
AKA Glory of Nagash in Nehekharan, also known as The Cursed Pit, and Cripple Peak by the Skaven, is Nagash's second base of operation (the first being the Black Pyramid) after he was chased out of Nehekhara from his first defeat. Located besides the Sour Sea, it is a terrifying mega fortress bigger than Drachy's castle and rivalling it in infamy, with many edgy skull sculptures, towers, laboratories, Warpstone mines, and an extremely sturdy gate. All personally designed by Nagash himself, using his knowledge of 40 years' worth of Nehekharan architectural studies (meaning the fortress itself is a goddamn masterpiece).
Said fortress was originally carved out of a mountain, broken by a gigantic fuckoff Warpstone meteor crushing down the earth. The Skaven tried to fight Nagash for it, only to end the conflict in a draw, then finally won it after they had a certain fallen king do their dirty work. After a long ass time without Nagash's presence, the damned place's Warpstone was completely mined out by the Skaven of the Clan Rikek. Said clan was destroyed in a single night upon Nagash's second return. After Sigmar kicked Nagash's arse, the bone daddy regenerated again at Nagashizzar, only this time he was so weakened that he was but a husk sitting on his throne, and all he could do was order his undead soldiers around the fortress to ensure that the Skaven do not disturb his eternal nap time, at least until a certain fuck-fest happened.
History[edit | edit source]

"To my Lord, Great King of Death, the Final God, Nagash...
we left the key under the doormat this time.
Your EXTREMELY LOYAL mewling worm, Arkhan.
P.S:The rat problem is getting worse.
Way before the coming of Nagash and the Warpstone meteor, it was ruled by a tribe of barbarians. Since the meteor had not arrived, the nearby lake hadn't been contaminated yet, so it wasn't called The Sour Sea (it's former name was not mentioned), and its nearby Sea, the Bitter Sea was called the Crystal Sea formerly.
After the meteor hit, the humans living there dug the meteor and learned to harness it's power, then used it to dominate the nearby tribe and formed a theocratic kingdom based on the worship of the meteor. In those days, they were known as the Yaghur (aka the faithful in their language). Just like how every powerful people became corrupted with power, its nobles went tyrannical and made their people rebel against them. The Yaghur were overthrown when one of their exiled princes returned and brought the teachings of Malakh, the four face god (one of the many obvious-undivided-puppets of the big four, that or Be'lakor was bored since Malakh is also called The Dark One) to the already chaotic populace. After all the Yaghur nobles were killed, the prince sealed the mountain entrance to the meteor and led many of his followers northwards to the Plain of Bones. Unsurprisingly, Malakh turned out to be just as bad, and split the society into two groups: The original Yaghur who decided to remain at the old location by the mountain, and the The Forsaken; Malakh's followers who occupied the mountain fortresses to the north.
The Forsaken warriors were similar to the Warriors of Chaos: wearing heavy armor while wielding assorted axe weapons, and had superior physiques to the Yaghur warriors. Not to mention having access to magic thanks to the three Sorcerers leading their army.
The Yaghur meanwhile degenerated into a primitive tribe of barbarians with deformed appearances (due to consuming anything coming out of their nearby warpstone contaminated lake: The Sour Sea). Having already been torn apart by their civil wars, they lost much of their technology and thus no longer had the capabilities to forge wargear that was worth a damn (only their chieftains were better armed than their low tier warriors, yet their equipment was just salvaged old gear from glory day's past). They still had the power to control Warpstone, and those who could are the High Priests. These priests rested at the top of their society, being the only group of humans that were not mutated to hell due to their excellent control of the stones, which they used to perform funerals and other spiritual voodoo mumbo jumbo to fool the populace, so long as they got to live comfortably like the greedy fucks they are. Their warriors and common folk were so stupid that Nagash of all people looked down on them as not even worthy to be enslaved by Nehekhara, and yet Nagash was also surprised they survived against the Forsaken for so long.
The Coming of Nagash[edit | edit source]
After Nagash's first defeat and exile, he discovered just how useful Warpstone was for him. This made him want more of it, which led him to where the Yaghur lived. Like an Isekai MC, Nagash infiltrated the tribe, probing for their strengths and weaknesses. When the time was right, Nagash dug out the mountain's Warpstone and used its power to conquer the tribe with his Undead and magic. Somewhere along the line, Nagash befriended a young acolyte named Hathurk, who mistook Nagash for the same mountain god their people had worshiped long ago. With Hathurk's help, Nagash went to where the village chieftains were, intimidating them into submission by sitting on top of a palanquin littered with the corpses of their high priests. Nagash ensured their loyalty by promising them the secret of the Forsaken's alleged prowess.
The actual "secret" was their forgotten technology and lost knowledge that the Forsaken retained, but Nagash knew the Yaghur were too stupid and incompetent to distinguish that bone daddy just straight up told them to eat each other, and the Yaghur were stupid enough to follow along.
The war with the Forsaken took a long and tedious 247 years to end. Mainly because Nagash was preoccupied with the construction of Nagashizzar during that time instead of actually leading the war effort. An uncountable amount of undead workers were used in the construction of the fortress, with their numbers no doubt being supplied by the war-dead. The completed fortress itself was so terrifying that it made even the battle-hardened Forsaken flee screaming in terror.
The Yaghur during this time had been practicing cannibalism under Nagash's guidance, with the result that they were slowly devolved into Ghouls, pale creatures who feasted on human flesh. The village they used to live in completely devolved into messy nests and crypts suitable for such beasts.
Skaven Invasion[edit | edit source]
One of Nagash's traitorous lieutenants: formerly a sorcerer of the Forsaken named Akatha, called the Skaven to the damned place with the promise of the mother-lode of Warpstone that was the meteor. Although the fortress was supernaturally tough and ensorcelled with Death Magic, the mountain it was built on was not, and the Skaven were able to invade the fortress using underground tunnels. Nagash's Undead and Ghoul army proved to be too entrenched for the Skaven however, and the war; known by the Skaven as the War of Cripple Peak, dragged on for over a hundred fucking years. Nagash eventually managed to force a stalemate by killing his traitorous servant Akatha and beating the Skaven back to their invading tunnels, but was unable to push them out of the mountain entirely. Both sides were depleted at this point. Nagash having depleted a great deal of the Warpstone and the entirety of the living populace of the enthralled Yaghur and Forsaken, whereas the Council of Thirteen had spent too much ratpower and Warpstone of their own on the conflict. In desperation, both sides called a truce and began an uneasy partnership of bargaining and trading to hold off the next war as long as possible.
Invasion of Nehekhara[edit | edit source]
Having nursed himself back to full strength, Nagash was preparing to take back his throne in Nehekhara. Since he needed acting commanders in his invasion, he resurrected Arkhan the Black, along with a nerdy vampire called W'soran and his vampire groupie, who came crawling back from their defeat in Lahmia and pledged their servitude to Nagash.
Unfortunately, the invasion was a massive failure thanks to the massive Giga-Chad that was Alcadizzar, whose prowess and sheer HFY'ness made Nagash tantrum for 7 days and 7 nights, trembling the damn place with quakes and green light. Nagash had had enough and decided to throw a genocidal hissy-fit and cheat by contaminating the Great Vitae River; not!Egypt's equivalent of the Nile; turning the entirely of the fucking sub-continent into a wasteland. Only years later, after practically everyone Chad enough was dead from the tainted water, did he send his army to occupy the rest of Nehekhara and capture their current king: Alcadizzar.
Nagash's first death & the rise of the Tomb Kings[edit | edit source]
Nagash used the king as some kind of magic conduit in order to enslave the souls of every Nehekharan, which laid the groundwork for the rise of the Tomb Kings later. Nagash was not done with his uber-dickery however, Nehekhara was not enough, and he desired rulership over the rest of the world. To this end, he started a grand ritual to raise the entirety of the world's dead and use the resulting massive as fuck army to conquer the world. Such a massive magical undertaking however did not go unnoticed.
After receiving visions of doom at the hand of Nagash, the Skaven Council of Thirteen decided to be less incompetent for a moment and put a stop to the huge dick that was Nagash. After forging the Fellblade and learning of a prophecy of who Nagash would die to, they smuggled the Warpstone blade into the dungeons of Nagashizzar and gave it to Alcadizzar. With the blade and the encouragement of a vengeful spirit named Neferem, Alcadizzar went to take down Nagash. With Nagash's death, the ancient kings that were awoken by the first ritual became the Tomb Kings and Alcadizzar wandered out of Nagshizzar with Nagash's head and crown, never to be seen alive again. The Skaven immediately rose up, took the fortress and its Warpstone mines as their own, and chased out Nagash's remaining followers like W'soran.
It would be for over a thousand years before Nagash retook his fortress and plopped his ass down on his bone throne like some kind of Orcus rip-off.