Martial Power

Martial Power was the first in a series of class-focused supplement books released by Wizards of the Coast for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. As the name says, the book is all about expanding options for the Martial classes - Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, and Warlord - in the form of new exploits, variant class features, Paragon Paths, Epic Destinies, feats, and other miscellaneous goods. Equivalent books for the other sources were Arcane Power, Divine Power, Primal Power and Psionic Power.
Martial Power was extremely well-received, at least amongst 4e fans, and actually had a sequel - Martial Power 2 - released. Alas, the shift over to Essentials caused the X Power series to end there, and instead caused the last three class splatbooks to consist of Heroes of the Feywild, Heroes of the Elemental Chaos and Heroes of Shadow, which were not received so positively.
Martial Power 1[edit | edit source]
New Class Builds[edit | edit source]
Fighter[edit | edit source]
- Battlerager: A Pseudo-Barbarian, in the form of a lightly armored warrior who specializes in tanking damage through the power of rage, gaining temporary HP when hit by enemy attacks or when they smack somebody in the face.
- Tempest: A lightly armored dual-wielding warrior, because so many people complained about the Ranger getting all of the dual-wielding fighting tricks.
Ranger[edit | edit source]
- Beastmaster: The return of the beloved animal-commanding aspect of the Ranger. Sadly, the execution of it is very lopsided.
Rogue[edit | edit source]
- Aerialist: A hyper-mobile rogue that specializes in outmanuevering foes and cutting them down - not a new class feature, just new powers to suit the old Artful Dodger talent.
- Cutthroat: A menacing rogue who relies on intimidation to demoralize their foes. This one works equally well with the old Brutal Scoundrel feature or the new Ruthless Ruffian feature.
Warlord[edit | edit source]
- Bravura: A warlord who wants to lead from the frontline and inspire by example.
- Resourceful: A warlord who relies on flexibility and applying the right strategem to the right situation.
Paragon Paths[edit | edit source]
Fighter[edit | edit source]
- Avenging Slayer: You're out to kill all that is evil, and you don't take prisoners.
- Dreadnought: You specialize in mastering heavy armor and being the tankiest damn fighter you can be.
- Dread Reaper: You're a master at using two-handed weapons to hew your way through the ranks of your foes... Despite not actually needing the Great Weapon Talent feature to qualify for this PP.
- Dwarven Defender: You epitomize the traditional fighting style of your dwarven brethren. Dwarves only, duh.
- Halfling Bounder: Despite what people say about halflings, they produce fighters too, and you have mastered the specialized fighting style of your people.
- Inner Dragon: As a dragonborn fighter, you have mastered the distinctive style of your people, learning to add dragon magic to your martial play.
- Knight Protector: You may not be a paladin, but you strive to act as a champion of virtue and right, to stand up for the weak and to thwart evil.
- Polearm Master: You're a specialist in the art of fighting with spears, glaives, halberds... anything long and pokey.
- Ravager: The epitome of the Battlerager fighting style, you are a pain-blind death-dealing machine.
- Shield Adept: You have mastered the art of learning to fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other... [derp|again, despite not actually needing the Sword & Shield Talent feature to qualify for this PP]].
- Shock Trooper: You specialize in attacking fast and hard, charging into the fray to disrupt enemy lines.
- Tiefling Warfiend: You're a tiefling who's learned to incorporate hellish magic from your blood
Ranger[edit | edit source]
- Avalanche Hurler: You specialize in the arts of wielding throwing weapons, which will become a new ranger build in the second book.
- Blade Banshee: You specialize in the use of eladrin-crafted steel weapons that, in your trained hands, can produce magical reverberations that translate into deadly or useful sounds.
- Blade Dancer: You are the master of the dual-weapon fighting style, using weapons akimbo to dance a bloody dance through the ranks of your foes. Which actually isn't restricted to that fighting style.
- Feral Spirit: You embody the pinnacle of the beastmaster's arts, strengthening your bond until you literally share a piece of your soul with your animal companion.
- Giantslayer: You specialize in killing giants. This PP is also open to fighters.
- Hellborn Shadow: The ranger equivalent to the Tiefling Warfiend.
- Horizon Walker: You are such an explorer that your wanderings have granted you the ability to move between the planes.
- Pack Runner: You are a beastmaster with a wolf companion who has attained the mastery of lupine fighting tactics.
- Ruthless Punisher: You specialize in hunting and slaying humanoids.
- Sharpshooter: You are the master of the archery fighting style. Which actually isn't restricted to that fighting style.
- Sylvan Archer: You have mastered the traditional fighting styles of your elven people. Despite its features revolving around Archery, it actually isn't restricted to that fighting style.
- Wildcat Stalker: You are a beastmaster with a cat companion who has attained the mastery of feline fighting tactics.
Rogue[edit | edit source]
- Cloaked Sniper: You're an extra sneaky rogue who specializes in picking off foes from afar with a ranged weapon.
- Daring Acrobat: The natural pinnacle of the acrobat archetype for the rogue.
- Death Dealer: You are to street-brawling and back-alley murder what the assassin is to precision kills.
- Dread Fang: You are the master of the drow arts of stealth and slaughter, specializing in the dual-wielding of hand crossbow and light blade. Only drow need apply.
- Flying-Blade Adept: You may be a showoff, you may just be crazy, but you specialize in using throwing daggers in the middle of combat.
- Guildmaster Thief: You have a natural knack for teamwork, and use that to coordinate your attacks to deadly efficiency.
- Halfling Quickblade: Halfling thieves are feared for a reason, and you are the epitome of their skills.
- Master Spy: You specialize in disguise and manipulation.
- Rakish Swashbuckler: You are the epitome of the swashbuckler fighting style.
- Raven Herald: You're an assassin who worships the Raven Queen.
- Strong-Arm Enforcer: You specialize in intimidation and demoralizing your foes to make them more vulnerable to your attacks.
- Tiefling Hellstalker: Combining the hellish magic of your tiefling heritage with your roguish skills allows you to wield infernal shadows to veil your attacks.
Warlord[edit | edit source]
- Battlelord of Kord: A warlord who seeks to prove themselves as paragons of courage and strength, in honor of Kord.
- Borderlands Marshal: As hybrid or multiclassed warlord/ranger, you specialize in leading men in the rough and rugged frontier regions.
- Commando Captain: You specialize in small-scale squad tactics.
- Concordant Leader: As a genasi, you have learned to tap your elemental powers to enhance your combat abilities.
- Dujun of Erathis: Worshiping the God of Civilization, Erathis, you seek to honor her creed and beat back the savagery of the wilderness.
- Earthfast Brigadier: Your ability to endure punishment and push on through deprivation is central to your identity as a warlord.
- Flamebrow Commander: Pioneered by (but not restricted to) dragonborn, this is the ultimate manifestation of the bravura warlord.
- Infernal Strategist: Pioneered by (but not restricted to) tieflings, this is the ultimate manifestation of the resourceful warlord.
- Longarm Marshal: You specialize in the use of spears or other polearms, which incorporate seamlessly into your fighting tactics.
- Platinum Warlord: You seek to use your abilities in the name of righteousness, justice and honor, following the inspiration of Bahamut.
- Spiral Tactician: You represent one of the elite tactical warlords of the Eladrin, a devotee of the Spiral Tower of Corellon.
- Twiceborn Leader: This is not your first life as a leader, but your memories of the last one(s) will help you survive it.
Epic Destinies[edit | edit source]
- Adamantine Soldier
- Beastlord
- Dark Wanderer
- Eternal Defender
- Godhunter
- Legendary General
- Martial Archetype
- Perfect Assassin
- Undying Warrior
- Warmaster
Other Goodies[edit | edit source]
- Beast Companions
- Bear
- Boar
- Cat
- Lizard
- Raptor
- Serpent
- Spider
- Wolf
- Rituals
- Raise Beast Companion: Lets you raise the Beast Companion.
Martial Power 2[edit | edit source]
New Class Builds[edit | edit source]
Fighter[edit | edit source]
- Brawler: A fighter who specializes in grabbing people to beat the shit out of them.
There's also a new class feature, Combat Agility, which lets you shift to chase after foes that provoke opportunity attacks.
Ranger[edit | edit source]
- Hunter: A ranger who specializes in highly mobile melee combat.
- Marauder: A fast-moving dual-wielding ranger who specializes in using throwing weapons.
There's also a new class feature, Running Attack, which gives you attack bonuses when you make move + strike combination attacks.
Rogue[edit | edit source]
- Shadowy: A rogue that specializes in sneaking around the battlefield and picking foes off with ranged attacks.
This book features two variant class features, both aimed at the Shadowy Rogue build; the Cunning Sneak rogue tactics, and Sharpshooter Talent, which replaces Rogue Weapon Talent.
Warlord[edit | edit source]
- Insightful: A warlord who specializes in observing foes from afar and predicting the right movement to strike.
- Skirmishing: A warlord who specializes in mobility and ranged tactics.
In addition to the two new types of Warlord Presence, Insightful and Skirmishing, this book also features the variant class features Canny Leader (replaces Combat Leader), Archer Warlord (replaces proficiency with chainmail and light shields) and Battlefront Leader (replaces Combat Leader).
Paragon Paths[edit | edit source]
Fighter[edit | edit source]
- Avernian Knight: A hybrid or multiclassed fighter/warlock (infernal), who combines diabolic magic with martial talents.
- Glorious Myrmidon: A glory-hunting athletic warrior.
- Ironstar Mauler: A specialist in the mace and flail.
- Kulkor Arms Master: A specialist in the axe, hammer and mace.
- Rakehell Duelist: A swashbuckler fighter, this works really well with the tempest fighting style and/or the combat agility feature.
- Rampaging Brute: A fighter specialized in charging in and smashing things to a pulp with the biggest, heaviest weapons they can manage.
- Steel Vanguard Master
- Warhound of Bane
Ranger[edit | edit source]
- Bloodfury Hunter
- Darkstrider
- Harrowing Swarm Archer
- Huntmaster
- Lone Wolf
- Reaving Axe Savant
- Shinaelestran Guardian
- Snow Tiger
Rogue[edit | edit source]
- Arcane Trickster
- Blade Bravo
- Daring Slinger
- Jack-of-All-Trades
- Verdant Stalker
- Master of Poisons
- Red Cloak
- Whisperknife
Warlord[edit | edit source]
- Arcane Battlemaster
- Arkhosian Blademaster
- Arrowhead Commander
- Captain of Fortune
- Chainbinder
- Prince of Knaves
- White Raven
- Zephyr Warchief
Epic Destinies[edit | edit source]
- Dragonheart
- Invincible Vanguard
- Legendary Sovereign
- Star-Favored Champion
Other Goodies[edit | edit source]
- Combat Styles
- Adamant Arrow
- Arkhosian Fang
- Black Hood
- Desert Moon
- Elsir Hammer
- Harrowing Swarm
- Hunting Spear
- Ironstar
- Kulkor Battlearm
- Leaf Runner
- Longhand
- Midnight Blade
- Moradin's Forge
- Mountain Thunder
- Nerathan High Blade
- Ninth Legion
- Ogremight
- Partisan Polearm
- Reaving Axe
- Red Cloak
- Rending Chains
- Silent Shot
- Steel Vanguard
- Martial Practices
Martial Practices are in practice mundane rituals - Rather than having to collect materials to perform a generally non-combat spell, you spend money and a healing surge for some less fantastical things like embalming the dead and forgery.
- Martial Backgrounds