) lie outright, but they still love to speak in terms which are ambiguous enough that the jinnborn can twist the meaning of what they say to their advantage, and that certainly doesn't endear them to outsiders. Wonder why...
The core philosophy that drives all jinnborn regardless of their station is siraati—a mystical path that jinnborn believe is their spiritual and cultural guide. Intrinsic to being sab siraat is the belief that the jinni who created the tribes set them on a path that would lead ultimately to the Hidden World, a place beyond the toil of normal existence. The Hidden World is a land of plenty and fulfilled desire, free of the harsh realities of the desert and unspoiled by the plots and greed of the pathless. Sab siraat are divided along elemental lines, like the jinn themselves, and tribes tend to adhere to a single elemental path. Although every jinnborn tribe holds these paths sacred, no two agree on the specifics. Some common elements persist between siraati of different tribes, however, based on the elemental nature of the paths themselves. Air sab siraat are proud and aloof. Fire-based sab siraat are vicious and draconian. Water sab siraat are carefree but mercurial, and earth sab siraat are stoic and driven. Even with these tendencies, tribes exhibit great diversity in customs, laws, stories, and mannerisms. Some tribes boast multiple patron jinn and might therefore represent multiple forms of the siraati. Other tribes absorb members through conquest or marriage, and likewise have access to more than one elemental path. Once a jinnborn sets his or her mind upon a siraati, however, only the patron jinni’s intervention can change it.
Tribes of jinnborn take the concept of mystical paths very seriously, and they follow a nomadic lifestyle in accordance with those paths. Whether a given tribe herds camels or other livestock and follows the supply of fresh water from oasis to river, or another tribe rides as a family caravan seeking wealth through trade, literal and philosophical paths govern all. The tribes follow the physical paths their elders set down, knowing that these safe routes will lead them around dangerous sands, past beguiling mirages, and to safety and sustenance. Other jinnborn tribes make their way as mercenaries, selling their spells and blades as guards, soldiers-for-hire, or even turning to banditry. This is their path to the Hidden World.
5e PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Modifier: +2 Constitution
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Desert Dependent: For every month you remain away from the desert, you must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you are afflicted with indefinite madness (see Madness; SRD). Roll on the table or work with your DM to determine the nature of your madness.
- Changed in the Southlands Player's Guide, so that instead at least once a year you must meditate for at least 8 hours in a desert or similar area, or gain a damage vulnerability based on your siraati until you spend 48 hours meditating in a desert or similar area.
- Negotiator: You have Proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
- Siraati: Choose either the Air, Earth, Fire or Water siraati path to follow. You can speak and read the Elemental language associated with your siraati.
- Subrace: Choose either the Speaker or the Shaper subrace for your other racial traits.
Speaker Jinnborn:
- Ability Score Increase: +1 Wisdom
- Favor of the Jinn: You can call upon your jinn patron to gain advantage on a saving throw or ability check, or to impose disadvantage on an attack roll against you. You must decide to use this ability before the relevant d20 roll. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Walker: You have advantage on saving throws against being stunned and extreme environments, and on ability checks made to navigate the wilderness and avoid losing your way.
Shaper Jinnborn:
- Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength
- Elemental Strike: Once per turn, you may add +1d6 elemental damage to a successful melee attack, with the damage type corresponding to your siraati (lightning for air, acid for earth, fire for fire, cold for water). You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) and regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
- Protection of the Jinn: You have Resistance to an energy type determined by your siraati; Lightning for Air, Acid for Earth, Fire for Fire (no shit) and Cold for Water.