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Mahasarpa is a miniature campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition. Released as a tie-in Web Enhancement for Oriental Adventures 3e, it is an Oriental Fantasy setting using India and the Hindu regions of Southeast Asia as its basis instead of the more traditional Japanese/Chinese/Korean chop-suey.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Mahasarpa is an Indian-style caste system, divided into 5 varnas (castes) of descending importance:

  • Brahmins are the highest caste, representing the shamans who communicate with the devas and devatas. However, they are held by law and religion to only exert influence through their theological power.
  • Kshatriyas are technically inferior to the Brahmins, but as the caste representing the nobles, hold exclusive dominion over all secular power. This keeps them in a balancing act with the Brahmins.
  • Vaishyas are the merchant caste.
  • Shudras are the peasant caste.
  • Untouchables are outside of the varnas entirely, making them figures to be shunned as unholy and unclean by all members of the varnas.

Races[edit | edit source]

Humans of Mahasarpa come from one of the seven kingdoms, and use the rules for Rokugani humans where appropriate.

Mahasarpa is also home Hengeyokai of the Monkey and Mongoose (reflavored Weasel) breeds, river and sea Spirit Folk, Vanaras, and a new race, the Rishi, who are analogous to Aasimar.

Rishi are benevolent planetouched descended from deva or devata. They have the following racial stats:

+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Native Outsider
Base speed 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Resistance 5 to Acid, Cold, and Electrricity
Spell-Like Ability: Light 1/day as if a Sorcerer of the character's level
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks
Favored Class: Kshatriya - treat as Samurai, but using tulwars (scimitars) and kris (daggers) instead of katanas as their daisho
Level Adjustment: +1

Links[edit | edit source]

  • It can be found on WoTC's 3e articles archive here