Malakai Makaisson

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Malakai Makaisson is a dwarven engineer turned slayer originally introduced in the Gotrek & Felix novels for Warhammer Fantasy. A brilliant but slightly unhinged inventor, Malakai was that most hated of all dwarves: a progressive thinker who refused to let the glacial pace of politics hold him back. Ultimately, his inventions went wrong in a spectacular enough way that Malakai was forced to become a slayer in order to atone. Gotrek & Felix met him when they joined his experimental airship to undertake an expedition deep into the Chaos Wastes in search of a lost dwarfhold, but he survived his first book and became a minor recurring character.

He made it onto the tabletop in 6th edition, as part of the Storm of Chaos army book. Here, he became a dwarven Regiment of Renown with his latest invention; the Goblin-Hewer, which is basically a belt-fed automatic axe-thrower which throws axes at an almost machine-gun like pace and is thusly one of the dwarfiest siege weapons you can get.