Make-A-Daemon Prince

The Make-A-Daemon Prince threads were a series of threads created by a namefag called "Make-A-Daemon Prince Foundation CEO". The goal of the threads is to create interesting Daemon princes who serve the Chaos Gods within the Warhammer 40K universe. Sometimes the results are serious, other times they are humorous. Whatever the case, they all show the creativity that the /tg/ community is capable of.
It should be noted that the tables were created after the latest thread, and therefore have not been tested yet. Any changes that can make them better are welcome.
Its been almost a year since the last thread took place, so it is safe to assume that the original creator has left /tg/ or lost interest in making these threads.
Tables[edit | edit source]
It should be noted that fluff is created piece by piece as the thread is still rolling on the tables.
Alignment (d100) | |
1-20 | Khorne |
21-40 | Nurgle |
41-60 | Tzeench |
61-80 | Slaanesh |
81-99 | Undivided |
100 | 'Minor' God |
If the roll is an 88, it’s a Khornate. If the roll is a 77, it’s a Nurglite. If the roll is a 99, it’s a Tzeenchian. If the roll is a 66, it’s a Slaaneshi.
Daemon's Weapon (d100) | |
1-10 | Sword |
11-20 | Axe |
21-30 | Mace |
31-40 | Staff |
41-50 | Fist Weapons |
51-60 | Natural Weapons |
61-70 | Improvised (Roll twice and Combine Results) |
71-80 | MAGIC |
81-90 | No Weapons/Bare Hands |
91-100 | Anon Choice/Write in |
-Now, everyone rolls a 1d100. After ten rolls, the number will be compared with a scale of 1000, with 1000 being basically Chaos God tier. Any other rolls after the first ten will be halved before being added. If you get a double related to the number of the chaos god, then the number rolled is doubled and added to the scale. If it was rolled after the initial ten rolls, the halving rule does not apply.
Strength (10d100) | |
10-200 | Below Notice |
201-300 | Pathetic |
301-400 | Worm |
401-500 | Weak |
501-600 | Average |
601-700 | Known Scourge |
701-800 | Greater Daemon |
801-900 | Greatest among their kin |
901-999 | Hands of the Gods |
1000 | Chaos God |
-Psykic powers (When applicable)
Psykic powers (d100) | |
1-20 | Biomancy |
21-40 | Force |
41-50 | Divination |
51-60 | Pyromancy |
61-70 | Telekinesis |
71-80 | Telepathy |
81-90 | Daemonology |
91-99 | Improvised (Roll twice and combine results) |
100 | No Powers/Something completely different |
-Create a Background for the Daemon prince based on all that has been generated.
-Create the names of which all the factions refer to the Daemon prince.
/tg/'s Daemon Princes[edit | edit source]
-The Inciter:
>Inquisitorial Report: Subject Venenum Psykaris
>Threat Classification: Malleus Majoris
>Acting Loremancer: Ordo Malleus Daemonym Ventim Manun [Excommunicate Traitoris]
>Thought of the Day: Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity.
Venenum Psykaris, most often referred to as The Inciter is a Daemon of Chaos, aligned to the Dark God of Blood, Khorne. Suspicions of a mortal origin, twisted by the heretical Ruinous Powers have thus far gone unproven, yet the fiend's nature is noticeably varied from the higher classifications of Khornate Daemonspawn.
Reports from witnesses and Malleus Diviners, while conflicting, often agree on certain key aspects of the subject's nature. Depictions as both a lone hunter and a false prophet are common, suggesting a disconnection from standard Khornate doctrine. Both habits have since been confirmed by Chief Librarian [Redacted] of the [Redacted] Chapter after a confirmed banishment upon the Shrine World of Golvan Secondus during M38.
Ordo Xenos acolytes have also reported Eldar intervention upon contact with a similar being. Referring to the Daemon as "Ag'Buanna," roughly translating as False Reaper in their language, further inspection yielded information matching the subject's description. Supposedly their Seers have long since attempted to destroy the Daemon outright, a suspected act of revenge.
Current reported countermeasures are scarce, many originating from the Golvan incident. Venenum Psykaris, true to its name, prefers Psykers to any other form of prey, focusing efforts on their destruction above all other threats. Ordo Malleus Inquisitors are advised to attach Mystics to their entourage before expected engagements with the subject, to be utilized as bait or distraction.
>Thought of the Day: Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity.
-The Great Invisible Asshole:
>The Emporer protects guides me as I write my final words.
>We arrived on Notanorkistan two days ago to crush a rebellion.
>Little did we know the horror that we were to face.
>The rebellion was in fact a chaotic uprising..
>Before us stood ten thousand men and woman in black cloaks.
>They began to chant:
>The men around me did not falter at these words but what came next would make a primarch cry in terror.
>A voice answered them:
>The ground shook as poorly painted green fist smashed out of it.
>On that day the bravery of men falterd as the great uncertain one clawed his way out of the mud.
>He stood above us all and let out a cry of anger:
-Invasion Dave:
The sound the Magos on the planet hear when he is finished with them:
-The Silence:
>Infiltrates a planet
>Plants the seeds of terror through a few "puppets"
>Starts to infect the population worldwide
>Communications with the planet are normal and then...
>Everything stops at once, leaving only... Silence...
>If a team goes to investigate, they only find skeletons everywhere as if death snuck up on them in the middle of their daily life.
>Unfortunately for them, one of their members get stung by a "bee" on the way home, bringing back the Silence with them...
They call him by many names. Dannan Ra, The Death of Souls, Animabis Exitio, Soul Bande, The great Daemon of Malice, Lalam, and even the name of his master himself.
All that is known, is that he will see the galaxy burn.
One polite invasion at a time.