
What do you get when /tg/ combines drawfaggotry, Grimdark, dawww, and Promotions? Lolicron!!! She is the embodiment of many things /tg/ loves and, as such, became /tg/'s next obsession. Apparently, her real name is Catherine. Or Cathy.
Warning: though she is millions of years old, she's still illegal to bang under imperial law. But if you're reading this, you're already a heretic anyway!
Board Origins
During a thread in early May 2009, an anon posted an image drawn by Lolcron. Unfortunately, he mistook his name for "Lolicron" (which appeared to be a play on lolicon). At first it seemed to be just an unusually lulzy mistake. Inevitably though, /tg/ cried out to the drawfags to make it happen. Thank the Emperor their cries didn't go unanswered.
In June 2009, the drawfag WCKD blessed Lolicron with a family, namely Papalith and Heavy-chan.
As of 2018 she's had a wildly successful singing career, with the single Anew.
As of 2020 HappyDuck3D[1] has created Lolicron warriors available as .stl files. No news yet on if her sisters will also get models, but stay tuned.
A suprising amount of Jo here.
In a world of crapsack, a rare daaaw.
A different interpretation.
Aww, look at how much fun she's having with this Eldar guy. Oh, wait...
Oh, calm down. Like the Tyranids care about consent laws.
As usual, the internet is way ahead of your imagination.
Well, not in some countries, it doesn't.
Starting to look more like Moecron.
Friends forever.
Gaussslinger Girl