Mole Marines
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The Original thread is here: [Mole Marines]
A chapter full of Techmarines. Their worship of the machine-god was not enough to fuel their desire to understand the ancient ways, this chapter retreated underground in search of ancient relics. Using their cybernetic technology to adapt to work in the darkest pockets of the underworld, the Mole Marines' eyesight has been replaced with optical sensors to track movement in the darkness. Though most of their time is spent searching for relics, their battle training continues - for with every swing of their massive power picks and combat drills, the Mole Maines grow stronger and more determined to bring honor to the imperium.
Drill-fists (counts as chainfist) are worn by the Mole Marine Terminators and favored for their simplistic dual usage - they can burrow through solid rock and solid armor with equal ease.
Even their drop pods have drills on them.