Liberi Gothica: Gunner Tree
An Ability Tree for Liberi Gothica.
Initial cost: 5 XP
You have dedicated yourself to mastery of ranged weaponry.
Athleticism - Mundane
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Ranged Specialization[edit | edit source]
Initial Ability. You are more capable with certain ranged weapons.
Choose either Bow, Handgun, or Rifle. This type of weapon is your specialized weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to Attack when wielding your specialized weapon.
- Bow: The Crossbow, Shortbow, or Longbow.
- Handgun: Any Light Ranged weapon with the Gun trait.
- Rifle: Any Medium or Heavy Ranged weapon with the Gun trait.
- Progressions
- 2 XP: Accurate: You gain an additional +1 bonus to Attack with your specialized weapon. Each time you take this progression it costs 1 more XP.
- 5 XP: Wider Specialty: Choose either Bow, Handgun, or Rifle. The chosen type of weapon is added to your Weapon Specialization. You cannot pick a type you already specialize in. Each time you take this progression, it costs 5 more XP.
Combat Reflexes[edit | edit source]
4 XP. In a gunfight, the faster fighter wins.
When initiative is dealt, you are dealt an extra card. When hands are re-dealt, turn in any extra cards you have left over.
- Progressions
- 6 XP: Improved Reflexes: You are dealt an additional card during initiative. You may only take this progression once.
Dodge[edit | edit source]
2 XP. You specialize in ranged combat, and know how to defend against it appropriately.
When being attacked from farther than 20 feet away, you get a +1 bonus to Active defense. This bonus only applies while you are aware of the attack.
- Progressions
- 3 XP: Expert Dodge: When being attacked from farther than 20 feet away, you gain an additional +1 bonus to Active Defense. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
Point Blank[edit | edit source]
2 XP. You can utilize your weapon effectively in close quarters.
When your target is less than 10 feet away from you, you deal +2 damage when wielding your specialized weapon.
- Progressions
- 3 XP: Direct hit: You deal an additional +1 damage when using your specialized weapon against a target less than 10 feet away. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
- Running Shot
4 XP. You don't need to stop to take a shot.
When wielding your specialized weapon, if you spend only move actions during your turn, you may make either an Attack action at a -2 to Attack, or a reload action. You can take this attack action at any point during your move.
- Progressions
- 6 XP: Total Offensive: when you take an Attack action with Running Shot, you may make one additional Attack action at a cumulative -2 penalty to Attack. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP.
- 5 XP: Rapid Reload: When you take a Reload action with Running Shot, you may make one additional Reload action. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
Vital Strike[edit | edit source]
1 XP. Your attacks pass straight through opposing defenses.
When wielding your specialized weapon, you ignore 1 point of Resistance from Passive Defenses with each attack. This subtracts from their total Passive Defense, not each defense individually.
- Progressions
- 2 XP: Expert Vital Strike: You ignore 1 additional point of passive defense. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
Called Shot[edit | edit source]
6 XP. Your aim is impeccable.
Whenever you score a Crippling Blow, you decide where the blow lands: Head, Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, or Right Leg.
- Progressions
- 4 XP: Disarmament: You may make a Disarm check while using your specialized weapon, against anyone within range.