Liberi Gothica: Boneweaver
Herein are the rules for the Boneweaver class for Liberi Gothica. The Boneweaver is a combatant, and an artist. She can craft any weapon or object to suit her needs, fight toe to toe with the greatest of paladins, break any obstacles in her path, and then make a house out of it. All she needs is a few bones to get things started.
She chooses one ability to start with: Body of Bone, Boneshaping, or Osteokinesis.
Body of Bone[edit | edit source]
Body of Bone: You toughen yourself with your mastery of bone.
Your max Life improves by 5. You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude and Endure checks.
When you take Body of Bone, you get 6 XP worth of Body of Bone progressions.
Body of Bone costs 8 XP to learn.
Body of Bone Progression: 3 XP: Reinforce Frame: Your Max Life improves by 6.
2 XP: Unbreakable: Your bonus on the listed skills improves by 1. Each time you take this progression, is costs 2 more XP.
3 XP: Skeletal Form: You can spend 2 Vitality to gain +1 Toughness for 1 minute. This does not take an action.
3 XP: Advanced Skeletal Form: The bonus to Toughness improves by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP. Requires Skeletal Form.
3 XP: Extended 1 (Skeletal Form): The bonus to Toughness lasts for [Toughness] minutes, using your new Toughness score. Requires Skeletal Form.
5 XP: Extended 2 (Skeletal Form): The bonus to Toughness lasts for 1 hour. Requires Extended 1 (Skeletal Form).
7 XP: Extended 3 (Skeletal Form): The bonus to Toughness lasts for [Toughness] hours, using your new Toughness score. Requires Extended 2 (Skeletal Form).
3 XP: Skeletal Might: You can spend 1 Vitality to gain a +1 bonus to Strength checks and damage with melee attacks for 1 round. These bonuses can not stack with themselves. This does not take an action.
3 XP: Enhanced Skeletal Might: The bonus to damage and Strength improves by 1. Each time you take Enhanced Skeletal Might, it costs 1 more XP. Requires Skeletal Might.
3 XP: Extended 1 (Skeletal Might): The bonuses last for [Toughness] rounds. Requires Skeletal Might.
5 XP: Extended 2 (Skeletal Might): The bonuses last for 1 minute. Requires Extended 1 (Skeletal Might).
7 XP: Extended 3 (Skeletal Might): The bonuses last for [Toughness] minutes. Requires Extended 2 (Skeletal Might).
2 XP: Personal Storage: You can store objects inside of your bones. By spending 1 Life, you can break a bone through your skin, and hollow out the insides of it. Only very small objects can be stored inside of bones; use the LM's discretion, but it must be very small. You can then spend one Vitality to "re-seal" the bone, shoving it back under the skin. The wound remains, however, and the Life damage will not heal until the stored item has been removed. Storing too many items reduces the structural integrity of your bones - as a result, a maximum of 4 bones can be used for storage at a time.
Boneshaping[edit | edit source]
Boneshaping: You can shape bones and ivory into the materials you need. You can not shape bones that are still a part of a living creature.
As an action, you can make a Craft [Bone] check to transmute any bone or ivory you have into any shape you please. You cannot end up with more or less bone than you started with. However, you can split a single larger piece of bone into many smaller ones, or combine many smaller ones into a bigger one. For these purposes, an entire human adult skeleton is size 0. Two objects of one size can be combined to make one object one size larger. One object may be broken down into two objects of one size smaller.
By weakening the material (making it hollow, forming it into a latticed structure, making air pockets, etc), you can make an object of one size larger than the bone you have to work with should grant you. The created object has half as much Life and Damage Resistance as normal.
Larger objects are harder to transmute. For each size larger than -4 the bone is, you suffer a -1 penalty on the Craft [Bone] check. For some examples of objects and their sizes:
Human child armor: size 0 Human adult armor: size +1 Chariot: size +1 One room house: size +3
Items created by a Boneweaver crumble to pieces within [Spirit] hours if the Boneweaver dies.
Boneshaping costs 8 XP to learn.
Boneshaping Progression: 6 XP: Harden Bone: You can toughen the material. Anything you have made from boneshaping has 1 additional damage resistance. This progression stacks with itself. Each time you take Harden Bone, it costs 1 more XP.
4 XP: Mend Bone: You can mend a broken bone of a living creature as an action. This does not heal Life.
5 XP: Lighten Bone: You can make the material more lightweight. The Toughness required to use bone weapons you create is reduced by 1. Lighten Bone may only be taken twice.
6 XP: In Motion: As an action that costs 1 Vitality, you can make one of your creations begin moving in a predictable, continuous manner. As long as you spend 1 Vitality per round, it will keep making the motion. In this way, she can make a variety of bone-related mechanisms, such as a bone-saw [akin to the steam-saw weapon trait], a bone cart that rolls along on its own [it would take a Boneweaving check to morph it mid-riding to turn; this ability would make it go only straight], or a variety of other uses. You must be in contact with the bone in question for as long as this ability is active.
Something made to move using this ability moves up to 40 feet per round.
8 XP: Efficient Motion: In Motion requires 1 Vitality per minute. Requires In Motion.
10 XP: Perpetual Motion: In Motion requires no vitality. Requires Efficient Motion.
4 XP: Crafting Strike: You may use the transformation of the bone as an attack. For example, you may be holding a shield of bone, and transmute it into a spear, with the tip already inside the target. When using this ability, you use a Craft[Bone] check in place of your Attack roll to hit their Defense. Otherwise, this works exactly like a regular attack for a weapon of the size of the transmuted material.
Osteokinesis[edit | edit source]
Osteokinesis: You can use your own bones for various effects.
When you take Osteokinesis, you can choose any one of the following spells to start with:
Knucklebones: You can fire the knuckles from your fingers as an attack. This can target anything within 30 feet, and it takes an action and 1 life to fire one knuckle. On a hit, you deal 1d4 damage. The bones regenerate by the end of the round, but you do not regain lost Life.
Knucklebones Progression: 2 XP: Rapid Fire: You may fire an extra knuckle with an attack action. All bones fired in one action are against the same target, and you lose 1 Life per bone fired. You roll your attacks separately for each bone. You may only fire one extra knuckle per level of Rapid Fire you have. Each time you take Rapid Fire, it costs 1 more XP.
2 XP: Farther: The maximum range of your Knucklebones improves by 10 feet.
4 XP: Bone Lance: You may instead fire an arm or leg bone. This deals 3 Life to you, and deals 3d6 damage on a hit. You can not Rapid Fire a Bone Lance.
Exoskeleton: You harden your skin into Bone, granting yourself 1 Damage Resistance. It takes an action to activate this ability, and you pay 1 Vitality per round to maintain it.
Exoskeleton Progression: 4 XP: Extended 1: Your Exoskeleton costs 1 Vitality per [Toughness score] rounds to maintain. 7 XP: Extended 2: Your Exoskeleton costs 1 Vitality per minute to maintain. Requires Extended 1. 10 XP: Extended 3: Your Exoskeleton costs 1 Vitality per [Toughness score] minutes to maintain. Requires Extended 2. 6 XP: Toughen: The Damage Resistance provided by your Exoskeleton improves by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP.
Bone Graft: You can restore lost limbs with skeletal replacements. This is not limited to yourself - you can replace some one else's missing limb with a bone graft. A bone graft works just as well as the old limb did, and has 6 life and damage resistance 2. The Bone Graft provides a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks, but a -1 Penalty to Persuade checks. These bonuses and penalties do not apply if the arm is somehow hidden. It costs 6 Vitality and a 1 hour ritual to make a Bone Graft.
You do not lose life if you use Knucklebones or Spinal Tap with your graft.
Bone Graft Progression: 5 XP: Bone shield: By spending an additional 4 Vitality while creating an arm Bone Graft, you can add a hardened plate of bone. This graft can only be applied to a replacement arm or hand. The graft provides a +1 bonus to active Defense, but imposes a -1 penalty to Swim, Reflexes, and Climb checks.
5 XP: Bonesaw: By spending an additional 4 Vitality while creating an arm Bone Graft, you can add a serrated edge to the lower part of the arm. This grants you an attack for 1d6+1 damage on a hit, and you cannot be disarmed of the Bonesaw. However, this reduces the overall integrity of the arm, reducing its Damage Resistance to 1.
5 XP: Tireless: By spending an additional 4 Vitality while creating a leg Bone Graft, you can make the leg tireless. The target gets a +2 bonus to Endure checks related to sprinting, navigating rough terrain, or walking extended distances.
8 XP: Mutable: Your Bone Graft can be altered via Boneshaping.
5 XP: Excessive Grafting: You can graft extra limbs on to yourself and others. An extra arm, a bone tail, or a pair of massive, skeletal wings [can't fly with them] - the sky is the limit. An extra limb costs 4 more Vitality to graft than normal. Requires Mutable.
Spinal Tap: You can pull your bones out of your body for various benefits. Each ability lasts as long as you would like it to, but you cannot heal the Life damage caused by Spinal Tap while the ability that caused the Life damage is active. Dismissing any of these effects can be done at any time during your turn, and does not cost an action. You can have each of these abilities active simultaneously.
As an action, you can cause a sharp bony growth to extend from your arm. This deals 3 Life to you. This growth can be used for melee attacks, and you cannot be disarmed of it. It deals 1d6+1 damage on a hit. Alternatively, such a growth can be used as a shield, giving a +2 bonus to Active defense.
As an action, you can cause sharp or flattened ridges to sprout from your limbs/body. This costs 2 Life, and grants you a +2 bonus to either Climb, Grapple, Intimidate, or Swim. The skill the bonus applies to is chosen when you activate the ability.
As an action, you can cause your entire body to erupt in spiky, bony protrusions. This costs 8 Life, and deals 2d6 damage to any creature grappling you or adjacent to you when you activate the ability. If you grapple a creature while covered in spikes like this, you automatically deal 1d6 damage per round to the grappled opponent. Any creature attacking you with unarmed attacks takes 1d4 damage if they hit you. The bones form a sort of armor, as well, with a +2 passive defense bonus.
Spinal Tap Progression: 3 XP: Increased Density: Attacks made by your Spinal Tap deal +1 damage. Each time you take Increased Density, it costs 1 more XP.
1 XP: Efficient Design: The bonus on skills improves by 1. Each time you take Efficient Design, it costs 1 more XP.
Osteokinesis costs 6 XP to learn.
Osteokinesis Progression: 4 XP: Learning: Learn another Spell.