Magical Realm Cyoa/Sapphoshire
Build[edit | edit source]
Demiplane: Area Increase 4 (size of Mars)
Planar Features: Portals, Division, Transient, Protection 2, Assimilation (split into land of delightful manors and green gardens and land of whirlwinds and cloud castles)
Population: Population Increase 4
Inhabitants: Attitude Adjustment. Culture & Customs, Pretty Population, Population Demographics, Population Longevity, Extrahuman Population, Metahuman Population (sophisticated European supermodels who are very friendly whimsical and carefree and don't gossip or backstab, and angels who are the opposite and are very organized and take things seriously)
Technology: Technology Upgrade 2 (like Downton Abbey)
Magic: Magic Upgrade 5 (angels are unbelievably cute, but have extremely powerful magic and could just as easily summon a beautiful bouquet of flowers as crack a planet in half)
Society: Aesthetics, Wealthy, Infrastructure, Sanitation, Secure, Healthy (every girl has her own manor house and estate)
Culture: Music, Theatre, Art, Literature, Sports, Alcohol, Sexual, Warfare, Nature, Food, and Festival Affinities (see general)
Environment: Landscape Adjustment, Fertile, Rich, Exceptional Materials, Fauna & Flora 3 (wonderful green gardens and beautiful fragrant flowers with otherworldly colors, and dragons)
Adventure: Theme (yuri, not 2D just cute girls doing cute things all the time and sometimes getting very lewd)
Capital: Lifestyle Upgrade 1, Automatons 2, Influence 1 (brass clockwork humanoid automatons take care of everything but occasionally need wound up)
Personal: Immortality, Spirit Walk, Shape Shift 1, Peak Condition, Teleportation, Nullification (can't die, can move around and get things done without getting tired, and get blonde hair and bigger boobs)
Powers: Healing (can heal and bring back to life in case there's trouble)
Companions: None because all the ladies in Sapphoshire are each others companions.
Ascendance: Not worried about that.
Complications: Artifact (pink diamond where heart should be, if it gets captured then Lady Alice has weaker powers, if it's destroyed then she has none but it's terribly difficult to destroy, she would do almost anything to get it back if she lost it)
General[edit | edit source]
Sapphoshire was created by Lady Alice St Claire de Lisle who lives in a large fairy-tale castle. She's a respected member of high society and the unofficial diplomat to other realms because of her healing magic and ability to control portals. Sapphoshire's the size of Mars and is split into two planes. This first is 100,000,000km^2 and is a green sunny world where the 40,000,000 sophisticated lesbian European women who are Sapphoshire's citizens live. The second plane is 50,000,000km^2 and is where Sapphoshire's 10,000,000 angels who look like super cute J-pop and K-pop idols with giant feathery white wings and elf ears live. It's a world of bright blue skies and cloud castles. Everyone is immortal, but only angels are magical. The ladies of Sapphoshire each have their own Manor House and estate that is maintained by automated humanoid clockwork robots. The ladies travel by flying dragons from place to place and dragon racing is the official sport. Going to the theatre, drinking and partying, and frolicking in their gardens are the pastimes of Sapphoshire girls. Angels take care of security and settle disagreements between the ladies. Friendly wizards may visit Sapphoshire if they please. Most of the time the weather is like a sunny spring day. But sometimes the weather can be rainy and melancholy, or windy and cool like fall, or cold and snowy. There are no seasons and the weather has no particular patterns except that spring days are most common. Sapphoshire girls love art. Paintings and statues of the female form are highly praised. They are also fans of plays and poems. These are mostly love stories, but can also be about brave angels or epic dragon races. While the girls are partying, automatons are cleaning, fixing, and preparing everything for them so they have no worries. The angels are like opposites of the ladies and have very serious attitudes and professional no-nonsense demeanors. Only angels have magic and warfare affinity. Sapphoshire has a yuri theme so all the ladies are constantly being cute. Its citizens are super polite, refined, and reserved most of the time, but every once in awhile an extra wild party breaks down into extreme lewdness. Sapphoshire's assimilation causes anyone who visits to be subconsciously drawn into the carefree party lifestyle and to have thoughts and dreams that are yuri themed. Women visitors in particular may find themselves falling for the sexy sophisticated charms of the Sapphoshire girls. Sapphoshire is most famous in other realms for its etiquette school. Young women from all across the magical realms can go there to be trained to be proper ladies. It became famous in other realms after the renowned muscle-wizard Armstrong attended and became the first man to graduate from it. While he was there, Armstrong also founded a gym that's run by Megalodonian amazons who teach muscle-magic. It has also gained some notoriety as a place for members of the council to send women criminal prisoners to be trained to behave properly.