Marvel Crisis Protocol
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Marvel Crisis Protocol is a miniatures game set in the Marvel universe. A normal game always has two Crises: Secure (Stand on an objective) and Extraction (Carry an objective). In addition to featuring iconic heroes and villains, there is a large emphasis on terrain: Scenery affects traversal and can be used for cover or thrown. Characters like Spider-Man are almost completely unimpeded by scenery, but Hulk can throw damn near anything, including dump trucks, which is always great for a laugh. Despite the aforementioned emphasis on terrain, vertical distance is not measured for attacks, meaning a character on the ground can punch a character on the roof of an adjacent building.
Another interesting facet is unrestricted roster building. There is nothing stopping you from having sworn enemies on the same team, like Captain America and Red Skull. The reasoning is thematic: Comics are subject to strange team-ups all the time (for example, alternate universe versions, mind control, etc.). There are no factional restrictions, but there are affiliations which can provide bonuses if at least half your team shares an affiliation like Avengers or Cabal. Some characters have multiple factions they can belong to, like Black Panther, who has Avengers and Wakanda. Some characters have Leadership abilities that are activated when you fulfill an affiliation, and some Tactic Cards can only be used on characters that belong to specific affiliations, like Odin's Blessing with Asgardian characters.
Is This Game For Me?[edit | edit source]
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Very high quality miniatures that do justice to the characters.
- Each character feels unique and true to the source material.
- Team building is simple. You'll usually have about 4 or 5 characters on the field with the only additional prep-work being Tactics Cards.
- Terrain is fun as hell to throw around.
- The game has a raid mode which a group of players go with teams against one player controlling a maxed out character (Hulk, Ultron and Thanos for now).
Cons[edit | edit source]
- The pricing is on par with Games Workshop. Because every single expansion has unique characters, they can't exactly count on repeat purchases.
- Assembly is a pain in the ass.
- Static poses. No room to get creative there without a knife and the willingness to take a risk on your expensive model.
Rosters[edit | edit source]
The game has a point system for each character. It goes from character being super cheap, at 2 points, being weaker but useful, and characters then being up to 8 points, like Dormammu, which can become half of the team by themselves in point in most crisis, but bringing a LOT of power with him.
Because there are a LOT of teams and a LOT of different ways to build theses characters, dividing them by their Threat Value (their point cost) facilitates explaining them, as you can even use all of them in any combination, and the main way they are competing is through their point value.
2 Threat[edit | edit source]
Right now, the 2 threat characters are the cheapest characters in the game (excluding the Infinity Gems, who are not characters themselves). They are often made with a specific idea in mind, and are not usually particularly resistent in most scenarios. Their use is first, to fill out odd crisis, but with a proper plan, they can be used as a cheap activations.
- Black Widow/Natasha Romanova: The 2 pointer from the Core Box, Nat is mildly useful for her 2 cost. Large movement is excellent for her, as it allows her to grab extracts and get the hell away with her move. More over, with some proper preparation, she can stay in stealth (enemies can only target her at Distance 3). She is nothing exceptional, but she can be used for some objective hunting. More over, she can be used in good teams, specially Captain America (Sam Wilson) who loves cheaper and smaller characters.
- Bob, Agent of Hydra: Coming from the Deadpool box, Bob holds objectives in the back. His main point is using his big cannon to shoot people. He starts with a Loaded Token to then hit whatever you want at distance 4 and cause a LOT of damage. But you also blow yourself when you do it, so you have at best two chances to use this attack. Due to his BUT HOW?! he does have a bit more of resilience, as he doesn't flip automatically flip when attacked in his injured side if he hasn't activated. Also he is one of funniest characters in the game :).
- Bullseye/Benjamin Pointdexter: "BULLSEYE!" Having received a decent update for his character, Bullseye he is good for holding objectives, can often use his two actions per turn as he has Hit and Run to shoot and move and has a 4 range for his attacks. What he serves is generally is a good finisher (causing minimal 1 damage), getting a bit of bleed on opponents, and being a nuisance. In a team like Criminal Syndicate he shines, as he is a cheap healthy body to hold objectives, adding another body that count as two.
- Nebula: Gamora's sister. She is an assassin character, with a Large movement that gives her chances to catch far away enemies.Decently resistant for a 2 Threat, as she has a re-roll and in-built immunities (she is mostly robot after all). Her biggest weakness is not being able to interact or secure objectives, which however is compensated by her rerolling any number of dice when attacking those that are playing the objective game. E and C crisis are great for her, as she can stay positioned to strike enemies in two points if you position her properly.
- Okoye: The Dora Milaje General. Wakanda's own Praetorian Guard, even after her nerf she is still well liked as a two pointer. The basic reason is simple, she is a cheap character that can throw herself and save her friends with Bodyguard. She has decent defensive abilities (one defensive reroll and adding blanks to her successes if the enemy is close enough). She is well used and well known in the community.
- Rocket Racoon: Listen, its a trash panda with a giant gun so you can tell its going to be a glass cannon. He is super fragile with 3 health, and 2 phyisical and energy defense but staying close to Groot can keep him alive, as the rabbit will use the big tree to protect himself. He is immune to collisions and ALWAYS get Cover (he is tiniest character of the game, discounting Ant-Man and Wasp when transformed). What makes him offensively powerful then? First, his main attack is a 5 range 5 damage shot. That alone is pretty good at keeping damage pumping (specially in certain crisis deployments), the rat spender is also pretty decent for an area attack with 7 dice and 1 damage with a pull. Its his Tactic - Deadly Duo, which he uses with Groot, where the fox SHOOT THREE MORE TIMES with his basic attack in different targets. Thats a LOT of firepower in one turn.
- Toad/Mortimer Toynbee: You know what happens to frogs when they are hit by lightning? Same as everything else. Toad is ABSURDLY good for crisis play, first because of his innate power where he can interact with objectives at range 2. That alone gives him more space for good positioning. He can also pick up allied characters objective tokens, which allows him then to get the hell out, which he can do with his Medium movement and a Hop that positions him 2 range. Not only that, when attacked he can slip away from enemies (if he survives), so he is really good at mobility and getting the hell out with objectives. With proper positioning and energy control, Toad can move, capture an objective at 2, move again, and use his hop to stay very far away from his enemies while holding an objective. Purple Herb is an awesome Crisis for him (was banned). Get a character to reach the Herb position, pick it up, move and then prepare Toad to take it from an ally, hop and move. You might be able to finish the crisis in two turns.
- Wong: Cheapest mage of the game. He is a support piece, but thats it. Don't expect much from him beside that, he will not defend well, survive much or anything. What he will do is heal his allies or pass power to them, but don't count on him holding objectives for long.
3 Threat[edit | edit source]
3 threat is where the characters can shine a bit. Because they are at the second cheapest cost at this level, it means that they don't have to be at their full power, and but can bring enough to the table to be impactful.
- Ant-Man/Scott Lang: Decent movement, for some reason, bad energy defense (2). He has two forms, Normal and Tiny, which doesn't allow him to hold objectives. His skill is essentially managing his transformation. Move, move, spend energy, transform and then use his Hitch a Ride to move more. Maybe move and punch, transform into tiny, and use Hitch a Ride to move once more. Remember that while in tiny form he only moves small, the base still the same, and he gets the free Hitch. At its core, you can just enjoy a character that can every turn position himself better. His spender ability is also pretty good, stun and poison beam, which means your opponent can only get one power when he should, and in the power phase he LOSES 1 power.
- Baron Mordo/Karl Amadeus Mordo: DO YOU LIKE CONDITIONS? 11 health total, making him a bit better health wise than most 3 pointers. 2 physical defense is poor for a game that has so many physical fighters, but he compensates with his 4 energy and 4 mystic defense which are huge in his threat curve. All of his attacks are at minimum of 3, making him a good range character (as a proper wizard should be). What makes him shine are that all of his attacks have a special effect, a push, applying a hex, and his spender applying Incinerate and Poison, which hurt well enough. His game changer is his power Soul Barb where he can inflict one of those same conditions on enemies that are 2 range of the chosen character. A lot of characters suffering Incinerate for that less defense, or diminishing Power with Poison,or can't open their Criticals because of Hex, or forces them to move with the Small. With a few other characters like Omega Red, Mordo can be one of your big tactical debuffer to make sure your enemy is crippled during their turns. Oh, he can also boost allies attacks, but while decent, it cost 2 power and hurts the ally, its better to hold power for his Soul Barb (unless you already inflicted all 4 conditions you could, you devil you).
- Baron Zemo/Helmut Zemo: A staple of many villainous lists. He does plenty as a 3 pointer. First, he has Large movement, which is fantastic for any character. Not only that he has a 2 range aura that allows allies to reroll one attack and defense die. For free. Think about this way, Web Warriors and X-Force are both teams that can do one of these while being their LEADERSHIP abilities. Zemo provides it free of charge. Speaking of Charge, he has Charge. Action economy is important in MCP just like any other game. Any character that can move and attack in the same action benefits a LOT from it. Zemo does it with a LARGE movement, meaning he has a really long reach for his basic attack, and even more with his 3 range spender, which can make him move even more. The guy is essentially moving, hitting, moving again while also being able to apply bleed with any of his attacks. If thats not enough, he has Counter Strike to make his opponent suffer a bit more.
- Beast/Henry McCoy: Beast, like many X-Men, is in a meh place. He has decent movement due to his attacks, and his big base+medium movement. He has a small throw (size 2) and can spend power to reroll his dice. Biggest problem is that his spender by itself is expensive, he has 2 energy defense, and for some reason, a brilliant man like beast has Mystic 3 instead of 4 like many other smart guys. He only gets extra power if he gets skulls, but while that sounds like a good benefit, it still a bit too rare for him to rely on it. So for him to do anything he has to fail, otherwise he doesn't have the power generation to use his abilities.
- Black Cat/Felicia Hardy: Felicia is in a LOT of teams(A-Force, Criminal Syndicate, Midnight "Sons" and Web-Warriors), and its a good thing too as she is a pretty decent 3 threat that can be quite impactful in the game. First of all, she has Large movement and a Power that allows her to move 2 range more (she is not a wall crawler, so you need this to get atop of buildings without climb). Her basic attack, is well, basic. Her SPENDER though, thats where the magic starts. Sure, it only ever causes 1 damage, but it also causes Stagger. Stagger is the most impactful condition in the whole game. All the other conditions like Bleed, Stun, Slow, they all debuff some part of the character, but Stagger breaks action economy. Stagger forces opponents to spend an action on their character so they can "shake" the condition away. It forces them, which means you can absolutely debilitate an enemy strategy with it. Even better, Felicia gets a move if she hits a Wild with the attack. Her game changer though is her Master CAT Burglar, which steals an enemy objective and puts in her control. Usually to get objectives you MUST Daze or KO an enemy, but Black Cat can just take it away with 3 power. Combine it with say, her stagger, and a movement, Felicia can outright run away with the objective and MORE: with her stealth, she can keep it in her hands. Using her takes a bit of practice as not to let her getting killed, but with proper positioning, and power control, she can absolutely be game changer in some crisis.
- Black Widow Agent of Shield/Natasha Romanova: The more agressive version of Black Widow. Not used much unless for old dance of death(her basic attack+All You Got+Doomed Prophecy tactics), which was nerfed in the 2021 update. You can still fire a lot of shots with her Rapid Fire attack, but all of her abilities are not super impactful or cause enough damage to compensate using her. Even her 3 power ability to win a VP demands an enemy to be dazed to it occur.
- Captain America/Sam Wilson: CAPTAIN FALCON (even Disney couldn't resist making this copyright infringing joke). Sam is one of the three Leaders of the Avengers, and as such his discussion will be in the faction page (which is good too, cause he has A LOT to write about).
- Clea: The New Sorcerer (Sorceress?) Supreme in the comics, she is in her more normal form in here. Both of her Mystic attacks are focused a bit more on hitting specific dies. Demon Claw is bleed, while Icy Tendrils is a combination of things that can cause stats like Slow, Stun and Stagger. Not really the most reliable way of using it. She can get power similary to red skull, by rolling dice that can inflict her damage, and she can reposition them just as the same as him. Essentially she is a more support piece like Red Skull, but more cheaper.
- Crossbones/Brock Rumlow: Just terrible. He has a small base and move small, meaning he is one of the slowest character in the whole game. He needs to be constantly attacking or be under constant attack to be able to reach people better, but it still takes too long. He has a 1 damage reduction, but must pay power for it. And to top it off, he has Energy defense 2 and Mystical defense 2. His only saving grace is being a free activation using him combined with his girlfriend Sin, otherwise he is not really worth using.
- Crystal/Crystalia Amalequin: An Avatar, master of all four elements. She is nifty to cause specific conditions on enemies, also she can make 3 attacks per turn with her Elemental Onslaught power. She also combos well with characters that cause Stun, Incinerate or Slow, as she can essentialy force enemies to stay with those conditions. Not the greatest character, not the worst character.
- Deadpool/Wade Wilson: The Merc With a Mouth. Good for securing objectives, though moving them around is not as great. Being a card that always stays in the healthy side, he is quite useful in game. He is 4 health side, a 6 on the side. If you take him, its out of love, as he is a bit too fragile (or you play Criminal Syndicate for a dude that is ALWAYS healthy).
- Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius: Good but really expensive throw, and his basic attack is decent, but its very unlikely he will see lists without some support.
- Domino/Neena Thurman: Very useful, and a good 3 threat character for X-Men and X-Force. Her innate ability to NOT let enemies to add rolls to crits is great. It stops a lot of offensive power from characters, and their defense as well. Rapid Fire is a quite useful power, as you can position yourself and shoot 4 times against an enemy, which with enemies that have suffered Incinerate that she can apply on the through her Grenade is damn good. She can also improve her own critical strikes many times, by turning her skulls into criticals by spending power.
- Drax the Destroyer: Decently agressive, tanking and throw people. With Guardians Wing-It, he becomes better. Not a terrible choice, but even for the Guardians sometimes the points go better in other ways.
- Gambit/Remy LeBeau: He is good. For 3 threat he is one of the best X-Men, with enough firepower to annoy people. His abilities allow him to charge his attacks to make them even better, so he is decent offensive middle range piece, and in crisis like C or E, where you have to drawn straight lines, he can be outright devastating with his beam.
- Ghost-Spider/Gwen Stacy: Also known by fans as Spider-Gwen, she is the best of the Spider characters. As a 3 threat she is easy to add to any team, and she works well with any of them. First of all, she has the very rare Large move, which already gives her quite the advantage. Her basic attack (which she will use a lot), is absurd. First of all, if you have already attacked an enemy you get a 0 cost 7 attack. Only the Hulk has a 0 cost 7 attack. Thats the offensive version of her attack, you can also after moving, hit, and move AGAIN LARGE. So essentially you are making three actions at the cost of two, without expending power like charge. And this combos well enough with her, because she can then Web Line her enemies taking enemies off objectives and guaranteeing them for herself, or even just to keep them away from certain allies. Gwen is one of the best 3 threat characters of the game and very much useful in any list even without being part ot their Affiliation.
- Groot: I. AM. GROOT. A sturdy character on his own. You can use him as a shield for Rocket to keep firing at people, but he also works well enough alone, his spender has Stagger, which is phemonenal as a condition, and also a throw. Not only that, but he can heal himself, and with his specific tactic, he can heal even more people around him. Groot is one of the center pieces of the Guardians that turn them into a more attrition base team.
- Hawkeye/Clint Barton: He seems basic, and to be honest, he is. A good move, a counter attack, he is long range character with a 5 range attack. Why this is good? Well, his basic attack may not cause a lot of damage, but he can inflict a variety of conditions of your choice on enemies including the rare Shock, which removes one die from an opponent attacks. Keep him close to an objective and he should be fine.
- Hood/Parker Robbins: A unique addition to criminal syndicate teams, as a 3 threat he's outshone by others, his basic form is serviceable, his builder is standard fare rapid fire with 4 dice with it being uniquely mystical, of which I am unaware of others. Hood's hood buffs him against mystical attacks and his spender has also being mystical is solid. Where he shines truly is the ability to switch whenever he suffers damage between nisanti and standard forms, nisanti is stripped of the mystical defense but becomes more offensive physically and more mobile thanks to gaining charge. All in all provides unique damage drops.
- Iron Fist/Daniel Rand: Excelent 3 threat. A bit fragile, even with him being a Master of Martial Arts which should protect him. He can hit enemies far away enough with his kick, and strike them even further with his attacks. What truly makes him shine? His iconic Iron Fist. Not only does he applies Stagger if the character has been activated, but he ALSO can turn non-activated characters into activated characters, taking away their action. This can save your life and stop opponents from using pieces that are too strong and you wasn't able to kill, or you can keep them from ever reaching and stealing objectives. Its by itself one of the STRONGEST abilities of 3 threat characters.
- Iron Man/Tony Stark: He got an update that made him more viable. He still is quite basic character, but also one of the few that can push enemies of whatever size he wants and cause enough damage at range.
- Kraven The Hunter/Sergei Kravinoff:
- Lizard/Curtis Connors: Lizard shines as 3 threat character. He has 11 health total, and a decent move with a Medium+bigger base. A size 3 throw is pretty good, but by suffering less 1 damage per attack, he can already survive plenty with his 4 phyisical, and 3 energy and mystical defense. Having Healing Factor, healing 1 per turn, while having high health is also good for himself. For a 3 threat he is will be a constant thorn in a lot of people sides.
- Lockjaw: A GOOD BOY. 11 health, big base and small move, so he is a bit better than most 3 threats in their movement or health. He has an interactive terrain Throw, he can make one enemy cry as everyone will target him/her/it with +1 die to their attacks, and he can earn 4 energy PER TURN if he is close to an ally because he is a good boy. His game changer is his ability to teleport himself or allies up to 3 of their current position, meaning the character gets a move action and positioning with him. He is a GOOD BOY, with GOOD ABILITIES.
- Luke Cage: SWEET CHRISTMAS. 11 health, medium move, 4 phyisical defense and 3 energy and mystical. Suffers 1 less damage per attack, meaning he can take quite a beating. His basic attack has Stagger, but it takes 2 Wilds to get. You don't rely on it, but you can enjoy it. SWEET CHRISTMAS is a decent attack, but nothing that special (though the 2 conditions he applies are good). He has a Threat ability, which is not the same as Bodyguard, as instead of throwing yourself at allies, you threaten your enemy to attack you, essentially changing who needs to be close to him to make the attack target you (in this case, its the enemy). He has a Heroes for Hire card that he shares with Iron Fist, where the bros take the hit for each other, and then throw the enemy away small if the one who moved didn't get Dazed, which can be pretty good at securing objectives AND throwing Size 3 characters at people.
- Magik/Illyana Rasputin: Colossus Sister is pretty good for fighting Mystical enemies, as she can defend with 4 mystic and when rolling Wilds she can change the enemy hits, criticals and wilds into blanks, while also GETIING power for doing so. Her basic attacks are decent, if nothing special, though being Energy and Mystical makes them good attacks as most defense in this game tend to be Physical. Her spender also inflicts Incinerate and Bleed, which are both very offensive conditions, facilitating people to murder her. Her shining ability is her teleport, which she can spend her energy based on the size of the range she can move, and then poof show up where she wants. This gives her A LOT of leeway to get where she wants, and also hits who she wants.
- Moon Knight/Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Inner Child: Moon Knight has multiple personality disorder which is flavourfully imprinted in his center ability - Multiple Personalities, at the start of his activation, his player rolls a die, a critical allows him to make a free movement action so he can go after Dracula that big fucking nerd. A Wild and a Hit gives him 2 more dice to his attack, a Blank and a Shield gives him one Energy, and a Skull gives him nothing. So he is often getting some advantage in game. Chosen of Khonshu, which is clearly not his psycosis not letting people to manipulate his mind, its TRULY his god protecting him, allows him to not be moved by Mystical attacks and add 2 defense against it. his attacks are also pretty good, with Bo Staff having free rerolls which are amazing for such a basic attack, and Stagger which needs a specific combination, but its easier to get with rerolls. His Avatar of Khonshu is also a good attack, which allows him to reposition himself and maybe throw people. And, obviously, he has the most important attack, which he throws random shit and yell go!
- Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan: Jersey's protector (poor girl). Similary to Ant-Man and Wasp, she has two forms, a normal one, and a EMBIGGEN one, where she becomes size 4. Showcasing her being a bit of a newbie, getting used to her power, she can only stay in her EMBIGGEN form until the rest of the turn. She can be quite consistent with her attacks having three re-rolls while EMBIGGENED, and she can also surprise your enemy by catching an objective in her big base and then turning little later.
- Mysterio/Quentin Back: Surprisingly good 3 threat character. By himself his stats are really weak at his physical and energy defense, which is obvious why, as enemies MUST spend 2 power to remove his constant 5 mystic defense. He has stealth, and a reaction power that can keep him safe. He also can attack and make a move, he can also throw enemies and stagger then with his spender. By himself as a 3 pointer, he is pretty decent, and his tactic card Grand Illusion is a TERRIFYING card for anyone who benefits from skulls, as he can turn any critical into skulls (so say, Dormammu who considers all skulls as successes can be bonkers with Mysterio at his side).
- Mystique: One of the Brotherhood of Mutants leaders.
- Proxima Midnight:
- Punisher/Frank Castle: Punisher, despite being unnafilited works better when combo with other affilitations. He depends on allies falling for his Punishment Tokens, which can work with Captain America (Sam Wilson) build which is wide, but they at best add only one die to his attack. Hip Fire does benefit from this, if you have enough tokens he can make essentially two strenght 7 attacks at an opponent. The other affiliation he benefits are Brotherhood of Mutants with Magneto, as he can blow terrain up and get his team energy with it. There are better 3 threats, but you can work with him.
- Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff: A good 3 threat character, and as the primordial speedster of the Marvel Universe, a lot of his abilities is all about GOING FAST. Large movement, and he can spend power to get ANOTHER Large movement with 2 power if he is not holding an objective. Obviously, this makes him good for picking up extracts. Spend power to get him closer to the objective, then move and run away with it. He has in built defensive rerolls making him decent enough at surviving attacks. His basic attack needs has two combos for hits, but its not that hard at getting it off. He has Wall-Crawler, which is less crawling and more just running up.
- Shuri: Wakandan Princess was one of the most busted characters of the whole game. The reason? Her main attack could push ANY character. ANY size character, which meant Hulk could be sent back. That same attack is also distance 5, which is rare and gives her a lot of space to push people away. She is one of the key character of the Wakanda Wave, which is spending WAKANDA FOREVER tactic card to make a free attack at the end of the turn, and getting all the objectives for yourself with pushes. She is also great for her UPGRADES which she spends her power to allow allies to re-roll their attacks or defense at max of 3. She is still a primary 3 threat support piece even with her nerf, and her box also comes with Okoye the other good 2 threat, so the whole team works well enough.
- Sin: The other Cabal leader.
- Spider-Man/Miles Morales: Web-Warriors Leader.
- Star-Lord/Peter Quill: Guardians of the Galaxy Leader.
- Storm/Ororo Munroe: Uncanny X-Men Leader.
- Taskmaster/Antony Master: solid Statline for a 3 cost, with 3 defense in all types and 6 health, Taskmaster isn't a slouch defensively, factoring in the bonuses when being hit within a certain range. Offensively he is entirely physical, mixing mid and close range attacks, zemos sword strike and caps shield throw (bounce included on wilds). If he's attacked twice in a row by the same enemy he gets a bonus defensively. His rogue agent ability is why you take him, he's the perfect seat filler, counting towards any affiliation when squad building.
- Valkyrie/Brunhilde: One of the other 3 threat characters. She has been nerfed, but she still has enough offensive power to stay well. What made her such a reckoning force was besides her charge, and her good throw, was her Dragon Fang attack which now requires a Wild and a Crit to go off, which before she was quite constant in her number of attacks. Her throw also became more expensive, so she doesn't remove enemies from objectives and forcing dodges the same way. Still a decent piece, but not as strong to me unremoved.
- Viper:
- War Machine/James Rhodes: Boom, you looking for this? A very simple character similarly to Iron Man. Suffers 1 damage less because of his armor, he is OFFENSIVE in his attacks, and its all about that DAKKA. His basic attack having a Beam is all about positioning him well enough, and getting that bleed. Empty the Clip is that spender where you just want to go all out, and very orky way also getting hurt by it. He can work well enough with Midnight Sons so he can position himself for his long range attacks.
- Wasp/Janet Van Dyne:
- Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes: Much better with his update, he is a Long range fighter, with his basic attack being a 5 range, and easily getting a rapide fire shot. He can reposition himself with Hydra Tactics. He can spend 3 power to attack again after an ally gets dazed or ko, which is easy for him to hit with long range attack. His one big problem is his SPETZNAZ training, which for some reason can only work at 1 range which is a super awkward distance to use anything considering his spender and close combat attack is 2 range (yeah, what?)
4 Threat[edit | edit source]
5 Threat[edit | edit source]
6 Threat[edit | edit source]
8 Threat[edit | edit source]
- Dormammu: Leader of Dark Dimension Affiliation. He is extremely powerful, only Thanos being able to compare to his stats. Fitting that he is a demon sorcerer intent on conquering our universe, he cannot be splashed into other Affiliations as any squad he is included in becomes affiliated with the Dark Dimension. As a result, a squad must be built around him. His Leadership ability causes characters on the squad to generate more power during the Power Phase, so he benefits most from spamming a list of cheap characters, giving that true bad guy feel as Dormammu relies on sheer numbers
Affiliations[edit | edit source]
Affiliations are Marvel Crisis Protocol teams. They are based on Team Leaders, like both Captain Americas, or Red Skull. You must have at least have half+1 of your roster be part of the specific affiliation to use its leaderships abilities. Affiliation Tactics Cards also can only be used by members of that affiliation (so for instance, Odins Blessing wont work with Hulk, for instance).
A-Force[edit | edit source]
A-Force is the all girl party. If you are a female hero you are probably on A-Force, and even if you are morally ambigous like Black Cat you can join. Having such a large roster with at least 15 entries gives this team a LOT of leeway for team building, and while She-Hulk is expensive she can shift her roster to so many 2 pointers (like Okoye or Black Widow) to 5 pointers (like Scarlet Witch) that she can play any threat game.
Members: Angela, Black Cat, Black Widow, Black Widow: Agent of Shield, Captain Marvel, Crystal, Domino, Gamora, Medusa, Okoye, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Shuri, Storm, Valkyrie, Wasp.
Team Leaders:
- She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters: She Hulk is 6 point piece, making her quite expensive, same as her cousin. She however has 20 health, making her really hard to drop quickly (it still is possible with her 3 defense, but its more unlikely). She can defend people with her bodyguard ability, which is a decent use of her 20 health. She also gets 2 power in the power phase, and after an attack she can move small allowing her to reach enemies a bit quicker. She can also throw people and terrain size 4, so go nuts throwing small building at people. Her spender has a possibility to Stagger enemies, which needs the character to get Slow and Stun, which are not that hard to apply with other teammates, so She-Hulk can stagger enemies herself.
- She Hulk has a fun tactic card with her cousin - Agents of Smash where both spend 3 power to throw a Size 5 building at someone. Which means you can throw Doctor Strange mansion at people for the laughs.
Affilitation power: Defenders of Arcadia - When an allied character is damaged by an enemy effect, another allied character may gain 1 power. A character can earn power once this way per turn.
- A-Force playstile is to get a LOT of energy. Pay attention to "turn" in the description, that means essentially at each activation an A-Force member can get power. If your opponent attacks one of your characters twice, two different characters can earn one power. A character that is activating suffers damage from an enemy power (like Counter attack), you can choose an ally to get power. This means that getting Power with this team is quite easy enough, and some characters can benefit a lot from it.
- Certain members of A-Force who are often starved for power, like the X-men, or Captain Marvel, all benefit a lot and work well in this team because of it. After Valkyrie Nerf, she can still be a good piece with A-Force feeding her power to hit hard.
- They can use their tactics cards quite well too, as A-Force assemble is about spending power to add die to protect yourself. Stalwart Determination is also good to making sure your character will STAY and not get moved or throw this turn, so securing objectives.
- Special Delivery is about a character with Flight (like Crystal or Captain Marvel) that can take She-Hulk with her to position her better and then even make her basic attack to one enemy.
Avengers[edit | edit source]
Avengers is the biggest team with more than 25 characters being able to join the team. This gives them just as much space to choose and build their team around the affiliation. More over, the team has THREE Leadership abilities, with both Captain Americas (Rogers and Wilson) and Hulkbuster Iron Man.
Team Leaders:
- Captain America/Steve Rogers: The First Avenger is a 4 point character that comes from the starter box. He has high defense physical and energy, he has 11 health total. You can tell he is not a big offensive piece, as his attacks even his spender are small strenght attacks. His Vibranium shield can add 2 dice to his physical and energy defense, which compliments well for him having Bodyguard. He is a big resistant piece that can stay in the middle of objectives and throw enemies around with a small spender. When injured he is even MORE defensive, as he shares Black Panther healthy ability of adding blanks do his defensive die thats not considering his +2 dice to defense.
- He has three cards where he can combo with other characters. First is a ricochet blast that is target from Captain America and is shot by Iron Man. The other is Thor doing his Thunderwave. And the last is Captain America (both) going to the ends of the line with Winter Soldier where they become unmovable and COMBINE their defenses, making both Caps and Winter Soldier absolutely monsters in the field.
Affilitation power: A Day Unlike Any Other - Each turn you may reduce the power cost of the first superpower used by each ally by 1, to a minimum of 1.
- Now this is the Core Box ability. To get the most out of it, the ability can be used in any turn, be it yours or your opponent. So having characters that have more reactive superpowers (for instance, Vision can change his phase during an opponent attack, while in his turn he can use calculated trajectory to throw something). Cheapening any first ability is also useful for characters with expensive powers, like Captain Marvel who herself is not bad, but depends on her Binary Form to reach her proper potential.
- Cards wise, they are prety basic. Power for damage to hulk, which is expensive and not really worthy for a character that has better ways of getting power. Second Wind for a small heal and Stun removal. And the one that you will most likely have in your hand, Avengers Assemble that allows your team to reposition a small movement.
- Captain America/ Sam Wilson: 10 health total, but Sam has a Large movement that is incredible useful for himself. He is not as defensive as Steve (no I can do this all day), but his basic attack is the Shield Throw that can also push enemies away, making a decent way to securing objectives. He can throw enemies size 3, which is another way to displace enemies from the objective (and forcing enemies to take dodge tests). You can tell he is the more agressive of the the two Caps by his charge, which allows him to move and hit, which with his long range he can essentially reposition himself very well. He can also lift a few of his allies with his power.
- As piece, Sam works extremely well for removing enemies from objectives whenever they are. He is not the one likely to kill them, but he will be the one that will help his allies to keep the enemy at bay.
Affilitation power: All New, All Different - When this character or an allied character is Dazed or KO'd , choose another non-dazed allied character. The chosen character remove 1 wound, removes one special condition, and may advance small. A character can only be affected by this ability only once per round.
- Now this ability is what triggers the Sam Spam. While Captain America (Steve Rogers) is all about heroes who benefit from having powers active or reactive lowered, Sam is all about that wide net. He wants as many people in his team, so he can reposition his team when people fall. It's important to remember again that this game is all about action economy. When you lose a character, you techinically loses 2 activations if the character wasn't activated, or he is KO'd. Sam contributes so that losses don't ever go under one activation. Sometimes, if the opponent dazes an enemy that was activate you technically get plus one activation besides what he has.
- The Avengers are perfect for this because they have a BIG number for the affiliation and lots of decent 3 pointers that can hit well enough. Ant-Man and Luke Cage for instance.