
The K'daai, known in the dark tongue of the Chaos Dwarfs as the K'daai Zharr, which means Scion of Fire or Fireborn, are mighty daemonic fire-elementals which serve the Daemonsmiths of the Chaos Dwarf Empire.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Chaos Dwarfs usually have a personality that will put a Dark Elf to shame, as they will bow to no one but their Father in Darkness, Hashut for which they simp profusely. The desires of their Sorcerers and Daemonsmiths are for power and domination, and for weapons and soldiers that will make them invincible - and it is from this desire (and by the blessings of Hashut that some how didn’t go horribly wrong) that the K'daai Zharr; the scions of fire, were born.
Rather than summon uncontrollable Daemons as a human Chaos Sorcerer might or parley bargains with the greater fiends of Chaos, you know, things that are considered as 'vanilla' by Chaos standards, these Priests of Hashut say "Fuck this pussy ass shit!" and go full-on metal on any Daemon encounter. In normal Chaos Cults, the Daemons are the ones that ask the mortals to bend over and bite the pillow, in the Chaos Dwarf realms, they are the ones asking Daemons to spread their buttcheeks wide for they are going in dry. As such, Chaos Dwarves often enslave the Daemons they summon by binding it into weapons and armour, war machines and constructs, thus harnessing and controlling them to the Sorcerer's will and giving them form.
With the K'daai they have sought to do something more, to create a race of beings; half-daemon, half-raging fire drawn from the magma of the deep earth and birthed in the boiling blood of Hashut's burning sacrifices, formed and contained within an armored framework of articulated iron and rune-stamped bronze. These critters come in two varieties nameless the lesser humanoid looking ones called the K’daai Fireborn (which is what the image on the page shows) and the larger and more powerful K’daai Destroyers which take the form of gigantic fire breathing bull shaped metal monsters.
The High Priests of Hashut have succeeded almost too well with the K'daai. For they have essentially turned them into a bunch of Chaos Eversor Assassins on fire, and need to be laid to rest in the deep freeze of a frozen metallic tomb until they are required in battle again. Controlling them is also very difficult. If you can imagine how difficult it is to control an Eversor, now imagine one that is a Daemon that will view you as much as prey as a target. K'daai are usually used in the most dire of circumstances.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
K'daai is a real-world mythological reference, being a Yakut word for a fire spirit that taught humans blacksmithing, a bit like Prometheus. Which is a bit odd, since the Yakuts were historically steppe nomads while the Dawi-Zharr are based on ancient Mesopotamia, but maybe they picked it up from the Hobbos.