
The word Lahmian refers to a type of Vampire Counts from Warhammer Fantasy. It is derived from the word "Lamia", a female supernatural monster/vampire/demon who feeds on blood. This derives further from Greek mythology where Lamia (derived even further from the Greek word Laimos, or gut) was the queen of Libya and one of Zeus's lovers who met a tragic end. Since she had no children with Zeus to punish as she usually did, Hera instead killed all of Lamia's children. This horrible experience drove Lamia completely insane and turned her into a child eating snake monster that cannot sleep due to Hera completely removing that (Zeus however took pity on her and gave her the ability to pull out her eyeballs from the eye-sockets in order to sleep, not to mention developing shapeshifting powers in the process). Note that Lahmians are unrelated to Lamia in the traditional gaming context (preferring cats to snakes, although there are a few references connecting her to snakes as a nickname).
History[edit | edit source]
The bloodline of Neferata, most of them are female and all of them are found in positions of power within society, although most prefer aristocracy or the mercantile class. While the wandering Necromancer is a Necrarch, the homeless beggar or bandit is a Strigoi, the noble knights and warriors of the world being murderhobos getting into fights and doing awesome shit are Blood Dragons, and while the Von Carsteins are nouveau riche pricks in crumbling manors surrounded by stinking corpses and emaciated thralls, Lahmians are a cut above. They've got style. Skilled middle class priests and merchants, aristocrats of fantastic breeding living in the city and attending every party, hookers, criminal bosses, and artists... all these and more have Lahmians masquerading as humans among their number.
Lahmians prefer the undead that doesn't stink, like skeletons. While many are skilled swordswomen, they lean more on the Elf side of things with higher skill and speed rather than strength or toughness (of course being vampires they have those as well, and Lahmians by nature come from different backgrounds and have diverse sets of skills). Lahmians are also one of the two most magical Bloodlines, although rather than the mad science of the Necrarchs they lean towards the diverse and refined knowledge that only those who see every shipping charter before a vessel even sets sail can get. Most of all, Lahmians rely on guile and charisma (which in Warhammer Fantasy terms means Leadership and abilities that manipulate that of others) to get the job done. Lore accounts differ on how the Lahmians dress; while infiltrating other civilizations they obviously maintain the clothing and colors of the locals and their false identity, but within the Silver Pinnacle they are said to either remain entirely hidden wearing black clothing and heavy veils (Liber Necris or dressed the same as ancient Nehekharans while the skeletal undead are dressed fully in black to hide their nature (WFRP Night's Dark Masters 2e). In Total War: WARHAMMER the colors associated with the Silver Pinnacle are white, with yellow and midnight blue as secondary colors while metallic parts are of a brighter brass/bronze and iron for the skeletons. Traditional Army Book example army colors always portrayed the Bloodlines with the same colors, although fans commonly gave the Lahmians less "fresh blood with black" and more "burgandy with purple" colors.
While being trained in the Silver Pinnacle Neferata has them tortured to weed out the weak conditioned to endure the pain of exposure to holy symbols, which ensures that her servants sent abroad are far less likely to be discovered. Living humans are lured to the Silver Pinnacle by exotic rumors, which are cultivated by word of mouth by those who survive. Those deemed useful are spared, and treated to exotic parties where Lahmian recruits are essentially trained in how to converse, seduce, and most importantly glean useful information, before being released to spread the rumor of the exotic hidden palace among their peers; obviously those who are too perceptive or exposed to a mistake by a young Lahmian never leave.
Eight edition elaborated more on Neferata's forces, adding that she has a tribe of Ghouls now called "The Wretches" after the euphamism she always used to refer to them who serve her; originally vermin who fed on the discarded corpses of those who were drained of blood but not raised as zombies and skeletons that continued to survive despite her orders for their extermination, she rescinded the order when she found out they had been worshipping her as a goddess and discovered they were useful when dispatched into battle. On the rare ocassion she actually is found on the battlefield with them she refuses to actually issue them orders directly, using one of her handmaidens as a go-between. In Total War: WARHAMMER her Ghouls are portrayed with lighter skin tones than those of the default Vampire armies, resembling the traditional Eavy Metal greenish necrotic paintjob while the unit champion is a kind of blood-filled umber.
While all beings in Warhammer Fantasy are prone to backstabbing (some more than others), Lahmians are particularly hierarchical in a manner resembling the Camarilla from VtM. No major action may be performed without the blessing of a higher up, keeping silent and maintaining secrecy is of utmost importance, and everyone is vying to be the pussy in Neferata's lap favored servant of the Queen while also fearing what would happen if one so much as annoys her, or shows weakness to a rival. Lower rank Lahmians tend to be more resentful of the higher ranked ones, as most of the difficult work in the lower classes is done by them.
In regards to other Bloodlines, Neferata views herself as the supreme ruler of the Undead (until she swears loyalty to Nagash, who serves more as the divine power behind her rule in her mind). As a result she will generally work to better their place in the world and control over all other factions unless she feels threatened or insulted, which given her typically Nehekharan arrogance and demand for protocol on par with Settra is quite often, leading her to bring complete ruin on her rivals both real and imagined without a second thought. Those who do endear themselves to her find themselves pampered and protected with their skills honed and many powers granted (although on rare occasion they are sacrificed for the greater good), and as Naamia describes it her minions love her for it all.
Lore is vague on which nations exactly the Lahmians have infiltrated. The Empire is entirely within their domain of control, and they spend a great deal of time keeping the Witch Hunters off their backs while diverting Sigmar's holy zealots towards the other Bloodlines and Chaos infestations. Lahmians have agents in Bretonnia, although how much belonged to them is unknown. The Warhammer Silk Road to Cathay, and an unknown amount of Cathay itself, is also completely within Lahmian control and they have agents in the Border Princes and other human kingdoms. Old lore hinted the Lahmians also had agents among the Elves and that she was aware of the goings-on in Ulthuan and Naggaroth. Lahmians will work in the interest of the societies they infiltrate by suppressing riots and purging the corrupt (or at least the corrupt and unpredictable/unmanipulatable) via "accidents", long-planned falls from grace, or even just flat-out disappearances and have helped secretly defend the populace from the predations of other Vampires and of Chaos plots and invasions.
One of Neferata's favorite tricks is to turn a woman into a cat, get a merchant or a nobleman to take her in, then have her turn back into a woman and fuck his brains out like it's an erotic manga so he'll establish her as his wife and thus put one more Lahmian spy in the world. As a result of Neferata's manipulations most of the nun organizations are now Lahmian vampires. The poets and playwrights of the world are often Lahmian vampires. Brothel owners are often Lahmian vampires. Upper class escorts are often Lahmian vampires. Noblewoman are often Lahmian vampires. That gay guy who does your wife's hair is a Lahmian vampire. Your wife is a Lahmian vampire. As long as you do what they say, everything will be alright. We promise.
Age of Sigmar[edit | edit source]
Seeing as Neferata was resurrected in the Mortal Realms, the Lahmian bloodline also makes a return. They are officially called the “Legion of Blood” but are functionally the same as before. Neferata was quick to restart her kingdom by creating the city of Nulahmia and weaving a web of spies and informants that spread all across the realm of death and beyond.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Chaos
- Beastmen
- In the novel "Neferata" there is an encounter between Beastmen and Lahmians. The Beastmen hunt the vampires before they turn the tables and kill the Beastmen. One says their blood tastes like goat's blood and they briefly consider whether it carries the taint of Chaos. Generally speaking, the Beastmen are enemies of anything that isn't Chaos and is organized and in particular hate humans, making Lahmians likely the Vampires they are most opposed to.
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Chaos Dwarfs have no concern or interest in the Lahmians and vice versa. Which is a bit odd considering that the Silver Pinnacle is really close to the Dark Lands.
- Daemons
- Daemons have virtually nothing to do with the Lahmians as Vampires are outside of the cycle of life and death, their souls never returning to the Warp. One of the only rules implied among the Lahmians is that they never consort with the followers of Chaos.
- Warriors Of Chaos
- The WoC have no concern or interest in the Lahmians prior to End Times, when they were enemies. Individual Lahmians, sometimes agents and sometimes those independant but descended from the Bloodline, have sought to undermine and prevent Chaos invasions of human cities they live in.
- Beastmen
- Dwarfs
- Von Carsteins antagonize the Dwarfs a great deal, and the Dwarfs aid the Empire whenever they can while generally believe via willful ignorance that the actions of every member of a race reflects all members. As a result the resting state for all Vampires is abysmal, even not counting their history. The interaction between the two factions began when Neferata invaded a Dwarven fortress called the Silver Pinnacle which led to the Dwarves to record the first Grudge against Vampires (as well as all other undead, due to Dwarf logic). Ironically most Vampires consider Dwarf blood to taste somewhat unpleasant. Depending on the source the Silver Pinnacle was either depleted of all its actual silver and most of its gems, or still remains a functional mine, but either way the Grudge earned is enough of a reason for a steady stream of Slayers to come; Neferata had initially befriended them by rescuing Razek - the Prince of the Hold - from Beastmen although W'soran had Razek killed without Neferata's knowledge due to his spying. After laying siege to the Hold she offered mercy for the civilians if the warriors surrendured which she intended to grant, but traitors within her ranks butchered them instead, causing the remaining warriors to take the Slayer oath and attempt (unsuccessfully) to kamikaze Neferata's forces. Dwarfs today don't know the full story, only that there were no survivors and based on how the information has not been spread to humans it may not even be common knowledge that it was Vampires that attacked but rather any of the many depredations the Dwarfs suffered after the War of Vengeance and the Slann playing continental jenga. Neferata probably went "Oh, I get to purge traitors who revealed themselves idiotically and an entire Dwarf Hold of undead blacksmiths and warriors. Sold!".
- Elves
- High Elves
- The Lahmians were not a concern of the Asur. It is implied that there are Lahmians among the High Elves or spying on them, as Neferata knew of Aliathra's true parentage even though Mannfred and Arkhan didn't and very few High Elves (Finubar, Alarielle, Tyrion, Teclis, Eltharion, Eldyra and Aliathra herself) are stated to know.
- Dark Elves
- Dark Elves have no concern or interest in the Lahmians, though there was an alliance in the past. Neferata's ship was attacked by Dark Elf Corsairs and she and her handmaidens fought them off. It's also revealed that Elf blood is intoxicating to vampires like a tasty but potent wine, making a vampire's body and mind sluggish. However, the poison and drugs Witch Elves take before battle can knock out a vampire who drinks the drug-laced blood, as one Lahmian discovered to her cost.
- Wood Elves
- Wood Elves have no concern or interest in the Lahmians and vice versa. Presumably the unnatural nature of Vampires would be offensive to them, but their resistance to Chaos (the main enemy of the Wood Elves) may put them closer to neutral than it would otherwise be.
- High Elves
- Humans
- Bretonnia
- The Lahmians are spread among the nobility of Bretonnians. They often disguise themselves as wives, or take advantage of the Bretonnian knights code to play damsel in distress and use the nobleman's wife excuse to avoid associating with peasants. Neferata herself likes the Bretonnians because they're so easy for her to exploit. Foolish knights come to the Silver Pinnacle on ocassion, though no known army has.
- The Empire
- The favorite pawns because of their influence around the world. The Church of Sigmar stands between them and their goals and they have a mutual hatred of each other, due to the Sigmarite faith opposing their unholy nature and immorality.
- Bretonnia
- Lizardmen
- Lizardmen have no concern or interest in the Lahmians, but their encounter will still be a violent one since Vampires are not part of the great plan like the Skaven and Dark Elves. For their part the Lahmians are not known to have any interactions with the Lizardmen, but might be found within Empire colonies or expeditions to Lustria.
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Ogre mercenaries in the Empire, as well as the population living in Ostland, would be concerned about the Vampire Counts but the Kingdoms themselves are likely to work alongside agents of the Lahmians as they are to be against them. Few if any Lahmians would consider dealing with the Ogres directly, and the Lahmians generally find the Ogres beneath them.
- Orcs & Goblins
- While they did manipulate them to act as enemies against Ushoran, otherwise Lahmians have no regard for Orcs. They think Orc blood tastes too plant-like for their liking.
- Skaven
- Lahmians have never worked directly with Skaven, and both sides see each other as enemies. Skaven involvement in the fall of Nagash is a mixed bag, since it liberated the power-hungry Lahmians as much as it did cause their original fall from grace.
- Tomb Kings
- One of the Lahmians most hated enemies and this goes both ways. From the vampires role as Nagash's work and servants which resulted in the current state of misery of the Tomb Kings, to the vendetta between Nefarata and her (highly respected and powerful within TK society) cousin Queen Khalida there are many reasons to hate. There's also several youngest Tomb Kings back in the days when they were living humans who lost their sisters, wives (in true ancient Egypt fashion, the first two sometimes overlap), fiancees or daughters to Neferata's Vampirism. Prior to the End Times the Lahmians and the Tomb Kings never worked together; the former want to subjugate or exterminate the latter while the latter want to wipe out the former. Neferata's primary goal, or at least her most direct one, is to gather an army powerful enough to retake her former capital city and home of Lahmia and hold it against the united race of Tomb Kings, although her priorities on the subjugating rest of Nehekhara compared to the overall goal of controlling the rest of the world is unknown.
- Vampire Counts
- Strigoi
- A hated enemy of the Lahmians and the feeling is mutual due to Neferata undermining Ushoran then ruining Mourikhan. Wandering Strigoi find themselves driven out or eliminated to prevent them from bringing unwanted attention from the Empire to the region, a treatment that extends to the Strigany people. Or simply because the Strigoi doesn't know when to stop regarding feeding on the peasants, possibly getting a delicious maiden or elderly warrior that someone who could appreciate the meal could have had. Strigoi in return hate them for causing their fall from grace and how they get to live in luxury supping off kings and nobles while the Strigoi shiver in caves and feed on peasants or corpses. While the most direct persecution comes from the Von Carsteins, any Strigoi who knows their own history knows Lahmians are their true enemy.
- Von Carsteins
- Another hated enemy of the Lahmians. The Lahimans see the Von Carsteins as second-rate upstarts and charlatans. The two are direct rivals for power, the Von Carsteins pretending to be Vampire overlords in crumbling castles surrounded by disgusting rotten corpses (both animated and not) while Lahmians pretend to be human overlords in well-furnished and modern decorated castles or delightful palaces straight from antiquity. Much of the intrigue not related to ruling the world of both Bloodlines is against each other, with a small amount left for kicking Strigoi in the teeth for lulz. The fact that later canon made the Von Carstein patriarch be Neferata's amnesiac ex-husband further emphasizes the animosity.
- Blood Dragon
- The Blood Dragons have limited connections to the Lahmians. There is animosity as Neferata tricked Abhorash into becoming a vampire and he hates her for it, but his honor prevents him from killing her over it and he has nothing to do with the actual ruling of his Bloodline anyway. Younger ones who know their history would possibly see it as a positive, but the rigid "honorable" code of the BDs would see them sneer at the subtle and diplomatic approach of the Lahmians.
- Necrarch
- Necrarchs have the same relationship with the Lahmians that they do the other Bloodlines (Strigoi excluded). Necrarchs build monsters or discover new spells, they sell them to the Lahmians for gold or supplies while competing for magical McGuffins. However, this is rare as the Lahmians tend to either do magic experiments themselves or spy on mortal practitioners of magic and steal their work. The biggest point of disagreement would come from most Necrarchs either having a great amount of respect or outright worship of Nagash while Lahmians seek to ascend in their own society with only Neferata at the top.
- Strigoi
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The standard Out Of Production Lahmians on foot and horseback.
Another Mounted Lahmian type.
Another Lahmian On Foot type. Note the more Nehekharan look.
The oldest Lahmian variant.
Limited run Lahmian models. Male Lahmian, winged Lahmian, topless Lahmian.
Vampire Count Bloodlines | |||
Blood Dragon - Lahmian - Necrarch - Strigoi - Von Carstein |