Kuzgeta Defense Sphere
This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

The Kuzgeta Defense Sphere spans the entire width of the Kuzgeta Sector, covering all systems conquered or colonized by Alexandri Ibirien. Established before the arrival of the Imperium, the Defense Sphere would remain as a distinct entity long after the Great Crusade. A heartland of Rosskan culture, its industry has allowed it to spread influence far beyond its borders.
History[edit | edit source]
Formation[edit | edit source]
After Rosskar was unified by Alexandri Ibirien, the Primarch's gaze turned towards the stars. Crafting an excellent colonization program, nearby moons of the Rosskar system were transformed into outposts and manufacture hubs. Soon old relics of ships allowed the rediscovery of Warp Travel, allowing the Rosskan colonists to fling themselves out further. Several planets within the nearby worlds had existed in solitude, unknowing of any survivors from the long night existed elsewhere. Seizing opportunity Alexandri created a charter for rulers of other worlds to sign. This would be a mutual agreement of defense, the exchange of ideas allowing the various pockets of humanity to unite in a federation of states. The Kuzgetan Defense Sphere was born. Rosskar was given executive control over all resources and supreme authority on military decisions.
This was because out of all the worlds, only Alexandri's territories had the ability to make warships. The Forgeworld of Kyuw assisted in the production of Rosskan Frigates, in return for protection from various raiders. The Kuzgetan Defense Sphere was greatly successful, as Alexandri's leadership gave them an edge over the various Xenos threatening humanity. Over time, the populations of the other worlds decided to take on aspects of the Rosskan culture. Children were raised learning their native tongue, and Rosskan. Alexandri peacefully took over other sixteen worlds, not even needing to seed them with life or fight tooth and nail for them. Because of this the region flourished and would later provide great bounty to the Silver Cataphracts and Rosskan Strelky.
Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
When the Imperium discovered the Kuzgetan Sphere, and subsequently its Commander in Arms Alexandri, it was immediately dissolved upon his order. All of the planets were drafted into the expanding empire right away. Not a single planet raised umbrage with this turn of events. Each one remained loyal to Rosskar first above Terra, however. Even if they made oaths of fealty to the Emperor, it was Alexandri whom they obeyed. To this end the various worlds served as a tributary of the Silver Cataphracts. Providing over manpower and arms to the growing 15th Legion.
Kuzgeta would play a pivotal role in the beginning conquests of their patron Primarch. Munitions flowed from the worlds into the artillery of the Silver Cataphracts, giving them access to the ammunition they demanded in their unrestricted barrages. Manpower was given up freely to swell the ranks of the Rosskan Strelky, a continuation of the Kuzgetan Troops from yore. This would lead to the War Council, and later Council of Terra, giving special credence to the needs of the Kuzgetan worlds in light of their Crusade contributions.
Hektor Heresy[edit | edit source]
Hektor Cincinnatus knew the importance of Kuzgeta to the war effort in the Segmentum Pacificus. It was a crossroads where the Imperial forces could recoup losses and launch attacks. Not only this, it was widely known as Alexandri's fiefdom. His responsibility and property, thus any strike against it would be a mark upon his abilities as a leader. A pincer attack was designed by the Traitors to launch out in the direction of the Defense Sphere, for Hektor knew in Alexandri's desire to defend Terra, the entire Kuzgetan region would be bereft of Legionnaires.
The gambit paid off masterfully. Kuzgeta burned, entire worlds razed up before the jewel, Rosskar herself, was attacked in a brutal campaign of destruction. It would not be until relief arrived from another Legion that the destruction stopped. In respect for the late Alexandri, the Imperium after the Scouring reinstated the Kuzgetan Defense Sphere as an autonomous zone within its own borders. This was intended to assist in rebuilding, as the worlds would be free from paying tithe until it healed back from its suffered damage.
Kuzgetan Secession War[edit | edit source]
Imperial Records Corrupted, by order of His Most Holy Inquisition wait until knowledge of this subject can be resurrected.
The God-Emperor Protects.
Worlds[edit | edit source]
Nueia Rosskiya[edit | edit source]
Nueia Rosskiya | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Alpha Nueia |
Sub Sector |
Rosska Minoris |
System |
Zemsvia |
Population |
50,000,000,000 |
Class |
Hive World |
Planetary Governor |
High General Kordman Treyevin |
Orbital radius |
1.16 AU |
Gravity |
.96 G |
Temperature |
15C Average (Temperate/Cold) |
The first world to be colonized by Alexandri, Nueia Rosskiya would later eclipse its own homeworld. The planet is cool but not uninhabitable, and vast reserves of underground hydrocarbons and other organic matter provide immense amounts of synthetic food to a sprawling population. Adding to the planet's habitability are two large moons used for bio-domes and hydroponic gardens, remnants of a planet-sized body that broke apart in ages long past. Though still reliant on external agricultural imports, this extra food supply allowed explosive population growth, and before the Heresy, Nueia Rosskiya boasted fifty billion inhabitants.
With such an enormous weight of manpower Nueia Rosskiya naturally became the central hub of Kuzgetan culture even beyond Rosskar itself. It would provide the majority of the numbers to the Rosskan Strelky, and produce much of the armor for the Silver Cataphracts. The Industrial World would be spared the horrors of the Hektor Heresy out of pure chance as the Traitors prioritized other easier targets over it, and focused their efforts on Rosskar itself.
Long after the events of the Heresy and the Scouring however, Nueia Rosskiya's elite grew confident that their world could perhaps stand alone, and indeed should lead all others. Trusting in their vast weight of armsmen to carry them through all opposition, they led a secessionist movement against Terra to name Nueia Rosskiya as a new Imperium. To justify this traitorous Crusade, the nobles cited Alexandri's leadership as a greater template to follow than other Primarchs who helped establish the modern Imperial systems.
During their rebellion, Nueia's two large moons were brutally attacked and the hydroponic gardens shattered. The ensuing food riots could only be described as nightmarish.
Don-Boz Primaris[edit | edit source]
Don-Boz | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Boroshan |
Sub Sector |
Don-Boz |
System |
Don-Boz |
Population |
6,000,000,000 (Pre-Heresy)45,000,000 (Post-Heresy) |
Class |
Imperial World |
Planetary Governor |
Lord Bessemac Danmers |
Orbital radius |
.75 AU |
Gravity |
1.10 G |
Temperature |
28C |
Don-Boz Primaris, an unlucky world if there ever was one. Settled late in the Great Crusade by emigrants from overcrowded Nueia Rosskiya, Don-Boz promised a warmer climate more conducive to human habitation. Though considerably hotter on average than human norms would prefer, its oceans are broad and shallow and there are few landmasses large enough to permit truly significant desertification. Its star is somewhat cooler than Sol, shining a very pleasant warm orange color, and its years are short and seasons brief. Desalination plants drank of the oceans and gave life to fertile soil, and deep beneath the crust the settlers found rich veins of promethium ore. Times were good for Don-Boz, and life was simple before the Heresy.
Owing to its geographical location, Don-Boz was considered a vital linchpin for controlling multiple Warp lanes through the sector and beyond. Accordingly, it was invaded no fewer than six times by the Arch-Traitor's forces, and liberated seven. Fertile fields burned to drifting ash, and both factions drank Don-Boz' promethium nearly dry with greedy mouths in order to fuel their machines. Tanks roamed freely across the land, and the civilian population was decimated by famine, disease and conscription into both Traitor and Imperial armies depending on who held the planet at the time. Indeed, not one Bozite out of a hundred survived.
After the Heresy, the Bozites shifted their focus away from the ruined surface of Don-Boz and enlisted aid from their wealthy neighbors on Nueia Rosskiya. They built a series of impressive space stations and orbital facilities, making their livelihoods from Imperial Chartist vessel tariffs and assisting the Imperial Navy with drydock duties. For many centuries, Don-Boz prospered once more, though never matching its early wealth. Still, its citizens felt contented enough. And then Nueia Rosskiya launched their rebellion.
Citing eminent domain from their ancient investments into the dockyards, the Nueians conscripted every ship in orbit of Don-Boz in order to transport their legions. Unable to defend themselves, the Bozites simply barricaded themselves inside the hab-domes and attempted to ride out the storm. To their dismay, when the inevitable Imperial counterattack arrived they were charged as equally guilty for not destroying ships, shipyards, and hab-stations alike to deny the traitors critical war materiel. Inquisitor Kennelax Poltaris led an Imperial attack squadron to savage Don-Boz, killing the spacers as they cowered in their homes.
Don-Boz today stands in abject ruin. On the ground, a handful of millions eke out a living harvesting what little promethium remains to be had for export. In orbit, small spacer families earn their daily bread breaking up the remnants of the vast shipyards for scrap, still orbiting in a ring around Don-Boz. It is a world like many others in the Imperium. Here can be seen the full price of war.
Vikorm IV[edit | edit source]
Vikorm | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Tungrus |
Sub Sector |
Vikorm |
System |
Vikorm |
Population |
120,000,000 |
Class |
Cathedral World |
Planetary Governor |
Arch-Deacon Constantos Etrura |
Orbital radius |
2.2 AU |
Gravity |
1 G |
Temperature |
-12 C |
Ah, to walk along the streets of Vikorm IV during its fleeting summers, when the endless ice melts and shimmering rivers of purest meltwater cascade into the equatorial oceans. Huzzah for Vikorm's savage winters, which toughen and inspire Kuzgetan families!
During the Great Crusade, Vikorm IV attracted settlers from across the Imperium who sought that most precious, and yet most overlooked of resources: clean water. The vast majority of Vikorm's water is locked up in ice sheets ten miles thick or more, only briefly melting for a few months to fill up gigantic meltwater lakes. This water runs over deeper ice, and never touches the bedrock below. Accordingly, it picks up neither salt nor sediment, and its mineral content is exceptionally low.
Imperial voidships travel across dozens of sectors to mine this beautiful iceball, and their cargoes of freshwater command unimaginable prices. The citizenry of Vikorm IV lives comfortable lives, merely exacting tariff upon tariff to sustain themselves. Where the ice extractors have passed, vast caverns stand newly open, and it is in these that the Vikormians live. During the Heresy, the Vikormians simply collapsed the entrances to their caves of ice and steel, waiting out the bloodshed safe beneath many kilometers of snow. Unlike so many other planets, Vikorm IV rode out the Heresy completely unscathed, unnoticed by either titanic combatant.
Over the years, Vikorm IV became staggeringly wealthy, and the emerging Imperial religion took notice. As fiery in their preaching as Vikorm's winds blew cold, the Ecclesiarchy claimed this world for their own and elevated its inhabitants to the exalted ranks of clergy. In the ice caves they constructed temples of unbelievable size and scale, whose artistry and grandeur know few equals across the Imperium. Tourism began to supplement the water-sales, and life on Vikorm is good indeed. "Cold builds the Soul, Gold builds the World", say the Vikormians. And it is true. Even after 10,000 years of Imperial habitation, barely 10% of the planet's water has been removed, and there is so very much more room to grow.
Kamnets Primaris[edit | edit source]
Kamnets | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Frombov |
Sub Sector |
Kamnets |
System |
Kamnets |
Population |
50,000,000 |
Class |
Fortress World |
Planetary Governor |
General Ibramev Tokrez |
Orbital radius |
.14 AU |
Gravity |
.7G |
Temperature |
120C (Sunside), -60C (Darkside) |
Kamnets Primaris orbits a small red dwarf star, all but scraping its photosphere as it does. It has an atmosphere, though a tenuous one, and receives an intolerable amount of ultraviolet and thermal radiation at all times. The planet is tidally locked around its star, and liquid water is present only in a thin ring of twilight between fire and frost. Were it not for the colossal White Rift stretching across half the sky, it is unlikely the Imperium would take any notice of the battered little rock ball. The Rift covers much of the Subsector and flares up in rhythm with Kamnets' parent star. Red dwarves are well known for producing titanic solar flares out of all proportion to their size, and Kamnets Alpha is no exception.
When the red dwarf erupts, the White Rift casts hideously pale light into the void, and from these hateful rays are born creatures that defy Imperial categorization even to this day. Though similar in appearance to any other Warp Storm found in Imperial records, the White Rift does not appear to lead into that plane of chaos and hatred. Like living lightning bolts, angular serpents of unidentifiable energy slither from a space between worlds to feast on anything in their way, and it falls to the Imperial Navy to fend them off with lance and plasma macrobattery at the ready.
Any soldier unlucky enough to be consumed by the "serpents" simply vanishes. Entire voidships have been swallowed up and disintegrated, or perhaps spirited away to realms unimaginable and deadly. Some believe the White Rift to be a manifestation of Order itself, passing judgement on the Materium's imperfect creations. Others believe it to be the fell imprint of an unknown fifth Chaos entity beyond the four Ruinous Powers. A few Imperial scholars maintain the White Rift to be lingering energies from a conflict between Dark Age Mankind and Pre-Fall Eldar, whose powers are now beyond human comprehension. The most frightening whispers, only uttered within a small circle of Inquisitors, declare the White Rift to be a godling yet to be born. In their eyes, the lethal forces traversing the Rift can only be the embryonic hungers of Ynnead, the Eldar god of Death, practicing its killing arts.
Whatever the Rift's true nature, the Imperium stands ever vigilant to meet it, until judgement day arrives.
Borzhov Secundus and Tertius[edit | edit source]
Borzhov | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Mikrulaktos |
Sub Sector |
Borzhov |
System |
Borzhov |
Population |
350,000,000 (Secundus), 12,000,000,000 (Tertius) |
Class |
Forge World and Imperial World |
Planetary Governor |
Magos Demevoi Relwa (Secundus) and Governor Maximilian Quirinius (Tertius) |
Orbital radius |
1.04 AU |
Gravity |
1.5 G (Secundus), 1.45 G (Tertius) |
Temperature |
20 C |
Deep in the void of space, orbiting a star much like Sol, two Terran class planets drift sedately through the void in an eternal waltz together. It is not uncommon for habitable planets to have large moons, and in some cases a true binary planet is born from stellar ashes. There are six planets in the Borzhov system, one massive gas giant orbiting very close to its primary star, the two inhabited worlds, and three frozen iceballs deep in the system's periphery. The Warp flows calmly around the Borzhov system, and over the millennia it has become known as a welcome resting place for weary Imperial convoys en route to distant lands.
Both planets are deeply forested and quite beautiful from space. It would be hard to tell that Borzhov Secundus is in fact classified as a Forge World, in truth. That planet is dominated by the Magos Genetoris, biologists of great skill who have made their purpose in life to categorize and understand Borzhov Secundus' biodiversity. Organic compounds are produced here that can be found nowhere else in the Imperium, and many of them defy all attempts to synthesize in a laboratorium. It is of course kept very secret from Imperial citizens, but the Inquisition frequently visits here to obtain samples of sap from a particular species of gigantic fern for their own use. This sap changes in thickness and viscosity when bio-electrical fields are applied, growing rigid or flexible whenever the fern requires. Thanks to this chemical, the fern can rapidly turn its leaves to follow the sun. Without this adaptation, the species would never have survived Borzhov's complex day/night cycle. If carefully blended with Polymorphine, the concoction becomes more effective at mimicking small physical details, and significantly improves muscle flexibility and motor control. A single branch of Borzhov Secundus' most valuable export commands a king's ransom, but the Callidus Temple is more than wealthy enough to buy.
For Borzhov Tertius' part, it is exactly as calm as its outward appearance would suggest. It exports metals, timber, meat, vegetables, and various items of industrial importance. Long ago the Tertians adopted a conservationist mindset, and explicitly chose to diversify their resource harvesting so that no one industrial sector would dominate. In many ways it reminds visitors of what ancient Terra might have been before Humanity's rapacious need for resources destroyed its biosphere, and the Tertians take great pride in advertising this. The Tertians are a sturdy folk. They have never failed to provide their Imperial tithes nor their Guardsman regiments, and can be relied upon for honesty and hard work. Their faith runs strong but deep. Visitors will not find grandiose cathedrals to the Holy Emperor, nor miles-long parades of flagellants and faithful. Rather, it is obvious that the Tertians equate work with worship, and every bushel of grain or grav-cart loaded with adamantium plates they load aboard the waiting cargo haulers is considered its own kind of Imperial hymn. A model Imperial world, though they have run into trouble with the Ecclesiarchy for failing to show proper reverence for the firebrand Cardinals that occasionally pass through.
Vesperides III[edit | edit source]
Vesperides III | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Wallesem |
Sub Sector |
Vesperid |
System |
Vesperides |
Population |
500,000,000 |
Class |
Forge/Mining World |
Planetary Governor |
Council of Artisans |
Orbital radius |
1 AU |
Gravity |
1.22 G |
Temperature |
30C |
Vesperides III, outermost sibling to two small rocky bodies tumbling about their parent star. Modestly larger than Terra and significantly younger as well, the planet is hot and tectonically active. There is little flat land and less agriculture, but mineral wealth is there for easy taking, constantly brought to the surface by volcanism and unearthed by landslides. Earthquakes are frequent and tsunamis an annual occurrence, yet humanity has made a niche here nonetheless.
It took time for Vesperides III to come into its own as an Imperial world, but over time the mines grew and prospered and with them came maintenance workers and technicians. When it became clear that the planet was too active to support large numbers of inhabitants, the Magi began encouraging a different production plan than most Forge Worlds. Rather than produce massive quantity, they brought artisans and brilliant minds from dozens of sectors to Vesperides, promising them raw goods fresh from the mines to work their trades with. Though war and disaster have visited Vesperides III as they have most Imperial planets, it is nevertheless relatively out of the way and maintains a high standard of talent.
Items bearing the maker's marks of Vesperides III origin command staggeringly high prices on the open market, and custom commissioned pieces sold directly to high ranking Imperials can sell for orders of magnitude beyond that. Planets have changed hands for a rifle built here, and the theft of a single Vesperides targeting scope is known to Imperial archivists as having spawned a feud that lasted for seven thousand years, destroying not one but three Rogue Trader dynasties. It is not uncommon for a Magos to spend a hundred year career on Vesperides yet assemble only a few dozen firearms, or for the construction of a single battleship's logis-engine to occupy the entire lives of a dozen learned minds. But the wonders that trickle from Vesperides III are almost without compare in the Imperium and beyond. Lord-Commanders, Inquisitors, Sector Governors and even the occasional High Lord of Terra vie for decades just to be placed on the waiting list for a single item.
Though humanity has fallen far since its glory days, it is nevertheless true that with sufficient time, effort, resources and no small amount of brilliant madness, new wonders can be assembled. And it is this philosophy upon which Vesperides III has built a reputation that spans the Imperium itself.
The Chudovan Assembly[edit | edit source]
Chudova | |
Segmentum |
Sector |
Chudova |
Sub Sector |
Chudova Centrus |
System |
Chudova Primus & Secundus |
Population |
100,000,000,000 |
Class |
Binary Star Cluster containing 9 Imperial Worlds |
Planetary Governor |
Multiple |
Orbital radius |
Multiple |
Gravity |
Multiple |
Temperature |
Varied |
In the Imperial galaxy, many stars have planets orbiting them. Imperial cartographers spend their entire lives compiling information on which are habitable, which have valuable resources, which are forbidden zones and which have dangers to be destroyed or avoided. The random whims of fate generally preclude any one system from having an overwhelming abundance of any given class of planet, save for barren and useless rocks which are as common as human lives are expendable. And yet, if one were to metaphorically roll the dice enough times, extremes do emerge on occasion. The wildly fertile Chudovan system and its eighteen planets are just such a place.
Chudova Primus and Secundus are a binary pair of stars, separated by a little over one-fifth of a light year. Practically in contact with each other by cosmic standards. Chudova Primus plays host to ten major planets, Secundus to eight. Primus calls four of its little companions habitable by human life, and though poorer in total numbers Secundus proudly can claim five temperate worlds.
The history of such a cluster of human worlds is complex enough to drive Imperial scholars to madness and despair, and would require far more documentation than this dataslate will here permit to fully describe. Before the Heresy the Chudova binary system grew rapidly and well, boasting more than a hundred billion inhabitants all told and displaying every aspect of Imperial life. The Chudovan planets tend to be a mixed bag, not given to specializing their worlds to any one task. They fear being taken advantage of by their neighbors, either economically or militarily, and as such endeavor to be as self-sufficient as possible. Forges, shipyards, agriculture and hive cities can all be found across the system. During the Heresy some cleaved to the Emperor and others to Hektor, but none of the planets could gain enough of a leg up on the others to strike without critically exposing themselves from another angle.
Strangely then, Chudova was quiet during the Heresy. When it became clear that Hektor was failing in his quest and the Emperor would emerge victorious, the "traitorous" planets quietly abandoned their revolt and did their best to pretend they had never dared take up arms against the Imperium. Some portion of their citizenry fled or was exiled, and things returned to some semblance of normalcy faster than anyone would have predicted. Not wishing to get caught in the crossfire, the Loyalist Chudovans assisted in sweeping the past under the rug, in exchange for modest economical compensation.
To this day, only a tiny handful of high ranking Chudovans have the slightest clue that their brethren's ancestors turned traitor, and that is exactly how the nobility wants it. As far as the Imperium is concerned, planets Chudova I through IX have always been and always will be the picture of loyalty. They meet their tithes, send out their Guard regiments, and keep their heads well down and eyes on the ground. Still, rumor has it that the Inqusition maintains a hidden base on one or more of the uninhabited Chudovan planets, ever watchful for ancient treacheries to rise up again in these darkening times.
Culture[edit | edit source]
Most Kuzgetans did not suffer the somber attitude of their Rosskan cousins. A sense of achievement and pride pervaded most levels of Kuzgetan society. Many could look back at the first colonists sent out to explore the vast darkness with glee in their hearts. That was their heritage, and they were deeply proud of it. In other respects, the Kuzgetans resembled more closely to their fore bearers. Little desire remained in their hearts for inquiry, generally accepting inhuman reality if it provided benefit to the great part of society. This cold logic would lead to certain accepted atrocities, such as harsh judicial sentencing for citizens committing relatively harmless crimes.
The people of Kuzgeta were tirelessly industrious, which explained their meteoric rise in most periods of their history. It was believed that all effort should be put towards the betterment of society as a whole. That this was the highest honor one could achieve. A person had a responsibility to fulfill to their planet first, then community, then family. Divorce rates and broken households were common in Kuzgetan culture. Immediate relations were simply not seen as a pressing priority compared to ensuring productivity continued to run high in your world's foundries.
This attitude fed into the arts, as gifted writers, artists, and musicians would dedicated every waking hour of their life to the craft. To bring the best improvement upon the greater culture as they could. The sciences received a almost religious pursuit of study too. The Adeptus Mechanicus gained many gifted individuals from the Kuzgetan populations who would go on to bring much glory to the Omnissiah.
Military[edit | edit source]
The Kuzgeta Defense Sphere, even after its dissolution, was focused on three stages of defense. The first and most important segment was Response Fleet. This was a collection of warp capable vessels who would respond right away to the threat of an enemy presence. The next line of defense would be inner-system Defense Ships. These would be Ironclads and Gunboats incapable of warp travel, carrying a great arsenal of long range weaponry designed to attack an enemy at a distance. These forces would never directly engage, but be a general nuisance by consistently falling back. They were designed only to buy time for the Response Fleet. The last line, and the most vulnerable, were the Kuzgetan Defense Troops.
The Troops were the Rosskan Strelky, before and after they came to be. The Kuzgetan Troops had less discipline than the Strelky. Acting more as a reservist militia, they would use the same equipment but be far less versed with it. The Troops fought with a tenacity however on their homeworlds. Under proper leadership or the watchful gaze of the Silver Cataphracts, they were capable of achieving greatness on par with their Imperial Army comrades.