
Mobile Implementation of Pen and Paper Systems.
A Java/J2ME project based project, which aims to bring the functionality of pen and paper systems to mobile phones, PDA, and any form of mobile device.
Updates![edit | edit source]
15th Dec 2008: Dice Roller is now functional, and available for download.
Click the picture, then download the large picture - A rar is hidden.
Currently woking on adding Modifiers to rolls, counting successes and the possibility of an expression interpreter, ala /tg/
Functionality[edit | edit source]
The proposed functionality is as follows:
1) Dice rolling system.
2) Location System (Eg, Regional Map).
3) Room system (Eg, localised mapping function).
4) Player sheet creation, Editing and review system.
5) Real-Time combat system (linked to Room System).
6) Dm Resources, such as random encounter tables, treasure generator, exp calculator, etc...
7) Possibility of campaign creation/editing system.
System architecture[edit | edit source]
The system architecture, is as follows:
-The system will have 2 forms, each with two modes.
1(OFFLINE)Player form
-Used as dice roller and character sheet creator, editor, displayer.
2(ONLINE)Player form
- -Client program
- -Used to connect to DM form(via bluetooth) to participate in a campaign.
- -This allow expanded funntionality like mapping and combat to occur.
- -Used as a dice roller, Exp Calculator,Campaign Editor and random things generator.
4(ONLINE) DM form
- -Server program
- -Used for player clients to connect to, to distribute maps, share resources, send messages
- -Provides functiionality for the combat engine, etc....
This project is a work in progress. New progress will be updated here regularly, with additional notification in the form of 4chan threads....
This project is also open to community input, so any and all contributions (Wheter logical, advice, programming or testing) are quite welcome.
Suggestions[edit | edit source]
You guys should input suggestions below!
I'd very much like it to roll more complex things, like 5#3d6+4d8*1d4-10 droplow.
This thing needs to exist.