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A god in the world of Warmachine.

Menoth is the Creator of Humanity, also a bit of an asshole. Lawful Neutral in nature, his creed can be good and bad at any time, depending which serves his agenda. Currently the only one who can fight the Devourer Wyrm on Equal Terms (Or so he and his followers state...) but is getting weaker since there is less worship of him. His realm is the City of Man in Urcean and is the safest stronghold in that plane.

Getting past all the writings about his tenants, what it boils down to is that he says that if humanity doesn't worship him, they can all basically burn for all he cares. Seriously if you don't worship him, you might as well be dirt. However, if you constantly sing his praises, he might just let you pimp it out in his celestial city so you can help him as some energy to fight the Devourer Wyrm. How swell.

The Protectorate of Menoth is the one kingdom in the setting totally devoted to him and takes all the bad parts of religion and times it by five. If you don't convert, you burn, if you convert to him, you get used to fight a big evil lizard, a hard bargain for sure..