Mass Workshop

A tabletop miniatures game of warfare set in the Mass Effect universe between the races of the Citadel, Terminus systems and the Reapers. The scale of battles is skirmish-scale; smaller than Warhammer 40k, but larger than Necromunda.
Space Combat is handled in the forthcoming Battlefleet: Citadel
Races and Armies[edit | edit source]
Coalitions[edit | edit source]
Coalition battles allow several army lists to be used to make up one force. The main coalitions are Citadel races, Terminus Pirates & Reaper Slaves.
- Citadel Races
- Human
- Asari
- Turian
- Salarian
- Quarians
- Elcor
- Hanar & Drell
- Volus
- Terminus Pirates
- Mercenaries (most Salarian, Human, Asari and Turian units)
- Batarians
- Krogan
- Reaper Slaves
- Geth
- Rachni
- Collectors
- Special unit; Husks
Human Alliance[edit | edit source]
Middle-of-the road army, no particular specialists. Can deploy Makos. Standard, generic units; not specialized, but have a fast and tough transport in the Mako. Unlike the specialization of other armies, or the built-in biotic powers of armies like the Asari, most Human squads can have a biotic member.
Human Squads[edit | edit source]
Soldier Squad
5 models, 100pts
C4 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD6 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have assault rifles and heavy armor by default.
Models can be upgraded to:
1) Commando for 15p (adds 1 each to T and SH, can replace assault rifle with sniper rifle)
2) Shock Trooper for 30p (adds 1 each to W and B, can replace assault rifle with shotgun or heavy pistol)
One model may replace assault rifle with rocket launcher, grenade launcher or flamethrower for 15p.
Human Sniper Squad
3 models, 120pts
C5 T4 W1 I4 A1 LD7 SH1 SV4+ B-
All models have sniper rifles and tactical armor by default.
Models can be upgraded to:
1) Commando for 15pts (adds 1 each to T and SH, adds Assassination ability)
2) Operative for 30pts (adds 1 W, adds Overload and Sabotage ability)
Human Assault Team
4 models, 120pts
C5 T4 W1 I4 A1 LD6 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have shotguns and heavy armor by default.
Can swap out shotguns for heavy pistols for 10pts per model.
Models can be upgraded to:
1) Vanguard for 30pts (adds 1 to B and SH, adds Throw and Charge abilities)
2) Shock Trooper for 30pts (adds 1 each to W and B, can replace shotgun with heavy pistol for free, adds Charge ability)
Cerberus Heavy Assault Team (R)
3 models, 160pts
C5 T5 W2 I5 A1 LD7 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have shotguns and heavy armor by default.
Can swap out shotguns for heavy pistols or Assault Rifles for 10pts per model.
Special Rules: Charge
Cerberus Field Scientists (R)
Human Leaders[edit | edit source]
Human Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Spectres[edit | edit source]
Your Spectre agent costs a shitload of points and is decked out with special abilities. Then you get to buy selected units from all factions for the rest of your points. To be covered at a later stage in the process SO STOP ARGUING OVER SHEPARD FOR NOW.
Geth[edit | edit source]
Gain more orders and actions when there are more units on the table. Many infiltration options (cloaking, deep strike). Mix of weak, tech-vulnerable soldiers and some powerful walkers with heavy-weapons. Like Quarians; have no biotics. Heretic Geth armies gain Husks as close-combat cannon-fodder, while Collective Geth can use Agent Platforms, or 'Choruses' as Hero units.
Geth Squads[edit | edit source]
Geth Trooper − Standard geth troops equipped with geth pulse rifles, geth barriers and capable of recharging shields.
5 Models, 125 pts
C4 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7 SH2 SV5+ B-
All models have Pulse Rifles and tactical armor by default.
Two models may replace Pulse Rifle with a rocket launcher for 15pts.
Each model can use Overload, Overheat or Hacking
Special Rules: Mechanical, Geth.
Geth Shock Trooper − Advanced geth troopers armed with the Geth Pulse Rifle, barriers, Carnage and the ability to recharge shields. Resilient to gunfire.
Geth Sniper − Armed with geth sniper rifles and shielding. Capable of using assassination, specialized for long-range combat. Capable of jamming radar.
Geth Hopper − Cyberwarfare and ambush platform, capable of sabotage, overload and radar jamming. Attacks using the geth sniper beam. Light shielding.
Geth Hunter − Stealth troops armed with shotguns and shielding. They possess tactical cloaking devices.
Reaper Husks (R) - Created by placing living humanoid onto 'Dragons Teeth' spikes, these mindless zombies are vile products of Reaper technology.
Geth Leaders[edit | edit source]
Geth Prime − Elite geth unit equipped with geth pulse rifle and rocket launcher or siege pulse. Very strong shields and extremely resilient. Improves combat skills of nearby geth.
Geth Juggernaut − Similar to geth destroyers. Equipped with geth pulse rifles and rocket launchers. Heavily shielded and very resilient
Geth Destroyer − Equipped with flamethrower and strong shielding. Specialized for close quarters combat, has the ability to charge.
Geth Chorus (P) - a Mobile Platform containing thousands of geth consciousnesses, this agent is a superior body for the geth, able to reason and plan with amazing intelligence.
Geth Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Geth Dropship − Standard troop transport and geth equivalent to a frigate. Extremely resilient to small arms and ground vehicle fire.
Geth Armature − Anti-personnel light walkers capable of launching geth siege pulses. Also possesses shields.
Geth Colossus − Geth heavy walker capable of launching devastating siege pulse attacks and machine gun attacks. Extremely strong armor and shields.
Mercenary armies[edit | edit source]
Tend to use cheap cannon-fodder units like vorcha or mechs to provide cover for their expensive leader units. If the top leader (The Warlord) falls, the army has to save or break; the next highest ranked commander unit is the new 'Warlord'
[edit | edit source]
Emphasis on small commando units and tech support from Machinists. Best hackers of all factions. Quarians come with cheap Tech upgrades at the cost of not having Biotics and being generally expensive and a glass cannon army. Insane dakka output but low toughness. Use of Anti-Biotic Drones. Tech debuffs; anti-biotic field drones are a great idea. Use of tech drones to harass enemy while a few heavy-weapons commandos and snipers pick off the weakest. Maybe have a special 'Uncertain Gravity' rule; Growing up on board the flotilla most Quarians have developed an innate mastery of uncertain gravity, weightlessness, sudden shifts and the vagaries of constant spaceflight. As a result many biotic powers relying on these sudden changes to startle and disorientate their foe fight Quarians surprisingly tough. Many powers are less effective as a result. Quarians then may ignore X and X biotic powers.
Quarian Squads[edit | edit source]
Quarian Mechanists
5 Models, 125 pts
C3 T2 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH2 SV5+ B-
All models have SMGs and tactical armor by default.
Each model may replace SMG with a shotgun for 10pts.
Each model can use Overload, Overheat or Hacking
Special Rules: Quarian
Quarian Leaders[edit | edit source]
Krogan[edit | edit source]
Force on their own, or can be used as mercenaries in many armies. Berzerk when they've taken a certain amount of damage or if they get close to an enemy unit. Vat-grown Krogan can not be given advanced orders. Use Clone-Krogan, Vorcha and Varren as screening units while the Pure Krogan and the Battlemasters move forward. Krogan Charge is a damaging move+Close-combat attack.
Krogan Squads[edit | edit source]
Krogan Pack
4 Models, 170 pts
C5 T5 W2 I2 A2 LD6 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have assault rifles and heavy armor by default.
Models may replace assault rifle with Shotguns for free.
One model can upgrade to a Warrior and purchase +1 Initiative, Biotic Charge and a 6+ Barrier for 20pts
Special Rules: Krogan Charge, Regeneration, Recovery
Vorcha Grunts
5 Models, 100 pts
C1 T4 W1 I2 A1 LD6 SH- SV6+ B-
All models have assault rifles and light armor by default.
Models may replace assault rifle with Shotguns for free.
One model can upgrade to a Blooded leader and purchase +1 Wound for 10pts
Special Rules: Vorcha
Vorcha Pyros
3 Models, 100 pts
C1 T4 W1 I2 A1 LD6 SH- SV6+ B-
All models have flamethrowers and light armor by default.
One model can upgrade to a Blooded leader and purchase +1 Wound for 10pts
Special Rules: Vorcha
Varren Pack
5 Models, 100 pts
C1 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD4 SH- SV- B-
All models are unarmed.
Special Rules: Pounce, Animal
Krogan Leaders[edit | edit source]
Krogan Battlemasters - need to be one of the most powerful units in the game; tough and able to perform a combined Biotic and Krogan Charge.
Krogan Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Asari[edit | edit source]
Most units are biotics. Many Vanguards. Adepts use biotic control powers while Biotic Vanguard Squads move through cover until they can charge into close combat. Matriarchs are enormously expensive Adepts, providing leadership and tactical bonuses.
Asari Squads[edit | edit source]
Asari Commandos
4 models, 120pts
C5 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8 SH1 SV5+ B5+
All models have assault rifles and tactical armor by default.
Each model can use Throw, Warp or Squad Barrier.
Models may replace assault rifle with Shotguns for free.
Special Rules: Natural Biotics.
Asari Support Squad
Asari Kill Team
Asari Militia
Asari Tech Squad
Asari Shock Troopers
Asari Diviners
150pts for 3 models.
C3 T3 W1 I8 A1 LD8 SH1 SV6+ B4+
Special Rules: Natural Biotic - An Asari unit receives either Lift, Throw or Warp for free. Embrace Eternity - The Asari Diviners can see beyond the normal world, and see the course of battle from another perspective. If they do not move or attack they may devote an entire turn to aiding the actions of a single Asari squad or Hero. The squad or unit 'blessed' may re-roll one dice (of the Asari player's choice) for each living Diviner per turn, up to a maximum of three. Re-rolls must be made immediately after each unsatisfactory roll.
Equipment: Simple armor and pistols.
Asari Leaders[edit | edit source]
Asari Matriarch and retainers
3 models, 350pts
1x Asari Matriarch: command unit
C5 T3 W1 I5 A1 LD8 SH1 SV5+ B3+
Equipment: Tactical armor, and one of any weapon type excluding heavy weapons.
Abilities: Four biotic powers, from the choice of; Warp, Throw, Lift, Squad Barrier, Reave, Stasis, Singularity, Biotic Charge.
Special Rules: Biotic Mistress - The Matriarch can use two biotic powers per turn
2x Asari Handmaiden: Veteran second-in-command/bodyguard
C6 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7 SH1 SV5+ B5+
Equipment: Tactical armor, and one of any weapon type excluding heavy weapons.
Abilities: Two Biotic Powers from the choice of Warp, Throw, Lift, Squad Barrier, Biotic Charge.
Asari Huntress
100pts per model.
C7 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8 SH1 SV5+ B5+
Special Rules: Independent Character, Natural Biotic - An Asari unit receives either Lift, Throw or Warp for free.
Equipment: Tactical armor, and one of any weapon type excluding heavy weapons.
Ardat-Yakshi (R)
1 model, 200pts
C5 T3 W1 I5 A1 LD6 SH1 SV5+ B4+
Equipment: Tactical armor, and one of any weapon type excluding heavy weapons.
Abilities: Dominate, as well as 1 Biotic Power from the choice of Warp, Throw, Lift, Improved Barrier, Reave, Stasis, Singularity, Biotic Charge.
Special Rules:Independent Character, Genetic Destiny - If the Ardat-Yakshi kills an organic enemy in close combat, she may chose to spend a turn standing at the location of their fallen body, stealing their energy while they die. This gives her +1 to C, I, T and LD for the rest of the game. This process can be repeated up to 3 times.
Justicar (P)
1 model, 200pts
C6 T3 W1 I6 A1 LD8 SH1 SV5+ B4+
Equipment: Tactical armor, and one of any weapon type excluding heavy weapons.
Abilities: 3 Biotic Powers from the choice of Warp, Throw, Lift, Improved Barrier, Reave, Stasis, Singularity, Biotic Charge.
Special Rules:Independent Character, Paladin - The Justicar gains +1 to C, T, W, I, A, and LD when in close combat with an enemy leader unit, and for 1 turn afterwards. If she is reduced to 0 wounds when this ability runs out, the model will automatically be removed from battle.
Asari Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Salarian STG[edit | edit source]
All STG units can gain free tech skills. Snipers, saboteurs and infiltrators preferred. Faster and stealthier than Quarians. No Salarian biotics are used in combat. Tactics require sudden overwhelming force to eliminate enemy in a single location, then repositioning for another strike. Salarian recon teams and leader units can lay down templates before a battle and force all units in an area to deployed hidden or cloaked units.
Salarian Infantry[edit | edit source]
Salarian Troopers
Not STG; A basic Salarian fire-team with Assault Rifles, usually deployed in a transport.
STG Field Operatives
STG Science Team
STG Recon Squad
A squad of stealthy infiltrators with SMGs
Salarian Leaders[edit | edit source]
Salarian Scientist
STG Spychief
Provides long-range tactical bonuses to Salarian squad movements and attacks and can debuff enemy squads.
STG Sniper
Salarian Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Salarian Transport Board
A very fast and lightly shielded flat hover-board, capable of carrying a single squad. VI controlled; no driver, no weaponry.
Turians[edit | edit source]
Disciplined army with classic rank structure. Turians don't use a lot of biotics or tech, and are slightly better at ranged combat than at close quarters fighting. Turian units slightly more specialized and inflexible than humans. Sometimes use Volus, including the feared Volus combat exo-suits as heavily-armored and be-weaponed Mech walker units.
Turian Squads[edit | edit source]
Turian Legionnaire Team
5 Models, 115 pts
C4 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have assault rifles and heavy armor by default.
One model may replace assault rifle with a heavy weapon for 15pts.
One model can upgrade to an Immunes and purchase either Overload, Overheat, First Aid or Hacking for 20pts
Special Rules: Turian Honor
Turian Liberator Team
4 models, 125 pts
C5 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH1 SV4+ B-
All models have tactical armor, tactical cloak and sniper rifles by default.
Any model can replace sniper rifle with a heavy weapon for 15 pts.
Special Rules: Turian Honor, Stealth, Assassination
Turian Principes Squad
4 models, 125 pts
C4 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH1 SV3+ B-
All models have heavy armor and shotguns or heavy pistols for free.
One model can upgrade to an Evocatus (gains Tech Armor ability, adds 1 to SH) for 10 pts
Special Rules: Turian Honor
Turian Biotic Cabal
4 models, 150pts
C4 T4 W1 I4 A1 LD7 SH1 SV4+ B4+
All models have Tactical Armor, and a SMG
All models know Lift, Shockwave and Warp.
Any model can replace their SMG to a shotgun for 10pts or an assault rifle for 15pts.
Special Rules: Turian Honor
Turian Leaders[edit | edit source]
Turian Legate Command Squad
3 models, 250pts
1x Turian Legatus: command unit
C5 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD8 SH3 SV4+ B1
Pistol, Tactical Armor
Special Abilities: Artillery Strike, Airstrike, Superior Tactics (provides C bonus to nearby squads).
1x Turian Prefect: Veteran second-in-command/bodyguard
C6 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH2 SV5+ B-
Assault Rifle or Shotgun, Heavy Armor
Abilities: Look Out, Sir... Argh! (takes a bullet for the commander), Overload, Tech Armor
1x Turian Combat Historian: Documents the legion's achievements, also serves as a standard bearer.
C3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH1 SV4+ B-
Heavy Armor, Heavy Pistol
Abilities: Cloak Detection, Tactical Assessment (boosts I for a chosen squad for a turn)
Volus Mega-Suit
Turian Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Elcor[edit | edit source]

Slow support units with heavy weapons mounted on top. The 'slow and shooty' army.
The Hanar & Drell[edit | edit source]
Most of the army would consist of Drell with Hanar clerics encouraging the fight from the back. Drell are fast and fragile close-combat, stealth and sniping specialists, but weak when exposed. If the rumors of Blasto are true, the hanar themselves can be armed. Some Hanar tentacle suits exist; gigantic octopus-like metallic walker units.
Batarians[edit | edit source]
Similar to mercenary lists, using lots of non-specialised combat teams, Varren, and Mechs.
Rachni[edit | edit source]
Similar to Tyranids; some key 'synapse' controlling units and larger swarms of weaker drones.
Collectors[edit | edit source]
Squads of warriors with a reccuring Hero unit; Harbinger. The first DIRECT CONTROL takes place at will, while any further ones make the unit unusable for the rest of that turn, allowing the enemy to shoot at it for a whole turn before you can use him.
Reapers[edit | edit source]
Reaper-aligned forces can take abominations, scions and husks.
Mechs[edit | edit source]
May be used by most armies.
Mech Units[edit | edit source]
5 Models, 100 pts
C1 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD5 SH1 SV6+ B-
All models are armed with pistols
Special Rules: Explosive Exit
5 Models, 100 pts
C1 T2 W1 I3 A1 LD5 SH1 SV6+ B-
All models are armed with built-in melee stun-sticks.
Special Rules: Stun Attack, Explosive Exit
Gun Drone Flock
5 Models, 100 pts
C1 T2 W1 I4 A1 LD5 SH2 SV- B-
All models are armed with built-in pistols.
Models may replace pistols with Assault Rifles for 15 pts each.
Special Rules: Explosive Exit
Renegade/Paragon Choices[edit | edit source]
Some armies have Renegade and Paragon units. While this concept still has to be expanded, certain specialized units are noted as being (R)enegade or (P)aragon. An army may contain either Renegade units or Paragon units; never both unless with prior agreement. The prime purpose of these rules are to codify canon-consistent armies and to avoid situations where Cerberus is fighting alongside Fuckin' Xenos, or Justicars alongside Ardat-Yakshi. It should be noted that the Renegade and Paragon titles are used loosely, within the context of the race's culture. Justicars are merciless killers; but Paragons by the standards of other asari compared to Renegade A-Y.
- Examples of these units include, but are not limited to
- Human Alliance: Cerberus Shocktroopers (R), Cerberus Researchers (R), Turian/Asari Allies (P)
- Asari Republic: Ardat-Yakshi (R), Justicar (P)
- Geth: Individual Agent (P), Reaper Husks (R)
- Rachni: Any units using Reaper upgrades (R), Husks (R), Asari Companions (P)
Rules[edit | edit source]
Basics[edit | edit source]
Ideas for actual Gameplay so far: We will use 40k as a starting point. That means a 6-sided dice system, moving squads, vehicles and individual models around, each player taking it in turn to move all their pieces.
Stats are:
Combat (C) - Toughness (T) - Wounds (W) Initiative (I) - Attacks (A) - Leadership (LD) - Shields (SH) - Save(SV) - Barriers (B)
SH is shields. Allows you to disregard one hit per point per turn. Instant Death weapons ignore shields. Shield recharge does not occur in close combat, and may only recover in cover.
SV is as 40k. (But modified by weapon strength like WHFB???)
B are barriers. Act as an additional saving roll. Not every unit has them. Equivilent to invulnerable save. Maybe a little less powerful.
Combat is used for all attacks, with modifiers affecting Close Quarters - any attacks made against models within 6". Close Quarters is not just physical hits, but close-combat gunfights; Shotguns are CQ weapons, reducing Combat roles at range and giving a bonus in CQ.
Example Infantry Statistic[edit | edit source]
Human Commando
C4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7 SH1 SV4+ B-
Example Vehicle Statistics[edit | edit source]
Vehicle statline has AV instead of Toughness.
1 model, 100 pts.
C6 SH3 W3 A 1 LD8 SV2+
AV: Front: 8 Side: 6 Rear: 6
Special Rules: Vehicle, Transport(6)
Long Range Weapons: Cannon - single target explosive shot that depletes all shields after a successful hit.
Gatling Gun - Functions as an assault rifle with 3 attacks.
Short range weapon: Gatling Gun - as above, but at -2 Combat
1 Model, 100 pts.
C5 SH2 W2 I2 A1 LD6 SV2+
AV: Front: 6 Side: 6 Rear: 4
Special Rules: Vehicle, Walker, Highly Explosive Exit
Long Range Weapon: Rocket Launcher - See standard rocket launcher rules
Short range weapon: Scatter Pulse - Functions as an assault rifle with 3 attacks.
Special Rules: Walker, Geth, Dropship Deployment.
Geth Armature
1 model, 150 pts
C1 SH4 W2 I1 A1 LD8 SV3+
AV: Front: 6 Side: 6 Rear: 4
Long Range Weapon: Siege Pulse - single target shot that ignores and depletes all shields and barriers.
Short range weapon: Scatter Pulse - Functions as an assault rifle with 3 attacks.
Special Rules: Vehicle, Walker, Geth, Dropship Deployment.
Essentially, vehicles are just like normal units, only really tough in certain directions, with no standard LD checks and with differnt Long and Short range weapons. Variable speeds are pre-set along a few basic types. The LD scores provided represent the model's resistance to Tech Hacking.
Army Structure[edit | edit source]
Powers are taken as upgrades to squads rather than be a unit type in themselves.
- Force Organisation
- Leaders
- Troops
- Special
- Heavy
- Heroes
Movement[edit | edit source]
Infantry: the default. Nothíng special, moves 6" / turn
Aerial: moves 12" / turn, ignores terrain
Wheeled: moves 12" / turn, or 6" and ignores difficult terrain
Walker: moves 6" / turn, or 3" and ignores difficult terrain
Unit types[edit | edit source]
Organic: takes more/less damage from certain powers
Mechanical: takes more/less damage from certain powers
Powers[edit | edit source]
All powers are used instead of a normal attack, and an entire squad must declared their the attack/power usage and targets before any rolls are made.
Power types[edit | edit source]
Tech: can take tech powers
Biotic: can take biotic powers
Martial: Covers powers such as Krogan charges or Varren pounces.
Tech Powers[edit | edit source]
Overload Shields - Opposed save, or all Shields are removed from the target as if they had been removed by weapons fire.
Overheat Weapons - Automatic success; affected enemy unit at range suffers -2 to attack rolls, while affected units in close combat are reduced to an initiative of 1 for the next turn.
AI Hacking - When used on Mechanical units, they must pass opposed leadership roles (Hacker and subject takes leadership +1d6) to avoid Hacking. Hacked targets can be immediately ordered to make one standard attack agaisnt their nearest ally or make one standard move in the direction of the hacking player's choice.
Summon drone - Model can summon a small drone to attack the nearest enemy. It is minion-class (1 hit to destroy).
Refine Mech - Model selects a squad of, or individual Mechanical being within LoS and 12" and refines their programming. For the next turn Refined units receive +1 to Combat rolls, +1 to all saves and pass all leadership tests automatically. This ability does not affect vehicles.
First Aid
Cryo Freeze
Tactical Cloak - Individual uses stealth rules
Biotic Powers[edit | edit source]
Some ideas for implementing Biotic Powers:
Warp - Rapidly shifting mass effect fields shred the target, the unfortunate victims torn, twisted and broken by the unpredictable fields. The enemy unit within 12" takes d6 str 5 hits. Armour saves and shields are allowed as usual. (Vanguard and Adepts only)
Warp - 1d3 health damage/1d6 Armour damage/ removes biotic barriers/Two simultaneous warps on an individual enemy will remove it's shields. As in the rest of the game, order of priority is Barrier/Shields/Armour/Health.
Throw - Shockwaves of biotic energy hurl targets within 24" to the ground, slamming them into walls, rocks and off ledges. The enemy unit must pass a toughness test or take d3 wounds. Armour saves are not allowed. (Sentinels and Adepts only)
Stasis - Mass effect fields pin the enemy to the ground with powerful biotic fields. Enemy must pass a -2 leadership test or be pinned next turn. (Sentinels and Adepts only)
Vortex - a powerful biotic field erupts into existence within an enemy squad dragging people of their feet or high in the air. The enemy unit must pass a leadership test or they may not fire next turn. In addition they automatically suffer d6 st 3 hits. (Vanguard and Adepts only)
Squad Barrier - The individual using this power reinforces their squad's barriers. All squad members receive -1 to existing barriers and a 6+ save if they don't already have one.
Push/Pull - move enemy, enemy takes slight damage on open ground, high damage if model passes through or touches scenery on the way. Physical (push/pull) damage only affects unshielded enemies.
Singularity - lay down a small circular template anywhere in LoS within 12". All units in that area are affected. template lasts 1 round if not reinforced. Template can be reinforced by same or another character, and expands out to a larger template; can be reinforced up to 3 times. Unless reinforced, the template goes down a size at the end of your next go until it disappears.
Biotic Charge - after movement, a move up to 4" into CC. Enemies who are hit must pass a Strength vs. Toughness save or be knocked prone and knocked back 1" away from the charger.
Biotic powers will need to be synthesised into a cohesive form and balanced appropriately.
Martial Powers[edit | edit source]
Adrenaline Rush - In addition to their normal move action, once a turn the model may move 2" before or after their attack phase.
Assassinate - The individual may target any model they wish within line of sight, irrespective of closer or easier targets or if the individual is in a squad.
Charge - Model can move 4" to attack an enemy in Close Combat, and attacks with a +2 combat bonus
Pounce- for varren
Weaponry[edit | edit source]
Standard Weapons[edit | edit source]
Pistol: Normal attack stats.
Heavy Pistol: +1 Armor Penetration
SMG: Re-roll one missed attack
Shotgun: +1 Combat and Armor Penetration in CQ
Assault Rifle: Re-roll one missed attack, +1 Armor Penetration
Sniper Rifle: +1 Armor Penetration +1 Combat outside of CQ
Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]
All Heavy weapons can only be fired once per turn unless otherwise stated.
Long-range heavy weapons cannot be used in CQ; while CQ Heavy weapons cannot be used at range.
Long Range[edit | edit source]
Grenade Launcher: See equiv. w40k weapon
Missile Launcher: -1 Combat statistic, +2 Armor penetration. Homing; if it misses intended target, re-roll attack; if that hits, it hits another enemy model within range, determined randomly. If there are no enemy models within range, the shot explodes harmlessly in mid-air.
Avalanche: Functions as the 'Cryo Blast ability. Must spend 1 turn recharging after firing.
Cain: 12" range. Ignores Shields, +3 Armor Penetration. Must spend 2 turns recharging after firing. Use largest w40k explosion template. A 'miss' scatters the shot appropriately.
Blackstorm: Functions as the 'Singularity' biotic power. Must spend 1 turn recharging after firing.
Arc Projector: If the weapon hits a target, apply the effects of the 'overload' ability, then roll to hit again at -1. If that attacks hits, apply overload and repeat again at a -2 modifier, and so on. Must spend 1 turn recharging after firing.
Close Quarters[edit | edit source]
Firestorm/Flamethrower: Use small w40k Flamer template; standard w40k flamer rules apply.
Particle Beam: + 2 Barrier Penetration, ignores and removes Shields (weapon only useable by collectors)
Ammo Types[edit | edit source]
Undeveloped for the time being, as they are hard to balance and make tactically relevant without knowledge of the metagame.
Links[edit | edit source]
Hats is maintaining an index of papercraft models [1] <-- Dead. Replacement would be appreciated.