Maria De Salvo

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Maria De Salvo is a fan-made special character for the Estalia army created by the Warhammer Army Project in their fandex for this unexplored part of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world.

Mysterious and devoted to a personal vow of silence, Maria de Salvo is the most infamous and deadly of the assassins of the Order of the Eagle, stalking and killing the most dangerous and well-protected heretics and enemies of Estalia.

On the tabletop, Maria de Salvo uses up a Hero slot and costs 175 points. She has the following stats: Movement 4, Weapon Skill 8, Ballistic Skill 6, Strength 4, Toughness 3, Wounds 2, Initiative 7, Attacks 3, and Leadership 9.

She has the following special rules:

  • Tactical Supremacy: Roll 3d6 when taking test to Rally, March, Reform, or Redirect Charge, and discard the highest.
  • Immune to Psychology
  • Hidden
  • Mark of Death: Maria has Killing Blow against one enemy character secretly nominated at the start of the battle.

She carries a set of throwing knives as well as two magic items; The Eradicators (Magic Paired Weapon, Always Strikes First, Poisoned Attacks, Armor Piercing 1) and the Seal of Myrmidia (Talisma, 2+ Ward save vs. Magical Attacks).