Kevin Rountree

This Guy is the current CEO of Games Workshop. He took over from Tom Kirby starting in 2015[1].
Full name is Kevin Derek Rountree. Strangely enough he's just a normal guy, as opposed to a Warhammer fanboy. For him, it's just another job - albeit higher up in the chain of command.
Under his direction, GeeDubs has started a wide array of changes, both in business strategies, crunch and fluff; so far, we got 12 "Start Collecting!" sets for different armies for both games with ACTUAL SAVINGS. For example, you buy a Crisis Suit Team, and for a little more cash you get a Fire Warrior team and a semi exclusive Ethereal on a hoverboard - or even better, you can pay for a Carnosaur and they will gift you a Saurus Knight box and 12 Saurus Warriors. After all, their annual earnings reports often state that they don't intend to lower prices to attract more customers, but rather opt to bring more value per dollar/euro/pound spent.
They've also taken to social media, and appear to be developing an actual comprehensive FAQ for 40k, not to mention bringing back points to Fantasy. These are all signs that Mr. Rountree might actually care about their games as games, and not just a means to sell models.
On an interesting note, the coming of Kevin Rountree bears similarities to the direction of both Warhammer settings: after apocalyptic events which outright destroyed the old universe or nearly consumed reality, we see the emergence of a great leader, who, after facing great loses, decides enough is enough, and formulates a game-changing plan to make its domain come back from the brink; of course, both imply new armies of super-armored guys, but we also got new factions or revampings of old classics into new and cool models (we just hope no more Taurox or Lords of Skulls, seriously, sometimes it's just no).
Only time will tell if Kevin does actually care about the community.
2019 news: Warhammer: The Old World is resurrecting Warhammer Fantasy Battle, they are back in Total War: Warhammer! And he has given Creative Assembly creative liberty, hence we got Vampire Coast!
2021-2023: It's unknown whether he has a hand in the Warhammer+ and "no fan content" debacle, but it seems either he could not reign in legal or he's gone down the dark path. Emperor help us.
Yet more exploits from the lord of Games Workshop[edit | edit source]

- WHFB The Old World with GW working on Kislev minis!
- The Regimental Standard
- Warhammer Community
- Custodes in PLASTIC
- Plastic Sisters of Battle.
- He also re-hired a certain someone, FFFFFF... no-one's perfect. But wait! His writing has overall improved and the only sign is the return of Roboute Guilliman (whose sudden character development has turned Papa Smurf into quite a cool guy). That's right, it looks like things are on such an upswing, even the Spiritual Liege himself has improved, such is the power of the Lord of GeeDubs.
- As of March 2017, Lord Kevin has managed to cause shares to nearly double in value, pushing Games Workshop stock to its highest level ever showing who is boss in the tabletop wargame industry.
- He's making a new edition of Talisman. NOW we are back to being about GAMES, not just Warhammer.
- Primarchs (both loyalist and traitor) in 40k!
- AND wait, what, 8th? 8th is by most accounts pretty good. Sure, it's still a little rough around the edges, but the majority of the changes are for the better, and it is still objectively smoother than any other edition so far.
- Yet again more Start Collecting!, for Slaanesh Daemons, Beastclaw Raiders, AND FYRESLAYERS. The first one has an Exalted Chariot, which is just a regular Chariot and a Hellflayer combined; the second only has 2 plastic kits, but this will make it unnecessary to buy Stonehorns/Thundertusks ever again while pumping your Mournfangs to up max size in no time. The third one has A FUCKING MAGMADROTH. Yes, it is straight-up a dropped price, one of the few (or maybe the first) price reductions. and one of the biggest, because it includes 10 Berzerkers in the math, and GW stopped selling Magmadroths individually. Might sound a wee bit tragic? Yes, but in the end, they will sell more and we will buy more bloody awesome magma salamanders.
- Trajann Valoris’ facial hair.
- He has given Tindalos Studios permission to make Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2!
- And now, Adeptus Titanicus!
- And Rogue Trader!! Because if you are going to do it, you have to do it right.
- New KILLTEAM, that appear to be not some lousy copy-paste of regular 40k in lesser format, but different skirmish game. Over a dozen factions and two expansions released so far, it's increasingly promising.
- Our most beneficent and magnanimous lord has decided to share 5 million pounds of earnings with the 1700 GeeDubs employees, that's an average of 2941 pounds more for Duncan, Peachy, Matt, Phil, Jervis, Cruddace, Warhammer Community team, the guys from Warhammer TV and many others, here's the news, brought to you by BBC.
- New Ork Buggies! The old model was almost a quarter century old, and we finally get new stuff! Not only that, the reveal trailer is hilarious. "Inspiration, Emotion, Dakka."
- Also, profits have doubled since last year, with the highest historical earnings.
Update as of March 2018:
- "Lord Kevin" has been busy, and it shows. The amount of boxed games GW has been coughing up is a sight to behold, and each one is great fun. One point for happy community.
- On the opposite end, the new fluff that's been implemented has been rather divisive. While some are either happy or not discontent over GW finally letting the clock strike midnight on M42, just as many, if not more, fans are not pleased in the way this was done, with accusations ranging from making it child friendly to making it mainstream and everything in between. Most of these complaints are valid, and none are in army-burning territory, a select-few go into pants-on-head retarded justifications of their opinion that encroaches on vidya territory. While it may seem that this is merely an unfortunate coincidence, these decisions were almost definitely made, at least in part, by our Lord and Savior, make of it what you will.
Update as of November 2019:
- By the Emperor, now we can have plastic Eldar Aspect Warriors along with our Plastic Sisters, starting with the Howling Banshees.
- Warhammer: The Old World is, basically, Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition, and despite not coming out for at least two years, we will definitely be returning to the days of square bases.
Updates for 2020
- Our Captain of Industry made 40k 9th edition available for preorder; this resulted in scalpers attempting to do their thing with the Indomitus Starter Set. Our most cunning and multiple lord screwed over them by simply making the starter set Made to Order.
- The limited-time Indomitus box is itself a paragon of his lordly munificence: a pair of 1,000 point armies that people actually give a shit about, top-heavy with wallet-molesting character and elite units, plus a rule book for $200 USD--about a 70% discount compared to buying equivalent units a la carte. Little wonder everyone wanted it.
Updates for 2021
- BE'LAKOR IS BACK, for BOTH Sigmar and 40k! It's a 17cm high figure.
- MOAR ORKS! (In the form of the Beast-Snaggas, while its not a complete refresh of the Ork model line it's an entire new range of units)
- Gaunt's Ghosts got models now as well, meaning the Tanith First and Only get some rep on the tabletop!
- More plastic Sisters in the form of new units (in fact, the first new units since 2003), though this one is more of a mixed bag - mainly because we got another baby carrier out of it.
- Aeronautica Imperialis was announced, while not a revival of Battlefleet Gothic it gave us our first plastic Thunderhawk (even if its not 40k-scale). So we're halfway to having an actual plastic Thunderhawk.
- On a more controversial note, Geedubs has begun the practice of taking prominent fan animators to use for in-house projects, to the Skub of many butthurt grognards. While the canonization of fan content is a massive win for /tg/, it's offset by the fact that it likely greatly lessens creative freedom for those picked up. On a side note the one finished project taken in, Astartes, had been edited into different version, soundtrack modified for copyright purposes.
Time will tell if this will work out.It didn't. With a bullshit zero-tolerance policy on fan animation and an attempt at a streaming service, it appears he's lost out to corporate. Shame.
Updates for 2022
- To the joy of many an Aeldari player, it appears Geedubs is actually refreshing the Eldar model range. The meme is dead, with new guardians(of the defender and storm variety), Shining Spears, rangers, Maugan Ra, Dark Reapers, Warlocks, a new Autarch with actual options, ranger jetbikes called shroudrunners and a MOTHERFUCKING AVATAR OF KHAINE
- Probably had a hand in giving Cavill the go-ahead to make an entire fucking cinematic universe. Time will tell if this will be good - since Cavill walked out once the Witcher show he directed went to shit due to the writers giving no shits about the lore, we'll at least know when to jump ship.
UNCONFIRMED RUMOURS[edit | edit source]
- Him ordering The Old World is because he likes it fair and square like Scrooge McDuck.
- For that matter rumors say he is half scottish and half duck
Another prevalent rumor is that he is an anonymous Patreon of Bruva Alfabusa and has ordered Games Workshop legal team never to issue him under any circumstances.DEBUNKED- In fact, some argue he has made GeeDub fund fanmade projects such as Astartes, The Death of Hope and others under the guise of Nivek Squarebush.
- This was made reality for the former when GW signed Astartes' creator into Warhammer Animation. Just as planned...
- Another rumor says he is Billy, the little mutant kid from TTS who always keps getting terrorized through the whole series.
- There is one rumor from my roommate that he is the one who made Matt Ward become suddenly better after continuously hitting with a squeaky version of Ghal-Maraz, akin to the one Emprah used on Tzeentch to steal back Magnus' soul.
- One rumor says he vetoed transforming units from the primaris marines, but secretly made so the Invictor and Invader models can be easily kitbashed into transformers in order to circumvent Hasbro's copyrights and maximize profits.
- A rumor says he tried to trap and bring Duncan Rhodes back after his departure but the bag he used was too thin-layered, allowing Duncan to break free.
- Some claim Warhammer+ was a genuine attempt to support fan creators on his part, but alas, the rest of corporate ruined it.
- The craziest rumour yet is that he's even played a warhammer game at one point.